Mystery: Higher-Dimensional Overlookers

Chapter 9 Welcome Your Honor to Visit the Aurora Society of Backlund

Chapter 9 Welcome Your Honor to Visit the Aurora Society of Backlund
"What is this?" Gao Wei's face twitched a little, he patted his cheek, and tried his best not to show a strange expression. Mr. Z is a little embarrassed, but he is also a little proud. The embarrassing thing is that this is the "welcome ceremony" he suggested to his companions in Backlund before - he is the culprit, and what makes Mr. Z proud is that he now knows In the mind of the favored one, I am now more able to touch the will of God than my companions in Backlund.

Mr. Z said in a low voice: "Your Excellency, I will ask them to put away the sign first..."

"No, no need." Gao Wei took a deep breath: "They're here - this is too exaggerated, alas, don't keep doing these things, it's too easy to expose."

"Well, okay. I understand." Mr. Z nodded seriously, walked quickly towards Mr. A who came to meet him in the distance, and shouted loudly: "Put that down! Don't affect... um, Yes, do not affect public order!"

Sure enough, nine out of ten members of the Aurora Society were crazy, and one was a little bit seriously ill... Gao Wei watched Mr. Z quietly, raised his head and sighed in his heart, then raised his legs and walked forward.

Listening to Mr. Z's words, Mr. A's eyes flashed a trace of sullenness.He looked at Mr. Z, Bishop Qiangwei, who was not as powerful as him, and seemed to be thinking in his heart whether to kill the evil for the Lord.However, before Mr. A wanted to make a move, he thought that the Lord's favored person was behind Mr. Z. After thinking about it, he decided to give up—the leader has come, so he must make a good impression on the leader.

"Your Excellency," walked out of the train station, Mr. A bowed his head and said respectfully to Gao Wei: "We have learned about the oracle of the Lord before, and we have prepared a plan for you to travel to Backlund—— May I ask if you want to go to our... well, the gathering point first, or let us help you arrange the carriage home first?"

Mr. A looked at the pedestrians around him, but still held back the words "Aurora Club".

"Go to your side first, Mr. A." Gao Wei nodded and said: "Our time is very tight, the false gods who betrayed the Lord will not rest, they always want to suppress the Lord in the dark shadow forever. We need to hurry up and restore the glory to the Lord."

"You're right." A smile appeared on Mr. A's face. Under the sun, that face with a real creator's aesthetics seemed to have nothing to do with his identity as a "cultist". Others only thought it was a slightly delicate beauty. Youth: "It is our greatest honor to be able to run for the Lord. Welcome, Your Excellency, the Blessed One, to come and inspect the Backlund Aurora Society."

The high-dimensional overlooker looked at the real Creator hanging upside down on the cross, with a smile on his face.This smile widened on his face, making the smile on his mouth gradually metamorphose.The high-dimensional overlooker smiled and said to the real creator: "Let me guess the origin of this sentence? You taught them to say it? This sentence is too template-like, and you, a scientist, still say this? Did you learn it when you were trying to cheat funds?"

"...I didn't teach them." The True Creator said in a deep voice.

"Well, I understand, I understand." The high-dimensional overlooker helped the avatar's ribs that were eroded to the point of falling off, "That's how you carved this instinct into yourself. Tsk, those believers of yours Everyone is good at disguising. I actually want to ask you: when there was no oil, how short of money did you have?"

"...I want you to take care of it."

The True Creator looked at the extraordinarily rich Outer God in front of him, and suddenly felt that what the Evernight Goddess said before she left was too friendly.The Superstar Lord, who was far above the starry sky, carefully looked at the laughing Gaowei Overlooker hiding behind the curtain, for fear that he would run over with his brain and punch his "potted plant" Bangbang twice.

"Same as Tianzun, such a Le Zishen is too annoying." Superstar Master said through gritted teeth.

Gao Wei followed Mr. A into an empty house, and in the basement of the house, he saw many secret prayers and listeners who bowed their heads and prayed silently.They bowed their heads and hid in the shadows behind them in prayer, leaving only the faint light of the fire to illuminate their faces.Although the current state of the real creator is much better than before, these Extraordinary people become no different from normal people when they pray.But Gao Wei still narrowed his eyes, as if he was a little dissatisfied.

"The Lord who created everything, the omniscient and omnipotent God; you are the source of all greatness, and you are the fallen nature of all living beings!" Mr. A closed his eyes and prayed. When he returned to the Aurora Society just now, Mr. Z had been forcibly arranged by him Go to the side to "rest". Mr. A opened his eyes, looked at Gao Wei who was showing dissatisfaction, and asked cautiously:

"Excuse me, Your Excellency. You don't seem very satisfied? Is there something wrong with what we did?"

"I remember that the Lord revised the scriptures before, Mr. A. The current way of praying is still too superficial. It is easy to expose and unreasonable." Gao Wei said to Mr. A with a serious look : "I think you can change the prayers to silently recite in your heart, so that you can pray 24 hours a day. Change the sign of the reverse cross on your chest to visualize the radiant cross in your mind to anchor the Lord. The present scripture."

"Hmm..." Mr. A pondered, feeling more and more that the method proposed by Gao Wei was feasible.This not only conforms to the rules of the secret prayer, but also speeds up the performance - he tried it in his heart, and as usual, he got the response from the Lord.The Lord's response no longer gave him a splitting headache, but brought him a sense of glory as a suffering bearer. Mr. A was ecstatic, feeling a glow hidden in the shadows.He suddenly looked up at Gao Wei, as if he was shocked by the effect of this method.

"However, how can we let other people hear the glory of the Lord?" After hesitating for a while, Mr. A asked with some doubts: "In this case, wouldn't anyone know that we believe in the Lord? And I'm worried that some hypocrisy Believers will use this to sneak into our place, and use this to blaspheme the glory of the Lord..."

"Of course, you can also use the previous method to combine with this method. For example, holding regular gatherings to preach, or collective prayer-after all, there are many low-level people among the Lord's believers. They can't even read or read. Understand the scriptures of the Lord. If you don’t understand the brilliance of the Lord, you will naturally be confused by the sufferings of the Lord.” Gao Wei said with a smile: “And if you are worried about missionary issues, as long as you ‘bishops’ can hide Take care of yourself and enter the various ranks of Backlund, and you will naturally increase believers for the Lord."

Mr. A listened carefully to Gao Wei's words, thoughtful.Gao Wei paused for a while, and continued to explain to Mr. A: "Of course, the bottom-level mystics and listeners can also increase believers for the Lord. I think they need to carry out unified education and join a unified trade union to practice it. Spread the glory of the Lord—you know, the favor of the Lord will not come to those lazy people who only know how to pray."

"I admire your wisdom!" Mr. A solemnly praised.

Watching Mr. A act quickly, he proved that he is the most devout believer in the true Creator.Gao Wei stood silently at the door of the basement, watching the secret prayers being pulled up by Mr. A, and the windows for light transmission being opened by him. The atmosphere here changed from gloomy to solemn. Now the face of the evil mystic is actually covered with a layer of holy light.

"The influence of the Hanged Man path from top to bottom is really strong..." Gao Wei said to himself, but suddenly there was a voice that sounded a bit cold:
"Your Majesty."

Gao Wei turned his head and saw a man whose body was hidden in the darkness.Gao Wei sensed it, and quickly sensed the identity of this person.He turned his head and greeted the man with a smile:

"Hello, Your Excellency the Dark Saint."

"Don't dare, dare not, you are too polite. We admire the wisdom of Your Excellency, and the glory of the Lord will definitely shine on you." Kesma, the dark saint, waved his hand and asked respectfully: "Excuse me You next..."

"Ah, I need a place where I can be promoted to 'listener'. By the grace of the Lord, I can digest the potion very quickly." Gao Wei babbled a few words—in fact, he didn't need to digest the potion at all.The pollution in the potion has almost no effect on the essence of the old soul, and the characteristics of the foreign gods in his body have been digested thousands of years ago.The only thing that has some influence is the spiritual imprint left by the real creator in the potion, but even these imprints have been sealed by Gao Wei with his unique ability for other purposes.

"Praise the Lord." Kesma made a cross on his chest, and praised: "It's rare for you to come to Backlund. Is there anything else you want to order?"

"Things... yes, there are. But you don't need to contribute." Gaowei said to Kesma with a smile on his face: "I (the original owner of the body) is a descendant of the Abraham family, and there are some people here. A small network. Tomorrow night, I am going to attend a banquet as a painter. Hehe, please lend me Mr. A, I want him to know more people in the upper class-this is for us The overall development is also excellent.”

"Then, the gathering place of the Aurora Society is still too dilapidated." Gao Wei said casually: "I plan to donate a small manor to the Aurora Society in my own name."

The real creator looked at the high-dimensional overlooker, and once again felt a little jealous of the wealth of the foreign gods.

"The promised evil gods are all poor?" the true creator murmured.

"Only you and the future 'Fool' are evil gods, my dear Zhenzao, I am an Outer God." Gaowei looked down and said sincerely: "My way determines that I will not be short of money."

(End of this chapter)

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