
Chapter 465 My Palm Saint Zongxiu Dao (4 more!)

Chapter 465 My Palm Saint Zongxiu Dao (four more!)
Outside Tianning Road City, in the raging five-color storm.

The hole in Chu Weiyang's palm shines with the ancient, simple and harmonious five-color bright light. The bright light is accompanied by the growth of the five elements and lasts for a long time. The relationship has also been maintained for a long time.

The turbulent storm never cut off this connection, and even Zhou Jin's powerful mana from successive cave shots couldn't control it in the slightest.

And with the connection between the Qi machines, the bright light from the hole on the five-color jade talisman is also better than a breath.

After all, in the early days, it was only Meng Huaixiang's five-color aura that was shown in the air, which was enough to shake the hidden aura of the treasure. What Meng Huaixiang inherited was only the original version of the five-element escape method.

But now Chu Weiyang's five-element escape method has been adjusted. It is the original inheritance of the ancient sect. It is not only from the same source, but also a complete reproduction and inheritance.

Therefore, when Chu Weiyang Cave illuminated such aura of Dao and Dharma, just in the blink of an eye, with the establishment of the connection, Chu Weiyang was like the jade talisman that was "refined from space".

There had never been any imprints of seal pattern prohibition chains or anything like that, but at this moment, just by relying on the five-color escape light, Chu Weiyang was enough to grasp the five-color jade talisman from the air.

The flashing moment when energy interweaves and resonates is the unreserved blooming of the profound foundation of the five-color jade talisman in a single breath.

So, also at that moment, in the middle of nowhere, there was a fragmented voice coming out.

But in the original place, except for the five-color aura that became more and more rounded and bright, there was nothing.

But Chu Weiyang understood that it was the sound of Zhou Jin's embryonic form collapsing.

"how come--"

Zhou Jin's roaring voice earlier seemed to be still whirling in the raging storm, and this almost undetectable fragmented voice was the last trace of Zhou Jin's life in this world.

The collapse of the embryo means that the three elements of essence, energy, and spirit collapsed together at the same moment.

That is actual death.

Finally, as expected, without a sound, the blood mist rising from the sky became the reflection of the fragmented voice, and then, the five-color aura jumped up, and in the majestic aura of the five-color jade talisman, it seemed to be entangled. The five colors form the Dharma Flame.

Naturally, the deep red blood itself only existed for a moment, and then disappeared completely.

The last trace of Zhou Jin was erased by Chu Weiyang.

And until this moment, Chu Weiyang turned his head with ease again, and looked at Meng Huaixiang not far away who was still anchored by the five-color aura.

Zhou Jin's death did not make Meng Huaixiang feel better.

On the contrary, Chu Weiyang, who has mastered the five-element escape method that seems far more simple and profound than himself, controls the five-color jade talisman with an unprecedented posture. , it was more like a dense net, tightly wrapped around Meng Huaixiang's figure in an airtight manner.

But in the face of his own situation, Meng Huaixiang was far more free and easy than Zhou Jin, or in other words, he was more crazy.

Even knowing that there is no chance of escaping in such a dense air lock, Chu Weiyang activated and refined the jade talisman, activated the treasure's foundation, and taught Zhou Jin to collapse on his own in just a few breaths. Among them, Meng Huaixiang didn't even try to struggle.

Standing in the mysterious realm with both fiction and reality, Meng Huaixiang just laughed until his voice was hoarse and his tears flowed down his cheeks, staring at Chu Weiyang for a long time.

"It's not me! I said it earlier! It's not me!"

"It's you! Taoist of the Five Poisons! Master Langxiao Mountain! Who are you? You—you are better at the Five Elements than the people of the Five Elements Sect!"

"who are you--"

Facing Meng Huaixiang's continuous questioning voices, Chu Weiyang never thought of responding.

After all, some experiences and foundations are too shocking. Even though Chu Weiyang has exposed the Five Elements escape method, he doesn't want to reveal more foundations.

Even for Chu Weiyang, with his current background and what he is about to accomplish at this moment, even if many things are exposed, it is irrelevant and will only become a footnote to his famous reputation.

But Chu Weiyang still wanted to subconsciously hide it, as an arrow in the back, maybe when he didn't notice it, he could hurt someone again.

In the same place, Chu Weiyang was still thinking like this, even the flashing moment that carried the thoughts and thoughts in his mind was still throbbing and active, suddenly, from the distant sky beyond the vision of all cultivators, At this moment, a torrent of sword energy suddenly rushed past!

That sword was too fast, as if it was the five-color aura that Zhou Jin had aroused earlier.

At the flash moment that Zhu Xiu didn't expect, the sword energy had already washed away.

When he got close to Zhuxiu, Zhuxiu discovered that the sword energy itself was illusory, and there was no real power of Taoism. The power of the mysterious level, such as cause and effect, such as luck.

This is also the reason why Zhu Xiu never had time to escape.

In an instant, the sword qi was divided into 24 at the moment of sensing the flashes of the various cultivation qi mechanisms, and each complex was transformed into a complex, thus interweaving into an illusory torrent of sword qi, rushing past the places where the various body-cultivating forms were located. .

Also at this moment, several sword qi buzzing sounds sounded one after another.

When you look carefully, you can see that the four figures are revealed from hiding, and they are the Taoists of the three veins of Jianzong.

It is only natural that they master the Tao and the Law that come from the same source, and they are induced by the supreme sword energy from the sword map hole.

And then, it was Lu Beihai who was surrounded by a slight breeze.

The sword energy never buzzed, but it seemed to feel Lu Beihai's sword energy and sword intent.

But even at this moment, outside of Ningdao City, there is still a sound of sword energy buzzing for a long time.

The familiar situation seems to have happened once.

So, no matter how surprised or unbelievable he felt, at this moment, Zhu Xiu still followed the sound of the last humming of sword energy, and looked in the direction where Chu Weiyang was standing.

Just outside Chu Weiyang's five-color glow cloak that he was still wearing, successive bursts of sword energy arrived from far away, as if seeing the place where Chu Weiyang's body was located as the end.

This sword energy is only for anchoring. After Qinghe Taoist sacrificed his first sword from the air, he has lost all the real power of Taoism after entering the illusory sword picture, leaving only the induction of aura.

As a result, the brilliance suddenly became hazy and illusory, as if outside the cloak, it was covered with another layer of gauze.

But at this moment, what Zhuxiu cares about is no longer that change.

And among the crowd, among the four members of Jianzong who had shown their figures earlier, there was an ordinary Daoist of the lineage of Jieyun, who tore apart the dead silence that had long lingered among the cultivators with an almost sharp voice.


And almost at the instant when Chu Weiyang's name was actually called out, among the crowd, some of the Daoists who had lived earlier in the history had already shown a surprised look on their faces.

Among them, Taoist Yunshou of the Shenxiao Sect was included.

And it was precisely in this flash of light that he wanted to understand the root of Chu Weiyang's identity, and then he thought of the few words that Fu Mei's old way had taught him before the turmoil in the past; Thinking of the secret method of Tianxin subduing demons that my master and sister traveled thousands of miles to return to the sea from the mountain gate, and never left her mouth...

So, in a silent sigh.

Yun Shou stepped out of the crowd slowly, and stopped the four of Jian Zong.

"Everyone, Pindao is half of the host in this impermanent turmoil. Pindao has to repeat again, the iron law is the iron law, and no one is allowed to disturb the cause and effect!
No matter who he is, before this turmoil is over, Pindao can ensure that he will not get away. As for everyone, if you mess around, Pindao will not agree! "

He not only said so, but also did so.

Facing the nearly distorted faces of the four monks of the Sword Sect, Taoist Yunshou stood calmly, and the moment his voice fell, the five-color thunder spells appeared, entangled on his zenith one after another, and turned into one side. Five-color Thunder Canopy.

But in the same place, Chu Weiyang never looked at those four people from the beginning to the end.

It was just accompanied by the buzzing sound of sword energy, accompanied by his real name being called out in public like this.

Chu Weiyang stood in emptiness, but his heart was constantly filled with almost absurd emotion.

Sure enough, this kind of karma and luck, even if you understand the rules of it, it is not so easy to stir up. I thought that I promoted this impermanence, and consciously hid behind the thick curtain.

But who would have thought that the side of the curtain that his back was facing was really a crowded stage!
While he was stirring his karmic luck, this impermanent turmoil was stirring him.

But in the same place, Meng Huaixiang suddenly laughed.

"I see! I see everything—"

When the voice fell, Meng Huaixiang took a step in the direction of Chu Weiyang.

In the next moment, his figure, which was both virtual and real, suddenly seemed to melt, and melted into the five-color spiritual light of Chu Weiyang shining through the hole.

Meng Huaixiang voluntarily chose to step into the battlefield of pure Tao and law, and sent a decisive blow towards Chu Weiyang!
But Chu Weiyang stopped there, still with a little emotion on his face, but he didn't have the same decency to set foot in that battlefield and give Meng Huaixiang the final curtain.

After all, Meng Huaixiang knows how to escape the five elements, Chu Weiyang knows it, and even Chu Weiyang does it far better than Meng Huaixiang.

From the beginning to the end, Chu Weiyang just stood there calmly, and then continued to control the jade talisman with the five-color aura for a long time, and the five-color jade talisman that was shining did not even have any violent fluctuations.

As early as the moment when the aura of the jade talisman sensed Chu Weiyang's figure, the outcome of this life-and-death battle had actually been resolved.

There was no sound of shattering, no burst of blood, Meng Huaixiang just blended in like this, and disappeared into the dust formed by the surge of five-color spiritual light.

Only the gloomy light that Chu Weiyang ingested from the virtual and the real without a trace proved the last trace of his existence.

And after doing all this, Chu Weiyang never looked back at the sword sect daozi who almost went crazy right after him.

Instead, he took a step forward and looked towards the distant sky, and looked towards the direction where his dojo was located.

Immediately afterwards, a slight smile appeared on Chu Weiyang's face, and after that, when the smile gradually faded, it was Chu Weiyang who looked in the direction of Daozi Jianzong.

Taoist Yunshou didn't say anything more, he just looked at Chu Weiyang silently, nodded slightly at each other, and then retreated to the side.

But Chu Weiyang once again ignored the four members of the Sword Sect. He looked around and looked at the expressions and faces of all beings. body.

It was pure anger, and the ultimate killing intent.

And behind these four people, in the distance, one can already see one after another figure that is about to break through the sky.

So, Chu Weiyang waved his hand carelessly towards the direction of the dojo.

At the same time, Chu Weiyang's hoarse voice rang out, resounding in the ears and minds of the Taoists of all sects.

"Some fellow daoists may have already guessed it, and it's okay if some fellow daoists didn't."

"Poverty Taoist Chu Weiyang, formerly a prisoner in the Demon Suppression Cave of Jianzong, the last descendant of the Panwang Sect; he was also a casual cultivator who escaped from the Demon Suppression Cave and fled ninety thousand miles; he is also the Taoist of the Five Poisons of the Lingfu Daoist Temple, and the master of Mount Langxiao. "

"You waited today and came here in a rage, just to get a settlement?"

"But it's a coincidence that there is also a blood debt here in Pindao, and I want you to pay it in blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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