
Chapter 486 Different customs, yellow blood (1 more!)

Chapter 486 Different Customs, Dark Yellow Blood (One more update!)

Almost at the moment when his mind was alerted and the cold wind swept across, that Shang Bo narrowed his eyes slightly.

There was a clear expression of astonishment on his face, and when he saw the wriggling worm full of tentacles, because of its hideous appearance, he subconsciously showed an expression of discomfort.

It seemed as if he had seen something far beyond his own imagination.

Of course, the image of the worm itself is indeed a bit strange, and combined with the environment it is in, the lingering hair itself mixed with blood into a muddy cave, and the three creatures that are still gigantic from a more distant perspective lion head.

It is precisely because of this that in Uncle Shang's slightly squinted eyes, the old farmer's eyes are extremely deep, and a torrent of almost gilded divine splendor runs through and flows through them.

He clearly stood on the spot without moving. From his body shape to his expression to his aura, there was clearly no slight change from the previous moment. But at this moment, anyone who looked at him could clearly see that Uncle Shang The state of being ready to go has been fully revealed.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

That kind of crazy mental warning has not diminished, and the chill is even worse with each breath.

But from the beginning to the end, except for the storm itself that was still turning around, it seemed that time and time had stagnated on them.

No one moved, no one changed in the slightest.

The thousands of eyes just looked at each other for a long time, separated by a crack that seemed to be formed by the intertwined forces of Sumeru, and a door that seemed to have both reality and reality.

More than ten breaths, tens of breaths, hundreds of breaths, hundreds of breaths...

Finally, after a long time, as the black storm conveyed the extreme cold itself, when a certain cloud of smoke and dust suddenly rose, together with the crack formed by the intertwined power of Sumeru, the original cave photo The door to the grotesque world, just like this flashing moment that suddenly changes from clear to hazy.

The Xumi crack itself began to collapse.

The black storm began to become more turbulent because of this collapse itself. Shang Bo could see the illusory door that was both virtual and real. With its own collapse, along with the "shrinking" of its crack itself, a The power of Sumeru, which is as thin as a hair, began to disperse in the storm like this.

But at the same time, Uncle Shang can also feel that this kind of collapse itself actually proves the reality of that grotesque world.

At this moment, strands of faint yellow spiritual light "penetrated" into the world in front of him from the filthy torrent, accompanied by the collapse of the door itself.

Its dim yellow color itself is changing, and a part of it turns around suddenly, and the color becomes deeper and deeper, suddenly becoming no different from the black storm itself.

Another part began to suddenly become lighter and lighter, and its color gradually became lighter, and finally, it seemed that even its own aura faded away in an invisible way.

The fault was not due to the superb pupil technique controlled by the great monks in the Jindan realm, Shang Bo even had difficulty distinguishing the emergence of these brand-new Sumeru powers for a while.

So, even though he was confronting the strange and treacherous bug, Shang Bo still subconsciously looked at the strange change that extended from the collapse of the door to the entire black storm.

Is this the truth and essence of Xumi Jiefeng being born in this world?
Its fierce and turbulent momentum opened the door to the strange world, and the force drawn and diffused by the collapse of the door itself made its fierce and turbulent momentum itself intensify.

This sounds like a story of the chicken laying the egg and the egg laying the chicken, and the children and grandchildren are infinitely scarce.

It may not be possible to trace back to the original origin, but Shang Bo is sure that what he witnessed is an important evolutionary link in the long-term existence of the Sumeru World Wind.

Even at this moment, Shang Boyou still had time to think about it. Perhaps it was precisely because the Xumi World Wind lingered here for a long time that it caused the decline and desolation of the ancestral home of the Yaozu.

But this time, Xu Shiyou was a little bit lucky.

It's just a confrontation in the air, and with the infiltration of the faint yellow aura, it can be seen that in the process of continuous collapse, this Sumeru door itself will completely disappear into the invisible within a few breaths, turning the present world into nothingness. The connection with that bizarre world is cut off.

Everything is safe and sound.

It's not that Shang Bo doesn't have confidence in his own way and law, but in fact, in a strange area, facing strange things, any caution and vigilance can't be overstated, and the best result is if he doesn't do anything.

It was also at this moment, almost at the moment when Uncle Shang almost subconsciously let out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, in front of Shang Bo, the fierce black storm froze for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, in the next instant, the black storm mixed with the power of Sumeru was suddenly entangled, revealing a mysterious figure that covered the sky and the sun.

The twisted shape of the storm is its narrow and wriggling body.

Threads of Xumi protruded from the storm, which were the tentacles swaying in the wind.

It was the reflection of the evil and strange figure separated by the Sumi gate.

And in the next moment, when Uncle Shang's tightly squinted eyes suddenly opened wide with anger, in an instant, the squirming body entangled by the storm began to collapse on its own.

In the process of collapse, those black storms themselves and the power of Sumeru had a very real overlap at this moment, and then, some kind of dim yellow aura shone in front of Shang Bo.

Those auras themselves, wrapped in the power of Sumeru that has not yet dissipated together, turned into tentacles, like one after another pure chains of evil aura light, and in the interweaving and penetration of each other, they turned into a piece of paper. A dense web of spiritual light.

When all the changes arrived here, it still seemed extremely strange.

Between the chains of spiritual light that intersect with each other, there are clearly revealed the seal patterns that bear the Tao and the law, but the splicing of these seal patterns seems to be unreasonable.

It seems that the previous line of writing is still showing "donkey lips", and the next line of writing has already written "horse mouth". Therefore, at the moment when the broken seal lines are spliced ​​together, they themselves collapsed first. , but in the process of collapse, more and more seal pattern fragments are intertwined with each other.

If you look carefully, you can see that the flashing and extinguishing of the spiritual light is not a large net of spiritual light, but when the waves of storms are surging, there are eye pupils appearing one after another.

Furthermore, even with the discordant collapse itself, it seemed that the pupils of the eyes were chapped, and then, blood stains with a certain faint yellow color flowed from them.

There is no harmony between Dao and Dharma.

But at this moment, when anyone looks at it, the strangeness of the eyes, and even the tyrannical power contained in its collapse itself, seem to be some kind of natural characteristics of the overlapping seal pattern circle.

The implication of the supreme killing is so clear, and it makes people feel terrified!

But at this moment, Shang Bo seemed to have seen something incredible, and he seemed to want to scream out because of this incredible.

But this sudden urgency finally made him fall silent.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic aura really shot up from Shang Bo's body.

In just this moment, in the same place, Shang Bo stepped on the gangster step, he made out seal formulas one after another, and struck horizontally in the mid-air.

Then, the moment the immeasurable divine brilliance shined through Shang Bo's figure, it seemed like an invisible Xumi Realm opened from behind Shang Bo, and then a torrent of mana poured away, and in an instant He caught up with the seal formulas that Shang Boheng struck out.

When I looked at it again, the aura of time was flourishing, and there were illusory and hazy appearances extending from the aura of the aura, and then, those appearances turned from virtual to reality, and then wrapped in the aura itself, shining brightly. The precious light, lingering under the reflection of the gilded divine splendor, suddenly turned into a real supreme magic circle, and went straight towards the dim yellow killing demon formation.

When you look carefully, in the supreme magic circle, in the colorful spiritual light, there are 28 flags flashing away one after another. On the flags, there are seal scripts similar to demon script and spells of the way of stars and stars appearing alternately. In the space, it depicts the illusory and ethereal shapes of the 28 constellations.

It seemed to be just the illusion of Shang Bo's flashing flash of magic power.

Or he has cultivated the supreme magic weapon itself to an immeasurable level, making it truly both virtual and real and mysterious.

In the next moment, after the magic circle of the same highest level resisted the killing intent itself, the hole photo itself of the magic circle had no threat at all.

Even without Shang Bo continuing to attack, the killing array with thousands of overlapping pupils collapsed on its own.

It was like the end of a ray of life.

In an instant, the dim yellow "blood stain" flowed out from the void.

On the contrary, at this moment, Shang Bo's expression changed drastically.

His complexion was ugly, especially when he was facing the killing formation.

At the same time, Shang Bo's hand raised and lowered again.

At the same time, his divine sense slashed down like a knife, and when time passed, the torrent of mana pouring away was cut off by Shang Bo.

When I looked again, the 28-star magic circle, which was gradually stained with faint yellow blood, began to collapse on its own because it lost the support of Shang Bo.

The colorful aura is evolving towards its dim yellow color in a flash.

All the harmonious Taoism and seal spells collapsed in it, and even the illuminated magic weapon itself had a flickering whine, and then before this kind of blooming and collapse continued, the treasure was gone. It suddenly turned from real to virtual, and finally turned into pure mana, and then was quickly blurred into a faint yellow color.

That spreading tendency is still going on, as if it wants to go back to Shangbo through the interweaving and resonance of Dao and Dharma.

It's just that the old farmer had already been prepared. The slashing of the divine mind not only cut off the connection between Qi and machine, but even cut off the connection between its essence and root in the more ethereal realm.

That is no longer the mana that Shang Bo manifested.

Even because of this, the strong aura on the old farmer's body was slightly reduced because of it.

But it is precisely because of this that within a few breaths, the dim yellow color of the constantly jumping aura "column", accompanied by the continuous tendency to jump and sense from the air, and then after no results In the end, the ball of thread eventually collapsed on its own.

Just like the scene that the old farmer had seen just now, the faint yellow aura began to divide by itself.

Part of it turned into a black storm, and part of it turned into the formless and formless power of Sumeru.

It's just that after the shocking change in this short period of time, the Xumi gate that penetrated the black storm was completely collapsed and closed, and disappeared without a trace.

In the same place, Uncle Shang finally heaved a sigh of relief, and then jumped back to the side of the carriage.

This time, without Shang Bo's reminder, the six demon horses all fell silent.

Instead, at this moment, the sound of turning the pages of the book in the carriage stopped abruptly, followed by the boy's voice.


(End of this chapter)

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