Mystery: Higher-Dimensional Overlookers

Chapter 67 The Professor's First Job

Chapter 67 The Professor's First Job

Looking at the information sent back from Klein's location by his "eyes", Gao Wei suddenly laughed.

"It seems that Zhou Mingrui is a little more cautious this time." Gao Wei smiled, and said to the "hidden sage" who was waiting by his side: "However, it seems that he is still in possible danger. I chose money, and there is a sense of 'arrangement' in it. Heh, let a skilled witch become the mistress of the prince herself, it is indeed better than Lisi, a fledgling who can play, and it is easier to master the prince."


After thinking for a moment, after weighing whether to completely destroy the plan of this crazy woman, Chike, in order to completely anger Chick, Gao Wei was silent for a while, and touched his chin:

"How about this, issue a mission, let Triss wear that 0-level sealed item to protect Klein, and get close to the prince to have a look—oh, don't put Chick's preparations on his god-falling container, he's afraid What else will I do that I don't know about."

After all, Gao Wei dialed the number of Amanisis with the "Outer God Brand Interstellar Phone":

"Hello? Night..."

"I have a small deal and I want to talk to you..."


"Please get in the car, Professor Moriarty." Talim said to Klein who had finished dinner with a somewhat serious tone: "The car is ready, please rest assured, I can guarantee it on my friend's reputation , you will not be in danger."

"Okay." Klein nodded slightly, and stepped into the fully enclosed carriage.After getting in the car, Klein suddenly discovered that the carriage was incomparably luxurious. The decoration during the period was like the cars that often appeared in the movies and TV shows before he traveled, like a small living room.

Seeing the power of money around him, Klein suddenly felt a little more stable.

After bumping all the way, the carriage finally arrived at the destination of the entrustment. As the carriage door was opened by Talim, Klein immediately braced himself to deal with the possible danger——

However, no danger appeared, and what Klein saw was a manor.

In this manor, the decorations everywhere are very luxurious, with a sense of luxury in a low-key manner.The place where Klein came down was a place similar to a stable, and he could only see a little bit of the outside scene.A professional and rigorous old butler pushed open the door of the "horse barn", and said to Klein with impeccable gentlemanly etiquette:
"Welcome here, respected Professor Moriarty." The old butler said fluently, and took out a golden contract from his pocket: "According to the agreement, we need to sign a contract. Please Read the content of the contract, and after you sign the contract, I will take you to meet my master, who is your client."

He removed the family crest on his body, because he didn't want me to know the identity of his master?While cursing, Klein took the contract handed over by the butler in front of him with both hands.

This contract book was warm to the touch, and this touch made Klein's eyes a little dignified. During the touch, Klein discovered that it was a contract book made by an extraordinary person of the "sun" path.To be able to use the Extraordinary's contract for such a simple matter, first of all, this "big man" needs to have quite exaggerated financial resources.

Secondly, it seems that he really, really loves the girl he met...

"I need to take a closer look at the contract above." Klein took a breath and said to the butler.

"Please." The old butler replied professionally and calmly, pulled out a small shelf from his side, and placed it on the ground.

So professional... Klein couldn't help complaining from the bottom of his heart, and put the "notarial certificate" in his hand on the shelf in front of him and began to read it.

...well, that's what I said before.Nothing was added or subtracted, it was what Talim and I had said before—it didn't look like a formula was set.Klein examined it carefully and was about to sign it when he suddenly remembered what Gao Wei had reminded him before:

A high-sequence "lawyer" or a Beyonder of the "criminal" path may tamper with the notarial certificate and make you sign terms that you don't understand!
Thinking of this, Klein, who was extremely cautious because he was afraid of being arranged, took out a monocle from his pocket, and began to check the lines and the part between the seams of the notarial certificate in his hand.Although the possibility is very low, it is still necessary to be on the safe side, and he can't be too obvious in front of the two people, and can only observe carefully with a normal posture.

It's a pity that I can't climb the gray fog, otherwise I can directly predict whether this notarial certificate has been tampered with... Klein checked the contents of the notarial certificate, signed it after confirming that it was safe and correct, and wrote "Sherlock Morrie Artie's name landed on it.

"Can you introduce me to your master now? I want to know who my client is this time." Klein asked the butler curiously after taking the notarial certificate in his hand.He also wants to know who is such a big shot and such a mysterious big shot!

"of course can."

Putting away the notarial certificate and taking a look, the old butler, who is probably an Extraordinary, straightened his back even more, and raised his chin:

"He is descended from the 'Founder,' the 'Protector,' he is the descendant of the 'Mighty,' and he is the fifth child of His Majesty, Earl of Rustin, His Royal Highness Prince Augustus of Edsac .”

Klein's eyes suddenly widened slightly, and he now has the urge to turn around and run away—this is a big man he has never touched since "time-traveling"!Klein suddenly had a sense of coincidence that was arranged as before. After all, maybe, maybe the development of this incident is indeed a bit outrageous.

The eyes behind Klein blinked, and Gao Wei concentrated on looking at Klein who was a little bit tangled in front of him.After carefully covering up his own existence with his own essence, he thought about the intention of Adam hiding behind the scenes and Ince Zangwill as a tool man making such an arrangement.

Since Triss did not reach Prince Edsaac in time, Ince Zangwill, a collaborator of the Witch Sect, was bound to be urged.And 0-08 has been essentially polluted by Gao Wei with a "painter" characteristic, and now it belongs to the hybrid of two Sequence One Extraordinary characteristics.

Adam didn't know about this yet, so in order to establish the cooperation between Ince Zangwill and the Witch Cult for the current royal family of the Loen Kingdom, it was normal for him to make such an arrangement.And what about Ince Zangwill?

Gao Wei thought about it for a long time, and felt that the reason this guy was Ince Zangwill was enough.After all, this is a ruthless character that even the heirs of the real creator dare to arrange.However, judging from the current state of Ince Zangwill, it is very likely that there is Adam's guidance in it.

This is also the case, 0-08 was used more easily by Ince Zangwill under the influence of Gaowei. After knowing that Triss was captured by the Aurora, he turned to another witch who was more skilled Disguised as the prince's lover, and concealed the existence of this witch.

At the request of the Witch Sect, Ince Zangwill is also working on arranging for Triss to leave the area managed by the Aurora Society to facilitate subsequent control of Triss Cheek.

Gao Wei naturally learned this information from 0-08, so he let Triss, who was sheltered by him and would not be arranged by Ince Zangwill, leave him, and sent her to him with a mission. Went to Prince Edsaac.

Gao Wei estimated that Klein might "die" once in this incident because of his impulsiveness. After all, this war is not just about the descending of the Goddess of the Night. The two gods of the Loen Kingdom may God will descend, and the superstar master who is far away in the starry sky will also try to descend.

Even if he is the heir of the god of death, the death consul Azik Eggers may not be able to keep Klein in his heyday, let alone now.

This time, the high-dimensional overlooker counted people on both sides of the chessboard.There is a saying in the mysterious world, don't believe in the kindness of the gods.As one of the most powerful Outer Gods, the High-dimensional Overlooker firmly believes that no matter how many Outer God incarnations he attracts, as long as it does not endanger the real world and touch the maximum that the Evernight Goddess and the real Creator can bear, the two sides They just won't turn their backs.

On the other hand, if the high-dimensional Overlooker cannot support Klein to become the Lord of Mysteries, then the cooperation between the Evernight Goddess and the High-dimensional Overlooker may break down instantly, and he will be expelled by the Evernight Goddess instead.


With a polite smile on Klein's face, he communicated with Prince Edsaac in front of him.The face of the prince in front of him seemed a little thin, and he and Klein carefully talked about what needed to be taught.

"...In other words, you hope to let your, um... lover take the history exam in January next year, and then plan to use this reason to arrange a knighthood for her, right?" After listening to the entrustment , Klein said to Prince Edsaac in front of him.The prince nodded, with an impeccable standard smile on his face:
"Actually, I'm going to advance the kingdom's exams. Moreover, another reason why I choose you as my lover's teacher is that the textbooks you write are very professional. I never thought that someone could write such an exam-specific textbook." books!"

Prince Edesak said in admiration: "I believe that with a professor as talented as you, the history department of the Miskatonic University in the future will definitely become the leading department in all Ruen!"

Starting exams early?Is this inside information... Benson needs to be well prepared.

While making complaints, Klein thought: Is the exam started early so that the prince's lover can directly have the title through internal channels?Hmm... It can be said that, after all, there are more loopholes in the hastily organized affairs, and it may be more convenient to arrange them through "means".

Well, just like a program, the more bugs there are, the easier it is to be exploited... As a former programmer, Klein nodded, coughed, took out a pocket watch from his pocket, and looked at the time pretendingly. He said to Prince Edsac beside him:
"His Royal Highness, are you going to watch my first class today? It's getting late now, and if I don't hurry up, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it..."

Klein made a look of embarrassment, Prince Edsac thought for a while, and a smile appeared on his face: "Ah, of course, Mr. Professor, you come to the compartment with me first, I prepared here." Classroom', I have sent the housekeeper to inform my lover."

"Okay, just in time for me to prepare my lesson plan."

Looking at the prince in front of him, Klein couldn't help but sigh——Sure enough, love and justice can blind people. When this man who is the son of a king talks about his lover, he is different from when he first met him. It's the same...

After Klein followed Prince Edsaac into the classroom specially prepared for his lover, Klein became more convinced of his thoughts: all the furnishings here are of the highest standard, low-key yet luxurious.The table in the middle is obviously custom-made, allowing teachers and students to communicate with a third person sitting in the middle without touching the body.

It seems that the prince's protection of his lover is already a little sick... Klein sighed with emotion, took the gorgeous white mask handed over by the servant next to the prince, and put it on his face.Klein was wearing a white full-face mask, and suddenly he had the feeling of descending with the help of a gray mist spirit body.

He leaned easily on the comfortable chair, waiting for the arrival of the student he was going to teach.After a while, the wooden door was pushed open by the butler, followed by a crisp and gentle voice like "Nightingale".

No way... Hearing this voice, Klein's expression froze for a moment. Fortunately, the mask well covered the reaction on his face.

Klein turned his head to look at his "student" who came in through the door, and saw a very familiar figure; he had seen this figure before in the Aurora Society:

"Desperate Nightingale" Pannadia!
Is it the "Desperate Witch" who is secretly planning something with the Aurora Society? !

Why is Prince Edsac's mistress her?

Triss stood in front of the door, speechless for a while.

"Why would this great existence issue such a task... Could it be that this professor is a very important person who will bring chaos to this world?"

"For this reason, I was given a level 0 Sealed Artifact - it seems that this task is not easy, I need to check carefully what dangers are around..."

Triss lurks in the prince's manor, using the 0-level sealed item to conceal her existence.But then her eyes froze:
"Wait, what is that?"

"A 'Witch of Despair'? Damn it! What exactly is the Witch Sect planning in Backlund?!"

Triss suddenly felt a little panic.

(End of this chapter)

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