Mystery: Higher-Dimensional Overlookers

Chapter 96 Detective Girl Audrey

Chapter 96 Detective Girl Audrey

Klein finished asking all the questions, and Audrey answered them fluently.After the two had a simple conversation and explanation, Klein, who already knew the result of his question, pretended to look at Audrey in front of him, and said to her:
"Let's go straight to the training session... the training session?"

"According to your answer just now, I think there is nothing wrong with what you know about Extraordinary people. Now Earl Hall can rest assured."

Training... Audrey jumped up when she heard this word.The previous theoretical class was less than an hour, but Audrey already felt a little bored, and now she is about to get in touch with actual combat projects that she had never been able to get in touch with before!
Audrey is a believer of the Goddess of the Night. Because of her status as a nobleman and her relationship with Mister Fool, Audrey knows very well that the Nighthawks in the Church of the Evernight have been secretly protecting the citizens, just like guardians walking in the dark... Audrey As soon as Delly thought that she could get in touch with the training methods of the Nighthawks, she felt excited.

This is what the Extraordinary World should look like!Of course, Mr. Fool's side is another, a higher level of mystery!

Audrey thought proudly.

"What should we train first?" Audrey couldn't help but have a hint of eagerness in his tone.

Looking at Audrey in front of him, Klein couldn't help but laugh: Even if she behaved so calmly in the Tarot meeting, she is still just a little girl after all...

Seeing Klein's unintentional expression, Audrey blushed slightly, and quickly restrained her expression.In the meantime, she quickly managed her expression, maintained her original tone and said to Klein in front of her:

"Mr. Moriarty, what do we need to train in the 'training' course?"

"A lot of things." Klein smiled, remembering the time he had been exercising before, and the smile on his face showed a little "sinister" for a while.He looked at Audrey lovingly in front of him, his eyes looked a lot like his instructor during the "before crossing" military training, and also like the knight who trained him before.

Audrey's body trembled slightly, and her spiritual intuition made her feel a little bad—she suddenly felt that the "actual combat" she was about to experience might not be as good as she imagined.

"Please wait a moment and let me tell your brother about your current situation—Hi, can I invite Mr. Hibbert to come over?" Klein summoned a servant outside and said to him.The servant bent slightly to signal that he understood, and quickly walked outside.

Here, Klein called Hibbert by his name directly to distinguish him from Earl Hall.

After that, Klein turned to Audrey and said:
"Ms. Hall, please go and change into today's training clothes. Time is tight, and our training will start soon."

Audrey felt a little more uneasy in her heart.


Outside the door, Klein bowed slightly as he watched Hibbert rushing over.

Because of the attack caused by Mr. X, Hibbert knew about Audrey's Extraordinary status from Earl Hall two days ago, and after a brief amazement, he couldn't help but worry about Audrey's state ——He has only a half-knowledge of the extraordinary world, knows how to get out of control but doesn't know how to control the tendency to get out of control, so Hibbert is the one in this family who worries about Audrey the most.

Earl Hall was more composed, and Alfred himself was an Extraordinary in the military—including Audrey, the eldest brother Hibbert was actually the most "powerless" person in the family.

Unlike his younger brother Alfred, Audrey, who will not compete with him for family property, is someone Hibbert is willing to wholeheartedly care for, and even pamper—after all, Audrey is cute and obedient, who would refuse such a Where is my sister?
Audrey can be said to be the most beloved child in the family, and it is because of her special status and status that many nobles in Backlund call it "Backlund's most dazzling gem" in this era.

She is noble enough, beautiful enough, and favored enough.Money plus beauty, this combination is a good card everywhere.

"Mr. Deacon, how is Audrey now? Is there any sign of her being used by someone? I heard that Extraordinary..." Hibbert talked a lot, but he didn't look like the calm son of the earl and the young businessman before.Klein rubbed his temples, and waited until Hibbert calmed down before saying:

"Mr. Hall, I have asked her about Ms. Hall just now. The good news is that the knowledge she knows is relatively complete, and there is no sign of tampering with the knowledge." Klein said slowly: " However, now I doubt whether someone is secretly guiding Miss Hall to become a Extraordinary."

When Klein investigated Gao Wei because of his own suspicions, he followed Gao Wei's trajectory to investigate an organization—according to Klein's investigation results, there was another person behind this organization.And the people behind this organization seem to be keen on manipulating the direction of the world. Klein discovered the suspicion written by Gao Wei in the notes in Gao Wei's room:
Gao Wei suspected that it was a member of this organization that caused a series of coincidences in Tingen City.

Since this is something Klein himself investigated, he believes that Gao Wei's point is relatively reliable.

After all, it doesn't feel good to be surrounded by a series of coincidences, which makes Klein feel a deep sense of powerlessness.Klein had almost lost his life due to a coincidence before, but when he came to Backlund, Klein discovered that there were more coincidences around him, so he began to use the power of the Aurora Society to investigate these two organizations. .

The organization behind the scenes, Klein, has not been investigated yet, but Klein suspects that this is the organization Huang Tao wrote in his diary that "can't even mention the name"; as for the part of the organization standing in front of the stage, Klein is It was very easy to investigate, and the result also shocked Klein's jaw, and he even couldn't believe it:
Psychological Alchemists.

Klein originally thought that the spokesperson of the extremely mysterious organization would be even more mysterious, but he really didn't expect the result of his investigation to be like this.For Extraordinary, this name belongs to the relatively well-known category. In the Extraordinary world, this name is so well-known that Klein knew the existence of this organization when he was still in Tingen.

He even developed people within this organization as his own downline.

When he learned that the organization was secretly recruiting members and exporting "audience", Klein basically confirmed that there must be something wrong with the organization.In any case, Ince Zangwill's ability to arrange scripts must be inextricably linked to this organization. Now the only clue to find Ince Zangwill and seek his revenge is from here. Klein naturally actively prepared for the investigation.

The most important point is that Audrey does have some connections with members of the Psychological Alchemists.At the last Tarot meeting, Audrey asked Klein if she could join the Psychology Alchemy Society. At that time, Mister Fool agreed to Miss Justice's request lightly.

Now it seems that he has the opportunity to investigate this organization... Klein looked at Hibbert and found that he suddenly became nervous.

Hibbert hurriedly asked, "What organization?"

"Psychological Alchemists." Klein used the art of language to use the "grafting" authority of "The Fool" in advance in Sequence Seven - referring to framing the blame, and "transferred" what he had done to the Psychological Alchemists.Of course, Klein explained to Hibbert a little bit based on the fact that Audrey is related to psychological alchemy.

"...It's roughly like this. They are now keen to train members to become Extraordinary, and sometimes they will 'brainwash' some of them to achieve their own goals."

After Klein finished speaking in one breath, he saw Hibbert whose face was getting darker and darker.Hibbert looked at Klein, and said in a deep voice, "Is there any way to find out whether Extraordinary people have been 'brainwashed'?"

Obviously, Hibbert is now wondering if his sister has been brainwashed.There are too many stabbings between nobles, but Hibbert does not allow his sister to become a victim of other nobles' struggles——In Hibbert's eyes, Audrey is still the innocent, kind, most up-to-date She is a girl who loves occultism.

Even if he wanted his younger sister to make some sacrifices for the benefit of the Hall family, it shouldn't be to allow others to use his younger sister in such a despicable way.Hibbert suddenly felt chills in his heart... If the people closest to him were controlled by others, would the Hall family be okay...

Seeing this, Klein didn't turn on the flames, but persuaded him: "I still can't confirm whether the person who led Miss Hall to become a Extraordinary is a member of the 'Psychological Alchemist'. I'm just making a guess."

Audrey has now established contact with the "Psychological Alchemist Association"... Sigh, although I will also hold "Tarot Association" regularly, but according to the current situation, I really have to remind Earl Hall here, of course, yes Cue Earl Hall through Hibbert.

If Audrey is really controlled because of her contact with the "Psychological Alchemist Association"... the consequences will be disastrous, and I have no way to explain it to this family.Klein thinks that next time he can test whether he can use the magician's "paper doll" to transfer the ability above the gray fog that allows him to wake up in the "dream" and "spirit" to members of the Tarot Society .

Seeing that Hibbert's complexion improved a little because of his words, Klein continued: "Mr. Hall, if you feel uneasy, you can ask the bishop of the Church of Evernight to see if Audrey has been affected by extraordinary abilities. ——The kingdom of Evernight is always open to everyone."

"Besides, Earl Hall should be surrounded by extraordinary people from the church. I will also pay attention to Miss Hall's appearance. If Miss Hall is really influenced by some extraordinary person, it is generally easy to find out."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Deacon." Hibbert nodded, with obvious worry on his face when he left.

Seeing Hibbert leave, Klein also walked back to the training room, and began to pack up some things that will be needed for training later.For example, the equipment needed for physical training, or some handguns that are convenient to carry around.

When the Extraordinary ability is not strong enough, the best way to deal with low-sequence Extraordinary is a pistol.

And after seeing these heavy equipment, Audrey felt that the bad things in her heart had come true.


After the training, Audrey moved her heavy legs with some difficulty, and after taking a bath, she lay quietly on her big soft bed in a daze.While Audrey was thinking about what she encountered today and at the Roselle exhibition, the more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that there was some connection between them.

Why did Professor Moriarty happen to pass by the Roselle exhibition, and Gao Wei also knew him... He even specially sent a request to help him enter the aristocratic class...

Grelint was also very strange, as if he knew someone would come to the study, he led us straight to the study for refuge...

Audrey turned over and buried her face in the soft pillow.She looked at the ceiling with her beautiful big eyes and thought for a moment.Audrey is no longer that naive and ignorant little girl after experiencing the actions of the Tarot Society a few times. Although compared with Alger and the others, the current "Miss Justice" is still too immature, but after all, she understands some extraordinary things. world affairs.

"The reason why I went to Roselle's exhibition was because Mister Fool's favored one... Well, it should be Mister World's commission. Mister World also promised me a powerful Extraordinary item for this matter, It was notarized by Mister Fool—in other words, his entrustment was done for Mister Fool?"

"In that case, I now have two guesses: first, Greint is Mister 'World', or he is another favored person of Mister Fool, and the person who took something from the exhibition He is also a favored person of Mister Fool; secondly, Professor Moriarty—that is, my teacher, he is a favored person of Mister Fool, and he took away what Mister Fool needed by himself. This action has nothing to do with Gray Viscount Lint has nothing to do."

"But if you think about it this way, does Viscount Glenint have anything to do with Mr. Fool? I have never seen anyone similar to Viscount Glenint in the Tarot Club, and I usually don't see him collecting Russell. The Diary of the Great Emperor..."

"Hmm... Tomorrow's Tarot Club..."

Audrey was lying quietly on the bed while talking to herself.Audrey felt like a detective. She wanted to go back and investigate whether the two were members of the Tarot Society, but her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally fell asleep soundly.

With a "squeak", Hibbert, who followed the maid, looked at Audrey who was already asleep, and couldn't help but sighed.

Will Audrey be able to persevere with the training methods of the Nighthawks...

Thinking of what the Nighthawk deacon that his father invited earlier said, the worry in Hibbert's heart still lingered.

(End of this chapter)

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