
Chapter 303

Chapter 303

In fact, facing the profound inheritance of Huanghuazong's Furnace Dharma, facing Qi Feiqiong's deliberate display of amorous feelings.

Chu Weiyang had thought that Qi Feiqiong would be "punished" for the minor flaws in the agreement on the fighting method, so that Qi Feiqiong would immediately feel a little bit of shock from the Taoism of body forging.

But Chu Weiyang is very clear about the priorities of the matter.

Through the process of internal and external feelings, the result of one's talisman array is still continuing to sort out one's own way and law.

Only the Tao and the law cannot live up to it.

This is a gift given by my fate because of my own clear mind.

And Chu Weiyang has always treated Dao and Dharma in this way with sincerity. There is nothing more important than cultivating Dharma.

Even Qi Feiqiong was able to survive in the past because of the real dragon's magic power to sort out and refine his internal organs and chakras.

Of course, Chu Weiyang can also clearly understand that this series of fighting techniques and successive brewing of fighting spirit will teach him to maintain his peak state for a long time.

Even just now, Yun Han and Qi Feiqiong stirred Chu Weiyang's mind like invisible fireworks one after another.

What's more, it can be traced back to the conversation with Chun Yuzhi who further confirmed his heart.

All in all, for no reason, Chu Weiyang had already accumulated a lot of restlessness in his heart.

These restlessness melted in Chu Weiyang's mind, and gradually brewed into violent emotions that intensified and gradually became thicker.

It's time to sort out some more.

Thinking in this way, Chu Weiyang took another deep breath, and suddenly, in the Niwan Palace and above the altar, the cave of "The Diagram of Refinement of Corpse Dissection" shone with dim light.

The flashes of distracting thoughts that emerged were suppressed and forcibly erased by the gloomy light of Daotu's hole.

Things always have to be done one by one. The most urgent thing now is to continue to sort out one's own Tao and Dharma, to refine the massive vitality and cultivate the vitality of nature to the extreme !

In fact, this kind of training process is infinitely close to the end.

The medicinal power of the three-refinement poison path treasure medicine was completely smelted, and within a short time, under the same infusion of vitality, Chu Weiyang's cultivation base Qi mechanism was steadily pushed to the realm of the fifth foundation building!

After Chu Weiyang broke through the fourth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm on the jade altar, in a very short period of time, Chu Weiyang broke through the realm one after another!

However, after that, Chu Weiyang's cultivation base qi had risen wildly for a while, but it never jumped again. What's more, when he carefully sensed it, Chu Weiyang's cultivation base aura even increased slightly. Decay!

Because at the same time, as the true spirit of Yunhan came and went, the transformation and sublimation of Tianxin's thunderous connotation completely tied the two thunder methods, and together they jumped into a more deeply cultivated level. .

Not only are the two thunder methods more closely related in harmony, but when it comes to reality, it is in Chu Weiyang's blood, the complex and simple transformation mixed with profound thunder and blood flames, one after another. Reprinted as many as two times!

Similarly, there are also 32 Taiyin thunder pools of the spine dragon, all of which are brewing at this moment, and the power of Sumeru is expanded, so that they overlap each other, and are reflected in the cold pool in the Dao map through the air.

Vaguely, one can see that the Taiyin Thunder Pools are connected to each other, connecting Niwan Palace at the top and Cold Spring of Mingfu at the bottom!

And also accompanied by Chu Weiyang's internal and external synaesthesia, the connection of the two Thunder Dao methods, such gains and benefits are intertwined, and completely become the comprehensive gains and benefits of Chu Weiyang's physical body, which is the level of the body forging road. Metamorphosis and Sublimation!
Qi Feiqiong still wants to comprehend the way of body training in order to compete?This thought is nothing but wishful thinking!
And almost at the moment when Chu Weiyang's physical body transformed and sublimated, Lei Yuandan, which was shrouded in hazy connotations, melted instantly, and almost at the same time, carrying almost all the power of good fortune and vitality in his body, moved towards Chu Weiyang. Weiyang's limbs and skeletons spread out.

It nourishes qi and blood, bones, and even the meridians themselves!
Especially meridians!
When it was promoted to the foundation building realm in the past, the meridians of the Zhoutian meridian itself had already been nourished by Chu Weiyang with the spiritual light of the wood phase, and now they have been further expanded through the transformation and sublimation of the Taoist body!
The widening of the meridians is also the widening of the upper limit of Chu Weiyang's realm, and the self-discovery of the depth of each small realm. Naturally, it is also the premise that the total amount of Chu Weiyang's mana has not changed. The reason why the Qi machine in the realm of cultivation is retreating and declining.

At first, since the mana is still growing at a slow rate, the decline itself is not obvious.

But as the transformation and sublimation of Chu Weiyang's Taoist body intensified, this decline itself also accelerated abruptly!
Soon, Chu Weiyang's cultivation and aura fell sharply, and in a short moment, he fell from the extremely high level of the fifth level, and then, before Chu Weiyang waited for a while to watch the details of the changes in the inner circle In an instant, Fu fell directly to the relatively stable middle stage of the fifth level.

Even though Chu Weiyang's mana hadn't been lost at all, it had even grown steadily during this process, but the drop in cultivation level still made Chu Weiyang's face suddenly pale.

Because of this, almost in a flash, Chu Weiyang no longer hesitated, his hands intertwined suddenly, and a dharma seal suddenly fell towards the hanging apricot-yellow flag, and as soon as he reached the time, accompanied by the bright light on the talisman circle, Chu Weiyang Suddenly raised his head——

At this moment, the talisman array in front of me is changing violently. As time passes, yin and yang intertwine, mountains and oceans overlap, and the continuous land is wrapped in the thick vitality. At first glance, it seems that the talisman array has transformed into a combination Imaginary and real Shanhe Gui, and then, Shanhe Gui wrapped the extremely vast ocean of vitality, suddenly turned into a little true spirit, and submerged into Chu Weiyang's stomach danding.

Also at this moment, Chu Weiyang suddenly felt a surge of heat, like a splash of volcanic magma, suddenly appearing from the pill in his stomach.

In an instant, Chu Weiyang's successively sluggish cultivation aura came to an abrupt end at this moment.

The transformation and sublimation of the physical body and Taoist body are still continuing, but also accompanied by the continuous growth and refining of vitality, Chu Weiyang's cultivation and aura can finally be maintained at the fifth level of the foundation building state the point.

Nothing increases, nothing decreases.

And in the same way, along with the swallowing of the ocean of vitality wrapped in the entire talisman array, what was also manifested in Chu Weiyang's stomach pill with a powerful momentum was the power of vitality and good fortune.

The refining of ordinary vitality and mana naturally does not require the blessing of these so-called organic forces of creation. It can be seen that these thick but intangible forces are going to move towards the five internal organs after taking the lead in continuously accumulating Chu Weiyang's stomach pill. The chakras spread away, then grew towards the limbs, and then sank to the bottom.

This time, there were not so many methods for Chu Weiyang to practice.

Once it spreads away, the invisible and mysterious part of these organic forces that bless Taoism is destined to disappear in smoke.

It was at this time, in Niwan Palace, Xuanzhen Baojian suddenly hung on the Lingtai, and when the time came, the connection of energy confirmed by life, accompanied by a little gloomy light on it, followed by Then, the extremely vast torrent of gray-black smoke and dust poured down from the Xuanzhen treasure mirror, rushed straight to the inner Zhoutian meridian, and then passed through the central meridian again, and suddenly fell straight into the stomach sac Danding.

It wasn't pure power of the mind and soul. When you looked carefully, you could see the extremely messy fragments of light and shadow that were accidentally revealed in the torrent of gray-black smoke and dust.

Going back to the source, on the Xuanzhen treasure mirror of the cave photo, one can also see the reflection of the mirror light, which is a series of true spirits that look like monsters, souls and gods, but are extremely distorted and out of shape .

This is the really lengthy and useless mental memory of those blood evil Taoist cultivators that Chu Weiyang "reserved" with the help of the souls and true spirits of monsters, except for the background of the practice.

Of course, these mental memories are not completely useless, at least, at this moment, when these messy memories are put into the stomach pill, in the calcination of raging flames, it is like exercising magic thoughts, and you can gain insight into the true spirit. The preface of the four seasons, insight into the transformation and sublimation of Chu Weiyang's swordsmanship!

But in fact, in this torrent of gray-black smoke and dust, the memory fragments of those evil cultivators of the blood evil cultivator only poured in for a very short time, and they were easily smelted in the alchemy cauldron.

Behind this, there is actually a very sad reality revealed-the monks who practice the blood evil way have never had a real life expectancy, a person who enjoys a lifetime!
This vast sea, perhaps because of the demon veins, was controlled by the demon cultivator; he even borrowed some kind of blood debt, and was unable to repay it; he went to Zhenhai Road City, and he was not welcomed by anyone.

It doesn't take long, and the power of the demon veins needs to be cultivated, otherwise, if something goes wrong, the demon veins will bite back at every turn.

The more difficult the road is, it is true that these people can use the power of the demon veins to ascend to a higher realm of cultivation, but they are also destined to face more dangers than monks of the same realm. The dangers and twists and turns in the eyes of ordinary people can easily kill the lives of these blood evil monks.

Therefore, when Chu Weiyang landed on the island to "gather the background", only looking at these very short memories, Chu Weiyang can easily determine the practice time of these people, and those who are older, what kind of The end of the natural self-evident.

Of course, even if the memory fragments of these evil cultivators were smelted in a very short period of time, the torrent of gray-black smoke and dust has not diminished in the slightest, and even became more violent to a certain extent!

This is the main force of Chu Weiyang's "firewood" that used his demonic thoughts to refine his sword intent this time!

Belonging to Fan Lao of the Shenxiao Sect, the memory fragments that have been exhausted in the long years of time, Fan Lao of the Shenxiao Sect is a person who really stops at the realm of the womb, and is going to live to the limit of his life, especially in the past. When Qishen and the foundation of Daoism were still at the end of their peak, after it became clear that there was no hope of proving the Dao, in the extremely long years that followed, Fan Lao of the Shenxiao Sect was doing things that had nothing to do with cultivation.

It is precisely because of this that these pure memory fragments are becoming more and more numerous.

And those extremely loose memory fragments, Chu Weiyang still has to extract the time sequence from them, and finally fall back into the Tao and the law!

Xu Chuweiyang's handling of Fan Lao's memory fragments in this way is already the best consolation for Fan Lao, who has lost his soul in the dark, after the tragedy of seeking enlightenment but failing to come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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