Mystery: Higher-Dimensional Overlookers

Chapter 99 Living in the Human World

Chapter 99 Living in the Human World
"I like here."

"Here, there is actually not much difference between this place called the Eastern District by humans and the starry sky? They are working hard to live, and they are endlessly falling downward."

"They don't want to reproduce, but they have to follow their instincts to reproduce; they don't want to be mothers, but they have to become mothers. They are struggling to survive under the protection of weak gods, but they have never really lived."

"...I know why you are so partial to your favored ones, High-dimensional Overlooker."

"Their pain and joy, their struggle for necessary survival and useless desire, can indeed make you as bad as Tianzun feel happy."

A full moon was reflected in the crimson pupils.


East End, at night.

The night really shrouded the land, but the roaring sound of the factory here never stopped.The people here don't even have the money to pay for the candles, they just look at the road ahead with difficulty through a gleam of light cast from the sky.With this faint light, women workers can continue to wash clothes, while men continue to serve as parts in the factory.

The fallen goddess sat on the roof with bare feet, looking at the poor who were like busy bees shuttling through the narrow streets.The body of Sharon, the "resentful soul", was bound by a faint beam of moonlight, unable to move an inch.She could only quietly float beside the fallen goddess like a puppet, silently accompanying the goddess to watch the decaying city.

What binds her is not the moonlight, but the mystical connection in her blood that is connected to the vessel of the mother god.Sharon didn't know why the evil god "primordial moon" didn't kill her, but let her act with him.

Even in this state for a long time, Sharon could even feel that her potion was being digested slowly but firmly.

"Look this way, Sharon." The mother goddess said to Sharon who was motionless beside her in an extremely gentle tone. Sharon only felt dizzy in her head, as if she had returned to her mother's embrace. In—even more primal impulses, as in the mother's womb.She bit her tongue, forced herself to wake up, and said to the Mother God:

"What's the matter? Your Highness Primordial Moon?"

The Mother Goddess just smiled, and manipulated a bit of crimson moonlight to forcibly turn Sharon's lowered head over, allowing Sharon to maintain a stiff posture and stare at the Eastern District of Backlund below.

"Do you think these Loen people who oppressed your kingdom are living happily?"

"Ah, don't be naughty, just watch them well. Tell me what's really on your mind."

The voice of the fallen goddess has both the innocence of a girl and the charm of a mature woman, as well as the kindness of a mother.Sharon quietly looked at the struggling people in front of her, and said:

"No, not happy. They are no different from the people of the Southern Continent..."

"Yes." The Fallen Goddess said softly to Sharon: "The mother tree and the night are both my children, and the people under their rule are not fundamentally different. You are all my children, and there is no difference between you." There is no difference. Even if Thorzna is still there, the civilians in the southern continent may not be oppressed. If this is the case, why don't you want to believe in me?"

"...Ah." The Fallen Mother Goddess smiled and looked at Sharon, who was bleeding from both ears beside her, and couldn't help laughing:
"You have the characteristics of a mother tree, but you can control your desires. You don't want to fall, my daughter."

"Since you don't want to degenerate, then watch it with me. This degenerate lair created by humans will eventually become a hotbed for us to come."

Hearing the voice of the Mother God directly in her mind, Sharon opened her mouth silently, looked at the Mother God, and finally asked:

"His Royal Highness Primordial Moon..."

"Why are you observing here?"

"Hmm?" The Mother Goddess smiled and looked at Sharon with benevolent eyes.Sharon's face suddenly turned pale, and spit out some scarlet blood clots from her mouth—these blood clots were wriggling on the ground, as if they were about to come back to life.

"Observe carefully, my daughter." The mother god's voice was as loving as ever: "Don't disappoint my 'expectation' of you, ah, I finally wanted to have a favored one."

Sharon fell silent, her gaze gradually narrowed, and she looked into the distance with the mother goddess.

It was Klein that the fallen goddess was watching.Because the container she left on the earth is extremely weak, the mother goddess carefully restrained part of her power so that she would not be discovered by the two goddesses who are currently in charge of the "moon" and "mother" pathways.

To a certain extent, it is not difficult to see the power of the Evernight Goddess from the fact that the high-dimensional Overlooker and the Evernight Goddess cooperate-the fallen goddess knows that if the Evernight Goddess's wisdom is not enough to match her power, Then the arrogant god of the high-dimensional Overlooker will not have a cooperative relationship with the Evernight Goddess.

Although the fallen goddess knows that the high-dimensional overlooker does not have the authority of omniscience-now the high-dimensional overlooker has not had time to erode the knowledge wilderness, and the "omniscient" authority of the omniscient and omnipotent has no sign of being stolen by the high-dimensional overlooker.Even the "Origin Castle Master" Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun, whose power and omniscience are not so compatible, has no overlapping ability in the field of destiny with the high-dimensional Overlooker.

However, the Fallen Mother Goddess always felt that those who looked down from high dimensions were different.This is not only because what He saw at the first sight after his birth was the source matter suspended in the center of the universe and the high-dimensional overlooker, but also because He, as the "mother of all spiritual powers", cannot perceive the high-dimensional overlooker. exist.

In a vague way, the Mother Goddess feels that the high-dimensional Overlookers still know all their secrets that were not clear in the past without the authority of the "omniscient" domain.

But no matter whether the Mother Goddess is looking through the history of the spirit world or traveling in the astral world, she can't find any abnormalities in the high-dimensional overlookers.


Klein wrapped himself in a thick windbreaker, and walked cautiously on the street.According to the previously agreed place, Klein found the old Kohler.

Old Kohler's face is now radiant. Although the clothes on his body are still old, his face has lost the unhealthy paleness, and he has even added a piece of clothes to his body—Klein saw an acquaintance, so he followed up and beat him up. Hello:
"Mr. Kohler."

"—Ah, it's you?" Old Kohler heard someone calling his name, but when he turned around, he saw that he was recently asked to collect information on the East District, as if he wanted to write some professional articles.

What a kind gentleman... Old Kohler couldn't help but wonder, what happened to the article he mentioned earlier?Thinking about the events of the previous two weeks, the old Kohler couldn't help but feel scared.Recently Backlund has started to get sick again. If it wasn't for the rewards that this gentleman kindly paid him before, he might not be able to find a job after getting sick again...

If I can't find a job, I am afraid that I will return to the life of a homeless person.

With gratitude, the old Kohler asked: "You can just call me old Kohler... How is your article, Mr. Professor? Did the things I told you come in handy?"

In fact, I haven't written any articles at all... But now that the Aurora Society controls several newspapers, I may take this opportunity to express my opinions, um, the kind of opinions that stand on the shoulders of giants... Alas, the gods need "Anchor", doing this is purely to weaken your own strength... Klein conceived in his mind, and said to Old Kohler:
"It's almost finished, but now I still need some evidence to prove that my, um, article can be published." Klein held up a long strip of machinery in his hand, and said to Old Kohler: " The newest cameras cost me a lot of money."

"Do you want me to take interview the lives of residents in the East District like a reporter?" Old Kohler scratched his head and said uncertainly to Klein: "Actually, you only need to take a few photos on the street. It’s ok... No matter which street corner it is, it can completely summarize the current situation of the residents in the East District.”

"What I want to investigate is whether there are any places with missing persons or large-scale disease epidemics recently." Klein said solemnly to the old Kohler: "Do you have any places to recommend?"

"Recommended..." Old Kohler sighed, thinking of his wife and daughter who died before.He looked at Klein in front of him, and whispered, "Please come with me, there are many places like this..."


"Ah, my friend, do you really think that your decision can be concealed from our Lord?"

Gao Wei looked at the "Desperate Nightingale" Pannatia playfully in front of him. Panatia's complexion was very bad. Looking at the four people in front of him, she couldn't help thinking about how to escape.A saint, two Sequence Fives surrounded her with the holy objects of the real creator, which made her "flattered".If this configuration is strengthened a bit, it can even hunt and kill a Sequence Three Beyonder.

She suddenly regretted that she shouldn't have completely offended the Aurora Society's seemingly incongruous ally before she had completely digested the potion.Although these fanatics have restrained a little now, they are still lunatics who are desperate for their master.The mental state of these guys should not be judged rashly. Why did I get so greedy at that time, and calculated the Aurora Society severely?

For example, this time, even though they hid all the low-level members of the Aurora Society, they dared to bring a saint and two Sequence Five shepherds to her to ask her if she had betrayed her allies.This is different from all the denominations she has worked with before, and sometimes the overly direct style of acting is even more difficult to deal with.

"We have never betrayed our allies." Panatia said firmly.Gao Wei chuckled, took out a stack of photos and threw them in front of Pannatia, which contained photos of her being in love with the prince, photos of her secret meeting with the military, and even a gloomy expression on it. S Zangwill.

Seeing these evidences, Pannadia immediately changed her mind.

"What do you need as compensation? I admit that there may be some small gaps in our cooperation, but I think we can make compensation."

Gao Wei said casually: "Then recite the honorable name of my Lord."

"... Please change your request." Pannadia said through gritted teeth, "I can help you arrange a ceremony that allows the real Creator to descend, and even sacrifice some extraordinary members of the 'Society of Gnosis' in Backlund. Those who accelerate the speed of the coming of the real Creator."

This was the biggest concession Pannatia could accept, but Gao Wei sneered at it: the divine descendant container of the real creator had already approached Backlund, and if He wanted to descend, he could actually appear right now.However, the true Creator sent this divine descendant vessel not to use it to descend into this world, on the contrary, what he wanted to do was to let the Goddess of the Night and the Lord of Storms kill his divine descendant.

What will be infused with power by the real creator in this descended body is the humanity and dark side that once belonged to the "ancient sun god", which is also the biggest reason for the real creator to go crazy after the fall of the ancient sun god.

This is why the real creator is not afraid of another "betrayal feast" in this cooperation. The real creator will naturally not pour too much power into the body that was supposed to be an abandoned child, even if the sequence is lost. All Beyonder characteristics from two to nine, without losing Sequence One is equivalent to not losing.And the true God of the real creator is in the southern continent.

Now Mr. A and Medici are guarding the side of the real Creator. Even Ourorius, whose whereabouts are uncertain, is ready to cover up the vision of the birth of the real Creator at any time. For the smooth descending of the real Creator, Ourorius Even gave up the chance to kill Will Auceptin.

"Okay." Gao Wei didn't show his true thoughts on his face, but nodded slightly, and said to Pannatia in front of him:
"Add a condition."

"Facilitate the disaster you promised as soon as possible before the new year."


Backlund's factories are non-stop around the clock; steam gushes in the air, and pollution forms smog.

Klein, who finished investigating the Eastern District, raised his neck and moved his stiff joints. He couldn't help but think:

For the people of the Eastern District, which one is more deadly, the pollution from the gods or the pollution from the "compatriots"?
They are more like living corpses than "living corpses". Under those emaciated bodies, it seems that there are only dried up hearts.

Klein looked at the heavy photo in his hand, and his heart was even heavier than the photo in his hand.He crossed out a message in the notebook he carried with him, and he was basically able to locate the culprit of the kidnapping of a girl in the East District.

He was going to go back to the underground of the Day Manor to ask the Evernight Goddess if she could use the power of the "Nighthawks" to investigate Capin.

Now all the doubts that Klein investigated are concentrated on this rich man with a bad reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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