
Chapter 4 Open the golden lock and walk away the dragon

Chapter 4 Open the golden lock and walk away the dragon

Looking quietly at Guo Dian lying on the ground, Chu Weiyang's expression returned to the previous silence and numbness.

He may still be in pain, but that pain, accompanied by Guo Dian's death, seems to have exceeded a certain threshold, and it is like a taut string being completely broken.

Suddenly, he was no longer in pain.

It is like the first wave rising in the boundless ocean, like the first gravel falling from the high mountain, like the first spark burning in the lush forest.

The pain that originated in the heart did not disappear, but was transformed into something else within a very short period of time——

Unprecedented anger!
Anger towards Zhenmoku, Qianyuan Jianzong, and everyone who decides to feed pig food to them every day!
If there is a reason to speak of, they should be the ones lying on the ground at this moment!

On the spot, the young man took a deep breath.

In a trance, he seemed to have an illusion that the boundless anger was also taken into the stomach pill at this moment, and the anger was burned by the heart fire, wandering between the five internal organs and chakras, smelting an unprecedented " Big medicine!"
But in the end he calmed down.

The young man just stared fixedly at Guo Dian's figure.

He bent down and gently picked up Guo Dian, who was already very thin, and separated the shoulder-to-shoulder crowd in the grotto. After only a few steps, Chu Weiyang walked to the deepest part of the grotto with Guo Dian in his arms.

It seems that there should still be some way to go.

If the road was still open, the grotto would look more like a mine, but at some point, that section of the road collapsed, and what was blocked at the end of the grotto was full of jagged gravel.

In the corner at the end, many gravels were deliberately piled up, and the jagged stones were also smashed to remove the edges and corners as much as possible.

A pothole the size of a person appeared crookedly there.

This is the last sliver of humanity in this sprawling spooky world.

It was like a mass grave, and there was no Feng Shui to speak of. He simply found a clean and spacious hole, and Chu Weiyang buried Guo Dian's body in it.

A few pieces of gravel were densely spread on the pothole, looking at the bulging and shapeless tomb, Chu Weiyang with a gloomy face finally sighed.

It is said that it is a kowtow to see the end, so naturally it should be done like this.

In the same place, the young man pushed the golden mountain and inverted the jade pillar, and knelt in front of Guo Dian's tomb.

Bending and kowtowing, Chu Weiyang's forehead hit the ground straight.

At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly sounded. Strange to say, people couldn't tell for a while whether the sound came from outside the grotto or from the closed corridor.

Immediately afterwards, bunches of dust fell from the top of the grotto, and the next moment, the movement of the earth trembling became intuitive and clear.

Chu Weiyang raised his eyebrows.

The two of us are loving fathers and filial sons, how can we do so much by kowtow?
Without waiting for Chu Weiyang's idle mind to continue to think deeply, within two or three breaths, there was suddenly a thunderous roar from outside the grotto.

The resounding sound of the brilliant Tao pierced through the heaven and the earth.

"How courageous! This place is where the Qianyuan Sword Sect is located! The place where the Demon Suppresses the Cave! Who are you, who dares to touch my patriarchal formation! Want to test the sharpness of the sword?"

Turning his head to look, Chu Weiyang knelt and sat in the deepest part of the grotto, looking at the very narrow door of the grotto from a distance.

Just this one sentence resounded, and instantly taught people to understand the context of coming and going.

Chu Weiyang saw it clearly. At this moment, there were already active people. Seeing that someone broke into the mountain, and the Town Demon Cave was going to be chaotic, he didn't know where the strength came from. He bent his waist, walked a few steps quickly, and rushed out of the grotto. run away.

Seeing someone raise their head again, people's hearts fluttered even more in the cramped grotto.

Cursing an idiot, Chu Weiyang didn't get up immediately, but rolled forward obliquely. Chu Weiyang slid into an empty hole like an arrow that left the string. .

Immediately afterwards, Chu Weiyang sat up from the hole, and quickly found a few larger boulders, which could just cover the hole.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Weiyang buried himself in the pit.

In the next moment, a deserted voice seemed to be transmitted to the grotto from a far away place.

"Ha! Where is the Sword Sect? The place where the demons are suppressed? Why did you arrest my little nephew? He is the son of Taoist priest Chunyu Dongling! He grew up under the lap of Danxia's mother in Tingchang Mountain since he was a child! Niubi, only you just now In a word, the two families are offended!"

"I'm not going to ask who you are anymore. After I break the magic circle, enter the Demon Town Cave, and rescue the little nephew, then Dongling Chunyu's family and Tingchang Mountain will naturally want to knock on the sword sect." Shanmen, ask this matter clearly!"

The sound was transmitted from afar, it was already as bright as thunder, and then, the earth shook and the mountains shook, it was more like a continuous storm after the thunder flashed!
In the next instant, all kinds of shrill screams came one after another, a few pieces of gravel fell, Chu Weiyang's eyes went dark, and it was completely difficult to distinguish the situation outside, only the thunderous shouting sound, It can still be transmitted from a distance outside the grotto.

"Ha! Even if there is some kind of misunderstanding in it, there is absolutely no reason to rush into the mountain like this! To save your nephew, you rushed into the magic circle and turned the earth dragon over. Just these two strokes, I don't know how many lives have been killed! Such behavior, In front of my Jianzong mountain gate, are you still trying to make sense? Under Danxia's mother's gate? Fellow Daoist, I'm sorry, take you down, let's talk about the misunderstanding!"

Immediately afterwards, the cold woman's voice seemed to be extremely angry, but instead she sneered.

"I'll teach you all the good things! Whoever gets the truth, let's see the truth!"

And then, with the continuous tumbling of earth dragons in Zhenmo Cave, the majestic evil qi deposited under the mountain's mineral veins, at this moment, seemed to burst a dike, following the turbulence of the mountain, gushing towards the sky!

Lying in the pit, Chu Weiyang only felt severe pain coming from his limbs almost simultaneously.

The next moment, the young man's eyes darkened again, and he lost consciousness.


In a trance, Chu Weiyang seemed to have had a long dream. In the dream, there were strange lights, mud and rocks growing along the steel and iron, colorful lights absorbing people's minds, and ferocious giant beasts roaring past. , There is soundless fire and light running through the heaven, earth and universe.

After that, everything disappeared quietly.

There is only long hunger, boundless pain, and growing anger!
The chaotic dreams of the past and the present made Chu Weiyang finally wake up from his stupor.

Lying horizontally in the pothole, the surroundings are very peaceful.

Without the brilliant Taoist sound, without the booming landslide.

Raising his hand slightly, the young man tentatively pushed the boulder covering the pothole.

I don't know if it was due to the gushing out of evil energy, but the originally hard boulder became brittle. Chu Weiyang lifted it up with only a little force.

As far as the eye can see, there are corpses everywhere.

This time, Chu Weiyang had no emotion at all.

After all, from the day they were taken into the Town Demon Cave, logically speaking, this group of people should have died long ago, and it was no different from being dead.

Slowly walked to the door of the grotto.

The strong sunlight made Chu Weiyang narrow his eyes and almost shed tears.

Then, a slight groan attracted Chu Weiyang's attention.

On the mountain road not far away, a huge boulder seemed to have been thrown down from the top of the mountain, blocking the mountain road tightly. Under the boulder, the steward Ma was lying horizontally, most of his body was outside, and the lower half of his body disappeared under the boulder.

As for the leather whip, I don't know where it fell.

Twitching the corner of his mouth with difficulty, Chu Weiyang probably wanted to laugh, but somehow he couldn't.

He just twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at Guanshi Ma.

"Hey! Manager Ma, are you still alive?"

 ps: It’s a little sloppy, I’ll update it today

(End of this chapter)

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