Mystery: Higher-Dimensional Overlookers

Chapter 74 "Human Nature"

Chapter 74 "Human Nature"

"Here?" Amon followed Gao Wei into a relatively high-end coffee shop, and suddenly felt a little puzzled—after he asked the Outer God why he lived so easily, why did the Outer God bring himself here?

Shouldn't He be able to live easily because of His ability or experience in doing things?Amon, who often deceives others, naturally would not believe that the high-dimensional Overlooker could easily tell the answer he wanted to know, which may be mixed with various dangerous and fatal "mistakes".

However, Gao Wei seemed to know what Amon was thinking, and said to him:
"What I want to show you is the human nature that your father said you don't understand, that's why I brought you here."

Hearing this, Amon was immediately disappointed. He originally thought that the Outer God would take him to the starry sky or explore more interesting things.In his view, ordinary people are very boring, as long as you use your extraordinary ability to scan them, you can understand what they are thinking.

Is it possible to know what is called "human nature" by observing human life here?
And thinking of the true identity of the "people" around him, Amon immediately felt a little ridiculous - even if he was a born mythical creature, he wouldn't let the outer gods teach him what is human nature, right?

It can't be too ridiculous, right?
"First of all, my definition of human nature may be different from your father's." Outer God's voice was a little cold but with Amon's usual joking style, and said to Amon: "Look at the people outside. The bum."

"Yeah, he doesn't seem to be in a very good condition. He will probably die in a few years, or he will die from a serious illness." Amon glanced casually, saw the fragile state of the human being, and turned to look out. God: "You want to save him?"

"Why do you think so?" Gao Wei was a little surprised, and said to Amon: "Talk about your thoughts first, why do you think he lives with such a body?"

"Probably because he wants to live, I know those anchors who are under the father's rule are praying to the father, because the father can keep them alive. I don't know the human mind, because I think they live for nothing. "Amon pushed his own monocle, and once again persevered in trying to parasitize high-dimensional.

He failed again, and couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

But soon, the corners of Amon's mouth turned up slightly.

Thin silk threads spread across his body along the space, forcing him to stop parasitic.The other end of the line was grasped by Gao Wei Xuxu in his own hand. It seemed that as long as he pulled it lightly, Amon's body would be instantly decomposed into countless residues.

He stopped his actions very rationally - he looked at Gao Wei in front of him, and the corners of his mouth turned up: "And then? What do I need to do now?"

"Go and ask him, if you let him parasitize him so that his family can live, will he agree to you?" Gaowei spread his hands and said to Amon: "In order to prevent you from saying that I lied to you, I Will not say anything to him. You can send your double to him."

"Of course, I never lie." Gao Wei emphasized: "I am a good foreigner."

"Please go and invite that homeless man outside." Amon said to the waiter beside him, "Hurry up."

"Okay." The waiter took out a monocle from his pocket and put it on his right eye.The waiter Amon walked forward and walked to the side of the homeless man.

He doesn't believe that someone will take the initiative to parasitize himself.

In his thousands of years of "life", there has never been one.

"I want your life. If you promise, I will send food to your family every day. Do you accept it?" Although he was reluctant to communicate with a human being who didn't even have Extraordinary characteristics, he thought of the agreement he had made with Gao Wei. , the waiter Amon couldn't help looking at the homeless man in front of him jokingly, looking at his eyes that were weak but still full of desire to survive.

He didn't look that weak, he was wearing a worn-out coat that could still cover his body and barely keep him warm. Although he didn't have much energy, he hadn't reached the end of his rope yet.

How could there be any living beings that survived being parasitized by me because of a single bite?Amon only felt ridiculous what Gao Wei said to him before.

The homeless man was curled up, sitting with some fatigue, he barely raised his head to look at Amon in front of him, and smiled "hehe":
"Young man, you can't afford her. Ha, I wouldn't trust you in a place like this."

Seeing that Amon was only wearing the thin clothes worn by a waiter, the old tramp said casually.

Amon frowned.

Can this ordinary human being know that I'm lying to him?He pushed his monocle, sat down beside the homeless man familiarly, and said fluently: "I can do it."

The homeless man curled his lips, obviously in disbelief.

Amon originally wanted to use his usual words to intimidate the homeless man, but when he thought of Gao Wei who was sitting in the coffee shop, he didn't want to intimidate him anymore—he didn't feel that he was from the bottom of his heart. Can learn what human nature is from a homeless man who can't support himself, and what benefits can he get from the "human nature" that his father has always talked about.

Why learn something that is not good for you?Although he has failed, he has never experienced a serious setback.

"Then let me put it another way." Amon suppressed his seductive language, and said to the homeless man in front of him in as plain a way as possible: "If you are asked to recite the name of the evil god, I will give it to you." Fifty pounds for you, enough to give your family a good life. I can give it to you even now, and you can give it to your family."

A cold light flashed in His eyes under the monocle, and the words of the God of Deceit were extremely euphemistic, like a gentleman who sincerely invited people to lunch.But His words made people feel chills, and in a few words, he informed the other party of his sentence for life.

This is nothing more than a lure for profit. When Amon said this, he could almost see that the homeless man in front of him would agree to his request - they might not be able to earn so much money in their entire lives .

Or more likely, the homeless man would just run away with his money.But he couldn't run away. When Amon said these words, he had already let his "worm of time" lie on him.Amon believed in his "judgment". There was no reason for this tramp to keep his promise and sacrifice his life for fifty pounds.

Amon just wanted to see what kind of expression the homeless man would have on his face after his child suddenly put on a monocle when he proudly took the money and ran away with his homeless child.

The homeless man swallowed, took the money in Amon's hand and trotted away.Amon, on the other hand, kept the corners of his mouth upturned, watching the homeless man leave quickly.

A pedestrian on one side turned around and walked to Amon's side.Gao Wei sat down directly and looked at Amon beside him:
"What do you think he will do?"

"He will leave directly." Amon pushed the monocle and analyzed in detail: "I don't think he will give up his life, and he won't know that I can find him, and then parasitize him—he won't even Knowing who I am, ah, of course, the premise is that you haven't performed some operations."

"Of course I wouldn't cheat. Sometimes, cheating creates a 'bug' in our relationship, doesn't it?"

Gao Wei shrugged his shoulders, and Amon's eyes showed a hint of surprise because of this word.He pursed his lips and said to Gao Wei: "Oh? You know this word. Did your father tell you?"

Amon couldn't help but speculate about the relationship between the Outer God and his father. Why are the two parties who should be incompatible with each other so close?
"I guess your father didn't tell you that there is a profession called 'programmer' in this world. This profession is the sworn enemy of 'bug'." Gao Wei smiled awkwardly.The corners of Amon's mouth were slightly bent, and he said with a deceptive tone in his tone, "I've never heard of such a way."

He, this Outer God—maybe someone who came from the same place as his father.The path he mentioned, maybe it belongs to the path of the Outer God?Amon passed the information to Ontology while listening to Gao Wei's words.Gao Wei smiled:

"Of course there is."

"'Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun' has held this job."

"You may not know this name—maybe, but you may not know it well. But He is also the master of Origin Castle, the 'Lord of Mysteries'."

Amon's pupils contracted slightly, and just as he was about to ask, he found a person walking from a distance.Seeing this figure, Amon was a little surprised:

The homeless man who had a chance to escape turned out to be back.

"This is unreasonable." Amon thought hard, looked at Gao Wei beside him, and came to this conclusion: "You secretly revealed my things to him?"

"I don't, it's just that all the conclusions you get are from 'cryptographers'. But you don't understand human nature, you don't understand the human heart, and you don't bother to understand it. So you will naturally ignore this matter .” Gao Wei got up and released the control that appeared on this pedestrian because of the role-playing.

He only left one sentence, and said with a little deep meaning:
"Human nature is the biggest variable in battle."

Human nature... Amon suddenly became curious about human nature.He looked at the trembling homeless man in front of him, and asked:
"Why are you coming back?"

The homeless man froze for a moment, looked at Amon in front of him, and said to him: "I, I think even the gold pounds you gave me are enough for my daughter to find a stable place to live without having to go to the station A street girl. She can find a stable job and don't have to worry about it every day..."

After that, he gave a bitter smile: "You must be a big man who has hidden his identity for being able to give me so much money. I can't bet that after I escaped, you would be angry and track down On my child. So, I think it's better for me to come back."

"Is that so..." Amon pushed his glasses, his eyes fluctuating slightly.

"Is it because of the best result after the struggle between fear and reason? Can a 'person' get the best ending he thinks? Is this the role of 'humanity' that father said?"

"It turns out that's why my father wanted me to understand human nature. In some things, this can really help me."

Amon and the "tramp" facing each other smiled, and the "tramp" took out a monocle from his arms, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, and put it on his face.

Controlling his avatar back to the coffee shop where Gao Wei was, Amon, who was wearing a postman costume, drank the cold coffee and said to Gao Wei: "This time you really won. Oh, I really didn't To think of beings with 'humanity' would come to such a result when carefully weighed."

But Amon had some doubts, and casually said to Gao Wei in front of him: "It's just why the devil wolf, the Goddess of the Night, also has such a thing?"

"Perhaps his previous 'anchor' is enough. Didn't Antigonus also gain humanity in this way?" Gao Wei casually found an excuse to prevaricate.One day he would tear the goddess' vest, and he planned to read Roselle's diary in front of Bernadette before.

But at least for now, he doesn't want to expose the goddess' old background in front of Amon.

He was afraid that the Evernight Goddess would get angry and get rid of his avatar in Backlund, which would be bad for the avatar.

Gao Wei took a sip of coffee, took out a pocket watch from his pocket, and checked the time.He put down his coffee cup leisurely, and said to Amon who was opposite him: "Do you have anything else you want to ask, please tell me?"

"You have many avatars like me, but they still seem to retain their original consciousness—how did you do it? And your current avatar seems to be only Sequence Five, why is your avatar almost hiding the same The characteristics of Sequence Six?" Amon asked.Gao Wei shook his head and said softly:

"First of all, I don't have a clone, they are all 'avatars'."

"Then this is the characteristic of my sequence, you can't envy it—but if you fail to compete for the Lord of Mysteries, I can give you a sequence of angelic characteristics, and you can try it then." Gao Wei's words He didn't hide his appreciation for Amon at all: "I appreciate your aptitude (as my incarnation)."

"As for the latter question..." Gao Wei smiled mysteriously: "Now it is still because the barrier is relatively strong, so I can't pass on the equivalent characteristics. You will understand this matter when you arrive in the old days, because 'Whoever believes in me shall be rewarded'. It was not so difficult for the old days."

High-dimensional automatically omits some things, among which is the price of believing in "high-dimensional overlookers"-losing self and becoming "unintentional".

"Last question." Amon nodded slightly, indicating that his doubts had been answered:

"Is my understanding of 'humanity' right? Do you possess humanity only when you have so many followers and believers?"

 Let me talk about one point that may be controversial in this chapter (without spoilers)
Gao Wei's actions against Amon are all disguises, and there are a lot of fraudulent acts in it.

Of course, Amon is also cheating, ready to stab the knife at any time

(End of this chapter)

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