
Chapter 291 Optimistic Sea Zijin Liang (2 more!)

Chapter 291 Optimizing the Sky and Sea Zijin Liang (Second update!)
The next day, early in the morning, when the sky was bright, Chu Weiyang walked up slowly from the foot of the mountain, heading straight to the top of Langxiao Peak.

During this night, there were still continuous fighting techniques.

A sect of Taoists, a master of great teaching, for each Dharma lineage, there are only a few people in a generation, and they are like rare existences.

However, when such a number is expanded from one dharma lineage to the entire sect, and then from the entire sect to the northern and southern borders, and finally to accommodate the 72 towns of Haidao City, and then jump out of the barriers of the human monks, the demon clan The arrogance of all races is also counted in it.

It may be even more difficult for them to prove their arrogance and talent in the past if they want to take away the reputation of the few vain positions among such a huge number.

Their first growth may be when they truly realize, face up to, and skillfully use their extraordinary talents.

And their real maturity may be when they have experienced such feasts one after another, and after seeing all beings in the world, they then understand their own ordinaryness among the arrogance.

If you go through the grinding process, you will wash away all the lead, and you will be able to see the empty and clear Taoist mind.

Now, all cultivators are still crossing, and it is still very difficult.

It was easy for Guy to jump up, but it was very difficult to fall back into the ashes and dust.

The more Xu Shi saw the decline of his own talents, the more he had to struggle hard.

It was also because of this, that the Dragon King's banquet was a night when Chu Weiyang and other true arrogances were absent.

On the way to the top of Langxiao Peak, Chu Weiyang could even smell a slightly bloody smell in the air that was hard to dissipate.

It has nothing to do with the big sun of blood flames hanging in the air, but on the contrary, Yushu Dragon King has controlled the power of the monster blood demon to the smallest detail, without any breath leaking out.

There is one and only one source of these bloody breaths, and that is the lives of the creatures who actually died on the Nine Peaks Altar this night.

Some of the auras contained the evil energy of monsters and beasts, while others were pure bloody aura.

As the Fang family of this way, Chu Weiyang felt it clearly during the journey to the top of the peak. Presumably, the number of deaths of both human monks and monster monks was about five or five.

You still can't show any height.

But this time, there are only nine vacant seats, and it is destined not to be like the alchemy banquet at the reception in the past, even if Zuo Yan is forced to fill up the number, the Xuanyuan and Xuanyuan must be separated.

This time, even if it is the slightest difference, there must be a higher one.

Xu Shi sees it as a difference in superiority and inferiority today, but in the future, it will be the difference between the grandeur and decadence of the backgrounds of the two races.

Of course, after such a night of fighting, as for the early morning, when the purple qi rises eastward and the clear and turbid qi separates, it is the time when one's energy is most depressed after a night of excitement.

The grand momentum of the performance also gradually weakened.

At this moment, Chu Weiyang climbed to the summit.

After seeing the man of the hour, the originally silent crowd suddenly became noisy, and amidst the noise, many Dajiao disciples who had just arrived at the edge of the jade altar were not moving. There was a change in his complexion.

Because like the bloody aura, the smoke and dust aura that has been lingering around Chu Weiyang's body for a long time is also very strong. When he looked carefully, Chu Weiyang's empty and gloomy eyes were as usual, although not yet Seemingly depressed, but also not necessarily excited and excited.

Chu Weiyang obviously didn't have too long time to recuperate his mind last night, and the fact that he failed to reach the peak state of energy and spirit was enough to make the monks who were supposed to perform on the altar according to the original order frown slightly frown.

He spent money!
Looking at Chu Weiyang's current state of mind, energy and spirit, how much effect can this kind of training and confirmation have on the same level as yesterday's fellow disciples?
Just thinking about it like this, when the Taoist from Chunyang Palace was about to say something in the crowd, Chu Weiyang didn't seem to see his expression and reaction at all. At the right time, he immediately boarded the jade altar.

"After yesterday, which fellow Taoist will it be his turn? Let's try a trick or two!"

While speaking, Chu Weiyang's carelessness, in the eyes of the Taoist, seemed more like a lack of energy.

Thinking about it again, the Daoist of Huang Huazong seems to be a furnace harvested by him?Xu Shi blindly participates in the three elements, which is the time to be greedy and unscrupulous.

well!In the end, it has to be my sect's pure yang method, who has no such troubles.

Just thinking about it, the young Daozi of Chunyang Palace had already made his plan to settle the loss this time, so he couldn’t argue with Chu Weiyang any more over this, so he curled his lips in place and boarded the A jade altar was built.

The moment he saw the person coming, Chu Weiyang was already thinking about the sect this person was born in, and the implication of the Taoism that he was good at.

Especially Chunyu Zhi, who had awakened from the magic sword, looked more radiant at the moment. Almost when the Taoists of Chunyang Palace came out more and more, they had already cultivated the congenital Chunyang Qi of this sect. He told Chu Weiyang all the gist of the pass.

Because, when Chu Weiyang looked at the Taoist of Chunyang Palace who was standing at the other end, he already had a draft in his heart, and he probably understood how to use the talisman array to train this fellow Taoist.

If you want to come to pure yang and qi, you should be able to teach yourself to gain something from the circulation of yin and yang, and the rhyme of old yang and shaoyang.

It's just that Chu Weiyang's mood became more and more cheerful here, but when he looked over, the Chunyang Gong Daozi's brows and eyes were not stretched, and he looked listless.

Could it be that something happened yesterday, and I haven't recuperated my state of mind?
Chunyang Gong Daozi is the only one who has come to look for his own performance, and he doesn't know if there will be others in the future, who want to teach him to prove something... well!Put some water, put some water!At worst, cut off more than half of his gains from last night, and then reveal them, so as to teach him to support for a longer time, and by the way, leave more leeway for the revealing of his gains.

Thinking of this for a moment, Chu Weiyang stopped talking when he saw that Chunyang Gong Daozi was still frowning, with a look of bitterness and hatred.

Flipping his hands, with the surge of vitality and magic power in him, a precious light was reflected in the half-hanging air from his palm, and in the next moment, a banner appeared in the precious light.

When I looked at it, the flag seemed to be the same as the original flag, the whole body of the flag was apricot-yellow in color, and one had to use one's eyes to observe carefully, in order to be able to see some silk threads running through the chaos. seal pattern.

Here, the difference is revealed in the slightest.

In the early days, those seal patterns connected by silk threads were all linked together with Wuji seal patterns to form a map of Fengshui Gemyu Talisman Array, which seemed to be like a flag shaking, and Fengshui changes were all in it.

But looking at it now, the original Wuji seal patterns still exist, but besides those Wuji seal patterns, there are extremely numerous Youhuan seal patterns interlaced through it, some of which are far from the original seal patterns. Separated from the ground, it seems to be clearly separated, and some are staggered through the gaps in the original seal patterns.

Sometimes, it even borrows part of the original Wuji seal pattern, and because of this, the two are closely connected and integrated into one.

Now, with a flick of the flag, there are thousands of rivers and mountains in it!

But the changes on the banner are only in the smallest details, what can really teach people to see at a glance is the flagpole that Chu Weiyang holds in his hand and supports the banner itself.

The spiritual material of the flagpole in the early days was smelted in the same furnace as the dim yellow spirit iron in the last smelting. At that time, it implied that they were completely mixed with each other under the blazing firework, which was a clear and harmonious fusion of shape and quality. As a result, the final flagpole has lost the original color of the respective spiritual materials earlier, and has become a pure deep purple color.

But now, the deep purple background color still exists, but when you look closely, there is a bright yellow color again, wrapped into a loop after another, and the loops of the nine orange and yellow seal patterns are exactly the same as the flagpole in Chu Weiyang's hand. separate.

When you look carefully, you can see that the rings of seal patterns, using the Youhuan seal pattern as a phase, each has its own changes, and it contains the mystery of the nine-yuan red script. The Chi Wen support runs through the connection of all phenomena in the universe, and it is like a series of geomantic formations overlapping, absorbing the boundless and vast energy, just to cultivate these nine Chi Wen!
And the nine circles of orange-yellow seal patterns are not distinct from the deep purple color of the flagpole, perhaps because all of them are smelted with dim-yellow spiritual iron. At the edge of the color, it began to smudge towards the dark purple flagpole itself.

And the body color of the flagpole itself is also infiltrating the orange-yellow edge a little bit.

If it is a two-color gradient, at first glance, the flagpole looks like purple and gold.

Then, following Yingying Baoguang's circling, accompanied by the unique meaning of the earth master's thick soil cultivation and refinement, when one looks at it as a whole, the flagpole has almost no iron and stone texture. At first glance, it is like a beautiful jade, blooming with water Run Zhiguang.

It's the Qingtian White Jade Pillar!

It's a sea purple gold beam!

In an instant, that Chunyang Gong Daozi's face suddenly changed, he was shocked first, then overjoyed!
This was something he hadn't expected at all.

In time, Chunyang Gongdaozi's originally frowning brows relaxed, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, so that in this flash, when he cupped his fists and saluted Chu Weiyang, Chu Weiyang could clearly see the trembling arms of Chunyang Gongdaozi because of his own throbbing.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist! Thank you, Fellow Daoist Five Poisons, for your enlightenment!"

Chu Weiyang only raised his eyebrows, why was he so condescending?
As a result, Chu Weiyang never replied, but when the banners were shaking, when the mountains and water were not visible, the seal patterns of the secluded rings appeared one after another!

In the blink of an eye, the nine folds of geomantic omen formation appeared, as if it was not a talisman array interwoven by Chu Weiyang with seal patterns, but the real nine folds of heaven, earth and universe, but it was hidden in the flags earlier , and now Fang Fu is shining in the world, and he is pressing towards the Daozi of Chunyang Palace.

It's still a different-color Yin-Yang Tai Chi fish picture, but in the eyes of Zhu Xiu, everything seems to be completely different!

(End of this chapter)

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