Mystery: Higher-Dimensional Overlookers

Chapter 84 The Church of the Mother God

Chapter 84 The Church of the Mother God

"Okay, Mother God, we are ready to go."

After finishing the previous gathering, Klein returned to the room containing the fallen goddess.

Through the perspective of the hidden sage, looking at Klein who might not be able to relax for a while on the bed, Gao Wei said softly to the fallen goddess.The Fallen Mother Goddess looked at Gao Wei with crimson pupils, not knowing what she was thinking in her heart.

"Ah...don't look at me like that, I'll put on a disguise for you first. Prevent Lilith from seeing you right away."

Gao Wei said this to the fallen goddess, and stretched out his right hand to cover the head of the fallen goddess, and touched it.The Fallen Mother Goddess looked at the movements of the high-dimensional Overlooker, and was a little puzzled.

This action does not seem to make any sense.

The Fallen Mother Goddess thought for a while, but still warned: "Don't think about my container!"

"Ha, don't worry, I won't do small tricks now." Gao Wei smiled disdainfully: "If you break your container, your body won't be able to chase me down like a god?"

"Boring." The fallen mother didn't show any expression on her face, she just turned and walked out of the room.The crimson in the mother god's eyes has quietly dissipated, replaced by azure blue pupils with fine lines.The current fallen goddess looks more like a small Sharon, and she can't feel the depraved breath on her before.

Compared to the depraved and lewd charmer, the depraved mother goddess now even has a moderator-like holiness.

"Then it's fine." Gao Wei shrugged his shoulders: "We're going to play with Lilith, you may not be able to wait."

Gao Wei remembered very clearly that in the original historical track, Klein took over the task of Bishop Utravsky in order to obtain the formula of "Pharmacist" - to kill himself.

Strictly speaking, to kill his past self.Before he became a bishop of the Mother Earth Church, he was a vicious and murderous pirate.But after being defeated by the priest of the Mother Goddess, he suddenly came to his senses, felt the joy of life, and felt the mercy of the Mother Goddess.

In the hands of Bishop Utravsky, the "Master Key" and "Emlyn White" are two very important figures in Klein's life trajectory in the future, so the high-dimensional Overlooker is going to take The fallen mother goddess came to let the priest feel the warmth from his mother.

In terms of the understanding of motherhood, I am afraid that no god can compare with this mother of all things.Speaking of which, he originally wanted Eternal Lieyang, a god who dared to call himself "the father of all things" in missionary work, to meet the fallen mother goddess.

The actions of the Old Ones who roamed the stars were utterly chaotic and insane to humans, and even to gods who still had humanity.For the Outer Gods, the madness in the starry sky is actually the same thing, it is more like a normal state, their daily life.

Cohesion is the instinct of every Outer God, even the omniscient and omnipotent God and the cunning and selfish Celestial Being.The desire to gather is engraved in every old body like an instinct. They can chat with compatriots who may change between the identity of hunter or prey at any time while thirsting for the source quality in the body of the gods around them. fly up.

As part of the body of the original creator, these incarnations of source quality naturally want to gather together and return to the original body.

This is an irresistible instinct, but in addition to the instinct, it is also faithful to the characteristics of different sources, which is an important part of their way of action.

They act on their own instincts and are loyal to their desires.It is also like this that the outer gods are considered crazy and chaotic by the life on earth.In fact, the old days never actively had the idea of ​​destroying the earth when they were surrounded by the barrier.

... Although the earth is too fragile in front of many gods, it is so fragile that even a bolt of lightning left by the Lord of Storms when he crossed the sky with all his strength will tear the earth apart.

But it is also true, the old indifference will also completely destroy the earth.They don't need, and therefore don't care for, anchors; so their battles will still destroy large swaths of the planet centered on Earth.

Moreover, even if the earth is not destroyed and civilization survives, the gods on the earth will definitely suffer.Their strength is too weak, but they occupy too many Extraordinary characteristics.They knew that the outer gods would not let them go, so they had to prepare to rise up and resist.

The way they resist is to develop a Pillar, a Pillar who leans toward the Earth.This is their unique condition, because only the earth is qualified to cultivate a pillar now.

And for the Outer Gods, the only threat comes from this.After the high-dimensional Overlooker smuggled into the interior of the earth and said that he could turn the newly born pillar into a boost for his own side, the old days stopped the big melee in the starry sky—if they could get back their source without bloodshed Quality, that should be a beautiful thing.

After all, whether it is the Superstar Master or the Mother Tree of Desire, they are not sure that they can escape without losing their characteristics under the hands of the Lord of Mysteries or the Omnipotent.Don't you see, the unlucky lamp god trapped in the barrier is still trapped by the seal for so many years after Tianzun's death?

On the contrary, the fighting power of the Uncertain Fog seems to have improved now, and now he dares to attack everything he sees, which belongs to the flat-headed brother in the old days.

After all, the lamp god who is not as smart as Tianzun never fights to the death with the god, and the fog of uncertainty that lost his brain is fighting to the death in a one-for-one way.

The high-dimensional Overlooker, who has just plucked the wool of the fog of uncertainty, feels that he has a very right to speak.

And the Goddess of the Night and the True Creator, the two gods who have the opportunity to become the old gods, also think the same way, thinking of a solution that can peacefully resolve matters about the earth with the Outer Gods.It is also true that the high-dimensional Overlooker with the identity of "old survivors" has become the only outer god who dared to contact the goddess of the night and the real creator.

And after this stable overall situation, it is the stabbing and backstabbing that both sides love to see.The high-dimensional Overlooker doesn't believe that the Evernight Goddess didn't tell Lilith about her smuggling here, just like the Evernight Goddess doesn't believe that the High-dimensional Overlooker didn't secretly smuggle the Outer God over here.

Although there is no evidence, both parties clearly know it well.To put it bluntly, except for some unlucky child who has called others mother for thousands of years and has become a god, how many soft-hearted and really stupid people can there be?
Such a god has long been defeated in the disputes of the previous epochs, or has become a sealed item.

In the church of the Mother of the Earth, dim candles were quietly burning, softly illuminating this small church, making it quiet and peaceful.

Utravsky's burly body like a hill is sitting in front of the holy emblem of the Mother Earth, praying silently there.After a while, he stood up and said gently to the two people behind him:

"Anyone is welcome in the Church of the Mother Earth, why don't you go through the main entrance?"

"... Even if I am a believer in the 'True Creator'?" Gao Wei raised his eyebrows, looking at Father Utravsky on the side.Father Utravsky was silent for two seconds: " long as you are in awe of life."

His tone was off.

Gao Wei thought for a while, could it be that Lilith hinted through the oracle?
"I heard that you have a commission, and the reward is the pharmacist's formula." Gaowei said softly to Father Utravsky, "Can you tell me about your commission? Ah... what's your name?"

"Utravsky, I prefer to be called Father Utravsky." He said, "My commission is: kill me, kill my past."

"It seems that you have some magical items in the spiritual field. Otherwise, you wouldn't make such a request rashly."

Gao Wei's tone was slightly playful: "I can help you solve your problem, but you may not be able to get what I want."

"In addition to the pharmacist's formula, I can also take out two magical items in exchange." Utravsky's body tensed slightly: "But I'm not going to let you accept my commission, Shepherd."

"I haven't washed away my sins yet, and I don't want to be herded by the shepherd." He said gently but could not refuse: "I am a coward, and I dare not let you enter my spiritual world."

In his words, he did not conceal his fear of extraordinary people in the "shepherd" path at all, and he was unwilling to hand over his life to a person who might be a lunatic.

He wasn't afraid that he would die, but he couldn't accept the consequences of his death, which would make the Church of the Mother Earth completely lose its church in Backlund.

"I didn't say I was here to accept your commission." Gao Wei smiled and pushed out the fallen goddess who had been quietly watching the conversation between the two behind him, and said to Father Utravsky: "This It's a friend of mine, let her kill your past, just right."

"Her?" Father Utravsky frowned. "She's still a child, and I can't let her be threatened—what I have to say is that even fighting in a dream can be a deadly threat."

"She's a Sequence Seven 'Vampire', and she's also holding a Beyonder item from the 'Mother' pathway. I don't think she can defeat your past figure."

Gao Wei said softly to Utravsky: "Trust me, she can take on this commission."

"And unlike me, she is not a follower of our Lord. It doesn't threaten you, does it?"

After a brief silence, Utravsky sighed: "Since you are willing, then I will entrust this entrustment to you."

"However, I need to remind you." He said to the little girl with black hair and black dress in front of him, "You must pay attention to safety."

"Even in a dream, there is a risk of being killed. If you think you are really dead, then you may become a vegetable in reality."

A bewitching blood red flashed in the azure blue eyes in the container of the Fallen Mother Goddess.

The fallen goddess took over the candle in the hands of Father Utravsky, which appeared in the shape of dragon scales. With a little bit of spiritual light, a crimson illusory flame suddenly appeared on the candle, making the candle quiet started to burn.

The high-dimensional overlooker looked at the two people who were dragged into the dreamland, and saw drops of blood-red liquid dripping from the candle lit by the illusory spirituality.

At the bottom of the candle, black wax oil flows quietly on the table.

Looking at the black viscous liquid flowing on the ground, the high-dimensional overlooker smiled, lit up his spirituality, and called Amanisis with a report call.


On some island covered in shadows.

Accompanied by a roar that shook the sea, the shadow surged in the air, as if distorted into a hideous image.With the appearance of this figure, twisted bouquets hung on the figure's body and bloomed, and the hazy moonlight flickered in the sky.

Streams of blood-red liquid flowed rapidly downward along the illusory moon in the sky. Whenever the liquid was about to drop to the ground, it was soaked by the shadows in the sky and turned into a pitch-black liquid.

In the dark shadows, a human figure gradually emerged.A series of fissures opened on the face of the man in a black robe, revealing a deep red color.

The shadows in the air gathered and came from all directions. These shadows crawled under the emperor's feet, seemingly vaguely forming a dark "kingdom".

But after a moment, there seemed to be a faint sigh from the air.This voice seems to be between fantasy and reality, infinitely close to reality, but it seems to be outside of reality.

After the brief shadow gathered, the boundless shadow finally dissipated, revealing the illusory face above the kingdom.

It was a majestic face, it was a cruel face, it was a mad face.

In his eyes, there was still some nostalgia vaguely.In his pitch-black irises, a little blood-red luster was reflected.

That was Russell Gustav.

That is the Black Emperor.

As the fallen goddess further invaded reality, Roselle finally woke up in pain.Although the spirit and heart were corroded by the fallen mother goddess, she still subconsciously controlled the resurrection process of the black emperor.

He stopped the process of His own resurrection.

"Who, who wants to invade the real world?"

The Black Emperor roared, looking at the land under his feet with the eyes in the seven cracks split by the pollution of the Mother God.

This is my land, and it cannot be invaded by foreign gods!These are my people, they cannot be slaughtered by foreign gods!

... This is my hometown, and no one else can set foot here.

"Bernadette, Bonova..."

"Home, this is not home..."


"This is the earth, we can't go back, we can't go back!"

"Don't look at the moon!"

With a roar, the shadow of the Black Emperor disappeared from the mausoleum.With the disappearance of the shadows, those visions that appeared in the sky slowly went out.

Under the night covered by shadows, a Youyou sigh was vaguely heard.

 Red Bean Paste Intimate Masai!
Kneeling, I have been too busy organizing activities for the past two days, and I just updated it today. I hurried to code the next chapter and try to code as much as possible.

Only to find that today is April Fool's Day, praise the fool!
(End of this chapter)

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