
Chapter 470 Step Void Pill Realm Qi Jinhong (1 update!)

Chapter 470 Step Void Pill Realm Qi Jinhong (One update!)

A short silence, a complicated silence.

In fact, as early as in the past when Chunyu Zhi made this decision, today's Chu Weiyang has no choice.

It seemed that Chu Weiyang had no choice but to convince himself to accept such a status quo and facts.

After all, the sky is big and the earth is big, this step to open the door and jump out of the fence is the most important step. If you miss today, God knows if there will be such an opportunity.

Therefore, in the same place, when Chu Weiyang raised his hand, the apricot-yellow Langhuan seal pattern all over the sky poured towards Chu Weiyang's sleeve robe for a flash, and then all of them were drawn from his figure by the five-color aura. Emerging above—

Under the cover of all kinds of Taoism, for no reason, the Xumi array flashed away from the five-color spiritual light, and then, wrapped in the precious light of the apricot-yellow flag, flew away in the dark .

At the same time, in the sky above Lingfu Dojo, amidst the rolling red clouds, at the side of Phoenix Skyfire, illusory five-color auras enveloping the hole of the Sumeru Formation, and the moment a ray of precious light fell from the inside, that The formation picture changed from real to virtual again, and suddenly disappeared.

In the original place, only the precious light itself was left, in the extremely bitter wind hanging in the air, it suddenly revealed the true nature of the apricot-yellow flag, and before the flag rose up against the wind amidst the fierce momentum, In the same place, the blazing flames of the Phoenix Skyfire flickered, and wrapped the entire flag in it.

And when Chunyuzhi began to cultivate the apricot-yellow banner with her own Taoism and righteousness, her little mind was still lingering in the "Corpse Dissection and Refining Shape", but in the silent Zijin Chan Palace, it was Chu Weiyang's divine form remained silent for a long time.

It was precisely because the emotions in this flash were too complicated and turbulent that he taught Chu Weiyang that even though he had sent the treasure, he was still silent and didn't know what to say.

Therefore, after a very brief silence, Chu Weiyang sighed for no reason.

"Yuzhi Nu, after all, it is not the treasure that I sacrificed, so I need to be more cautious, and be careful with every step, so that nothing goes wrong. It doesn’t matter if the qi mechanism is cut off!”

To be honest, Chu Weiyang did not lack a treasure, but for Chun Yuzhi, this was a road that he had almost embarked on and could not turn back, and there was only one chance to prove the Tao.

What responded to Chu Weiyang was Chunyu Zhi's clear and cheerful laughter.

"Don't worry, there is probably no more suitable magic weapon for me to prove Dao than this apricot-yellow flag!"

When the voice fell, almost at the same time, Chu Weiyang thought about it.

But without waiting for Chu Weiyang to think any more, Chunyu Zhi's majestic thoughts faded away like a tide at this moment.

In the treasure map world, the smudged red glow also dissipated together.

"I need to concentrate on taking that step out of the fence, Weiyang, wait...see you later."

When he heard these words, under Chunyu Zhi's bright sunshine, which was almost as bright as spring wind and rain, Chu Weiyang's complicated and tangled emotions all disappeared in an instant.

He just gave birth to another general emotion in a thoughtful way.

"Speaking of which, it's not goodbye, but a real first meeting."


The sky above Lingfu Dojo.

Accompanied by Chunyuzhi's return of all his mind, the phoenix sky fire wrapped in the apricot-yellow banner was in full bloom.

Only this time, even though the fireworks were in full swing, they never used that pure heat to melt the treasure from the beginning to the end.

Chunyuzhi was able to walk the road he had walked in the past in an instant after mastering the physical body. It is true that the accumulation of foundation is one aspect, and the power of Nirvana of Phoenix Skyfire is also the mystery.

At this moment, under the package of Phoenix Skyfire, Chunyu Zhi completed the process of cultivating treasures for a long time in the shortest possible time.

It is not some kind of treasure that has been upgraded to a higher level in the years and years, but a kind of tie between Tao and Dharma that is completely integrated into one in a more compact interweaving process, and they are mixed with each other, so it is for The magic weapon of life.

To put it bluntly, after achieving this step, even if Chunyuzhi's Taoist body is damaged in the future, he can still entrust a little of his true spirit on the apricot-yellow banner without any hindrance, changing from yesterday's sword spirit to tomorrow's Banner Spirit.

The mutual entrustment of life means the complete connection between the origin of the treasure and the monk's way and law.

Just thinking about it at the beginning, it is difficult for people to feel that this treasure of the way of masters of the earth has any close connection with the "Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix Talisman Array", the Phoenix Skyfire, and Chunyuzhi's Taoism itself.

In fact, Chu Weiyang earlier was just thinking about it, it was just a flash of inspiration, and he hadn't had time to fully understand it in the future. At this time, with the help of the treasure he refined, he had passed the apricot yellow The grasp of the banner and flag sensed Chunyu Zhi's actions.

In the beginning, it was only the wisps of phoenix fireworks pouring into the flags.

It seems to be cultivating with one's own mana, but in the same way, the aura of the Dao of the talisman array is revealed, but it teaches Chunyu Zhi to use the most delicate means a little bit, arousing the feng shui that was originally branded on the apricot yellow banner The catalog of Gemyufa Formation.

Immediately afterwards, even though the distance was too far to teach Chu Weiyang to cooperate instantly, through such a gentle method, Chunyuzhi still slowly and gently inspired the supreme principle contained in the origin of the treasure——

"Wuji Refining Seal Seals and Qiankun Method Furnace Forging the Sutra"

Only the process itself has actually revealed some subtle connections between Taoism and law. In fact, this is also the case, whether it is seal pattern or talisman; The different details illuminated by the Fa and the different methods used.

It’s hard to say that they come from the same source, but they are mostly parallel and lead to the same goal by different routes.

But such a relationship between Tao and Dharma is still not enough to be used as a talisman!

However, with the arousal of the supreme principle of the origin of the treasure, the aura on the banner circled around, and the solid Fengshui Kanyu circles began to collapse, and the vast seal patterns intertwined in the aura, revealing Unleashed the profound realm carrying the supreme truth.

It was the vain apricot-yellow world. The majestic mountains were trimmed, cut, and piled up, and finally turned into a majestic ninth-level altar connecting the sky and the earth, and on top of that altar, it was almost like a ninth-level altar. In the same huge Qiankun magic furnace, the fireworks in the furnace are blazing, and the aura of Langhuan's seal pattern is also reflected here, turning into an illusory seal seed, suspended in the lingering fireworks.

This is the mysterious state of "Calcination Scripture", the way of Wuji, the supreme skill of the master of the earth.

But at this moment, with the activation of such a profound realm, the phoenix sky fire that had infiltrated into the treasure suddenly reflected a blazing glow, and in the next instant, all the sky fires and scarlet clouds that filled the sky disappeared. , is like a waterfall of feathers and birds, and at this moment, it is constantly pouring towards the furnace of heaven and earth standing on the altar.

Because it is actually discussed, the seal pattern itself that carries Chunyu Zhidao and the law is also real, and it belongs to a complete and supreme seal method.

Of course, in today's "Calcined Scripture", the process of casting the supreme seal method is still very slow.

In the past, the five-element seal method had to teach "Calcined Scripture" to have "indigestion", but now Chunyu Zhi carried the meaning of Jindan, the only supreme seal method in the world, and it was even slower to smelt.

But at this moment, no matter what, the first moment when the fireworks in the furnace began to melt the feather-patterned bird seal, the connection between Chunyuzhi's Dao and Dharma and Langhuan's seal print had already been established!

In fact, at this moment, Chunyu Zhicai breathed a sigh of relief.

As a master of the Dao of Talisman Formation, she naturally recognized who wrote the seal pattern that broke through the air enclosing the nine-color jade-level altar earlier.

Lingqiu Mountain Zong Lao.

Speaking of which, Chunyu Zhi had met him face to face.

Naturally, Chunyu Zhi also understood that after accepting the unprecedented gift from the elder Zong, although Chu Weiyang did not say it explicitly, there was vague uneasiness and vigilance in his heart.

But in Chunyuzhi's view, just refining the five-element seal pattern's defense is still not enough!
Today, with the help of the apricot-yellow flag to control one's own Dao fruit, teaching Langhuan's seal pattern to be completely connected to the harmonious Dao fruit of a great monk in the Jindan realm, and to completely lead the evolution of her seal seed to an immeasurable realm, this It is really for Chu Weiyang to cut off those potential crises in the inheritance of Taoism!
One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

During the extremely slow accumulation and smelting, Chunyu Zhi sensed carefully, when those extremely voluminous feather-patterned bird seals, about [-]% of them at this moment, turned into aura dust and swirled in the fireworks, and then merged into the Langhuan After the seal type.

Suddenly, there was a loud and clear Fengming sound.

When he looked again, there was a sudden change in that profound realm!
Those feather-patterned bird-seals gently wandering in the furnace of heaven and earth, at this moment, from the seals themselves, they re-formed the true nature of phoenix sky fire!
Almost instantly, the disharmony between Tao and Dharma will cause violent vibrations.

However, the connection between the seal patterns has already been firmly established, and in an instant, the phoenix fire directly submerged into the Langhuan seal seed!
Of course, the appearance of the seal seed was originally a reflection, and at this moment, it was more like the cloud of heavenly fire washing away from the phantom of the seal seed!

In an instant, the discordant feeling about to vibrate violently disappeared at this moment, and then, the crimson sky fire fainted in the furnace of heaven and earth.

Lie Yan (raging flames) and Lie Yan (raging flames) blend together at this moment, completely indistinguishable from each other!
The mutual smelting of seal patterns has never been Chunyu Zhi's real goal. With the breath of smelting seal patterns, turning the phoenix sky fire into the fire of calcining truth in the furnace of heaven and earth is Chun Yuzhi's real goal!
Fenghuang Tianhuo plays Wuji refining seal script.

Fire gives birth to earth.

This is the simplest and purest principle of Taoism, which has become the only one that Chunyu Zhi's Taoism has been completely integrated into the treasure, and it is completely indistinguishable from each other.

In the next moment, the scarlet clouds all over the sky were almost boiling. Among the rolling clouds, the phoenix image that was transformed into the fire that day collapsed at this moment, and immediately after that, the red clouds all over the sky completely turned into an endless sky at this moment. Sea of ​​fire!

In the next moment, the boundless red flames, like swallows returning to their nests, poured madly towards the magic weapon of the flag that gradually turned golden red.

At the same time, Chunyu Zhi's figure turned from virtual to real, and slowly walked out of the lingering flames.

At this time, Chunyu Zhi's face was like a young girl's, with a phoenix pattern branded between her eyebrows, she was wearing a crimson robe, and she was flying barefoot in the air.

Behind her head was a round mirror wheel, in which immeasurable divine brilliance was continuously condensed like a torrent of red flames, and when Chunyu Zhiyi raised her hand, the golden red flag had already been held by her. In his hand, Fu hangs it lightly in Yang's hand again, and the precious light can be seen sinking into the mirror wheel, floating and sinking among the immeasurable divine flowers.


There is white in the black as the danmu, and the female hidden in the male is the holy fetus.

Taiyi should be cautious in the furnace, and three fields gather treasures to respond to three sets.

(End of this chapter)

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