Mystery: Higher-Dimensional Overlookers

Chapter 64 Klein's Plan

Chapter 64 Klein's Plan
"You have found all the potion ingredients for your next sequence, Klein."

Gao Wei looked at Klein who was rushing home from the university with a large stack of materials in his hand, with a slight smile on his face, put down the newspaper in his hand, and said to him.

Klein stared at Gao Wei and noticed some changes in his clothes and voice.Two strands of white hair hung down from both sides of his forehead, forming an "M" shape in the middle and hanging directly to his shoulders; he changed his dark formal suit and replaced it with a rather gorgeous aristocratic costume.

"I've been trying out the shape of the Fourth Epoch recently." Seeing Klein's eyes turn, Gao Wei couldn't help but smile, and said to Klein beside him: "Don't tell me, I think that according to the text in the Abraham family The costumes of the Fourth Epoch made by Narrative are quite nice, but unfortunately, the current nobles don’t appreciate this style, and they still have to wear formal clothes obediently at the banquet.”

"Your current appearance is a bit rigid and serious, but it suits you very well—it just feels like you are a different person." Klein nodded in agreement, and said to Gao Wei.Gao Wei chuckled: "This can also be regarded as my latest attempt at 'acting'."

"You're about to be promoted again? Congratulations."

Klein was a little envious.Due to the large "information gap" between the two, in his view, "acting" is a term exclusively for digesting potions for Extraordinary, and now the sudden change of acting style probably means that "Rose" has been digested. Bishop", he is about to be promoted to Sequence Five.

"It won't be so easy at Sequence Five. I need to prepare for the promotion ceremony." Gao Wei shook his head lightly, and pushed the piece of paper in front of Klein:
"Thanks to Rosago, after letting him tell the potion formula, the potion formula of the 'Seer' series has been updated to Sequence Five within the Aurora Order."

"And after that, as an ally, I asked the real creator to strip the divine pollution out of it. You can first use the characteristics left by Rosago as magical items. When you are promoted to 'Master Puppet', It can be directly used as the main material of potions."

Klein dubiously took the eyeball that Gao Wei put on the paper. The moment he touched this eye, black threads appeared in Klein's eyes.These threads spread toward the sky, connecting all parts of the human body.

Klein couldn't help being a little dizzy from the complicated silk threads and the fine lines floating in front of his eyes, so he quickly lowered his eyes.He took a deep breath and said to Gao Wei in front of him, "Thank you, Lao Gao."

Klein once again confirmed in his heart the idea of ​​helping the higher dimension that led him into the world of occultism move towards a higher sequence. The previous communication made Klein no longer lonely in this world, and he was selfless again and again. The only help is to convince Klein that this "citizen" is really caring about him.

Not only that, Klein also hopes that Gao Wei can lead him to find a way to go home after becoming the true god of the "White Tower" pathway.

"Let's go, I'll help you prepare the potion. After you've been promoted to a Sequence Seven 'magician', the Aurora Society will ask you to perform some tasks—of course, these tasks will be rewarded for you. Just like meritorious service in the church, it allows you to collect materials for promotion faster."

Gao Wei stood up, straightened his wrinkled clothes from sitting on the sofa just now, and smiled softly at Klein in front of him:

"Let's go, I'm looking forward to the day when you can help me."

The current Klein still doesn't know the reason why all gifts are priced in secret. He was just moved in his heart, and followed Gao Wei to the underground secret room of the manor.

Klein took a deep breath.

He is about to be promoted to "Magician"!


"Sure enough, we have been put on the headlines of the newspaper again." Gao Wei looked at the eye-catching handwriting on the headline above the newspaper, and made a gesture of thinking.He said seriously to Mr. Z in front of him: "I think we need to have a good discussion on this issue."

Gao Wei, who is pretending to be a Bethel, has an inexplicable sense of seriousness on the outside. Although he still owes his mouth when he should, Gao Wei can always be regarded as dignified at a glance. Mr. Z stared at the newspaper, and said to Gao Wei: "It was our mistake, Your Excellency. I should be more concealed, so that no one will know that this is what we did."

Gao Wei brushed aside Klein, who was testing the extraordinary ability of the "magician" in the distance, and couldn't help shaking his head slightly: "No, it's not about this operation: behind this newspaper is the support of the church and the royal family—— Haha, maybe our dear partner, the Witch Sect, is doing something good behind the scenes."

"I understand." Mr. Z nodded, seemingly thoughtful.

"What do you understand?" Gao Wei, who was playing Bethel, said seriously.

"It is precisely because you know the disposition of these heretics of the Witch Sect and their despicability that they don't understand the glory of our Lord, that's why you make us ready to break with the Witch Sect on this mission at any time."

Mr. Z said solemnly: "The Lord warned us in the scriptures that 'everything that hurts us must let them understand'. You really know the meaning of the Lord, and you are a well-deserved sage."

"..." Even Gao Wei was silent for a second, and said to Mr. Z in front of him: "Yes, that's it. But now the focus of our work has begun to change, you have to make the identity of 'Heathcliff' reasonable Investing in a newspaper makes a partially influential newspaper our internal organ."

"Also, use newspapers to package 'Aurora Society' as a friendly charitable organization."

"As for your Extraordinary Gathering, let Klein take over. He is also a Sequence Seven Extraordinary now. Later, I will give him a magical item from the Aurora Society's inventory so that he can hold the venue .” Gao Wei smiled and said to Mr. Z:

"However, it is inappropriate to let the favored person be the envoy of the Aurora Society. I suggest that Klein be independent and use a code name to call his identity."

"That's for sure." Mr. Z nodded confidently, and said to Gao Wei in front of him: "Your Excellency, I suggest setting the information of Your Excellency Klein to a 'top secret' level that only saints and above can access. , to prevent the identity of the favored person from being leaked and being persecuted by the heretics of the storm."

"Yes." Gao Wei nodded: "In this case, I am ready to start recording his information. I have already thought about the code, which is different from the letter code of the envoy. Under the revelation of the Lord, I decided to put his The code name is recorded as..."


Mr. Z recorded the information that Gao Wei said to himself continuously, while putting the recorded paper into the bag.Afterwards, Gao Wei used his extraordinary ability to turn this table into a photo, and let Mr. Z store it in the database—such "encrypted" files are like Roselle's " Like the card of blasphemy, it is difficult for people to discover the mystery contained in it.

And with the dual blessings of the real creator and the personality of the outer gods, divination cannot reveal the mystery of it.

Looking at Mr. Z who came back after delivering the materials, Gao Wei couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"Your Excellency..." Mr. Z touched his head with some shame: "I didn't eat at noon, can you let me have a meal?"


After drinking and eating, leaving Mr. Z who was in charge of cleaning the dining table and the kitchen, Gao Wei took the disguised Klein and walked towards the "Brave Bar".Walking into the party held by the old man "Eye of Wisdom", Gao Wei obviously ignored his complicated eyes and sat down straight away.

It's a pity that nothing was bought by the two at this party.The maximum number of party members here is Sequence Seven, which is no longer attractive to the two of them.Gao Wei touched his chin and sighed.

It's a pity that Klein is here, otherwise they should be turned into Extraordinary characteristics.

The old man "Eye of Wisdom" suddenly shuddered all over his body, and he was relieved after watching the two dangerous suspected "Aurora Society members".

After leaving here, the two casually walked down the street.The two chatted casually, like two colleagues returning home side by side after get off work.Thin rain fell from the sky with thin mist, and Gao Wei took out a dark umbrella from the Extraordinary photos he carried with him, and opened it.

But when the two walked to an alley, they saw a woman lying on the ground.

"Go and help her?" Klein thought it was a comatose woman, and said to Gao Wei beside him.However, he saw Gao Wei, who was dressed in aristocratic attire, frowned, as if he felt that the scene in front of him was a bit "strange": "Something is wrong, Klein, be careful."

"Okay." Klein replied casually, walking forward.However, after seeing the specific situation on the woman, Klein suddenly turned cold and took two steps back.Gao Wei beside him looked calm, and appraised in a very professional tone:
"Maybe a demon committed the crime, Blood Worship Cult? Klein, you go directly to the Church of Evernight to report the crime, and I will protect the scene."

The reason why Klein was not allowed to go to the Church of the Storms was because he was afraid of the PTSD of the Church of the Storms, and secondly, Gao Wei had a deal with the Evernight Goddess, so the church would not detain them for too long.It would be even more troublesome if he left now, maybe he would be approached by the police and Extraordinary people.

It's a pity that he, a high-dimensional overlooker, sacrificed too much in order to help the real Creator.

Klein didn't doubt that he was there, and ran directly to the Night Cathedral in the distance.However, Gao Wei watched Klein go away, but he squatted down gently, looking at the pale-faced female corpse.

Have you (Adam) already started preparing...

Gao Wei deliberately avoided Adam's name in his heart, stood up again, and waited for the arrival of the police and the Nighthawks.Due to Gao Wei's aristocratic status, the two were quickly sent out by the police with good words. After the matter was over, Klein couldn't help sighing:

"This is really..."

"Be careful recently, Klein." Gao Wei said cautiously to Klein: "According to my experience, this incident is likely to be created by real demons. The actions of demons are unpredictable. I suggest that you Don't go out at night."

"I understand." Klein nodded solemnly, and said to Gao Wei in front of him, "I think I need to remind Benson and Melissa to be careful not to go out at night or go to remote places. The place."


Nothing happened for the past two days, time passed quickly.The only thing that changed was that when Klein was compiling the teaching aids recently, he discovered that there was an extra red-haired man in the Aurora Society who was dangling around with a cigarette and often causing trouble.

In addition, the name change application submitted by Backlund Technical University to the Backlund government will be approved around next week. With Gao Wei’s suggestion, Klein completed his first book—a book about the exam. The skill instruction book was successfully published by the newspaper bought by the Aurora Society.

Although it didn't cause a stir, Klein has made a small profit after all—if the candidates find that book is really useful after the civil service exam, then Klein may really become one of the future "Miskatonic University" most talked about professor.

Gao Wei will also be influenced by Klein, and use marketing methods to help the Aurora Society newspaper that publishes Klein's works lay a foundation among the middle class.

As time slowly passed, Klein's relatively relaxing weekend just passed away, and now it's time for Klein's upcoming Tarot Club next week.Klein, who is already a "magician", is looking forward to what news he will get at this Tarot meeting. Now he already knows the information about Sequence 0 and the goals he plans to achieve in the future.

The first is to hunt and kill Ince Zangwill, who is himself socially dead—after all, "Klein" is already dead in the hearts of people he knew before.

Secondly, it is to help my good brother, my good friend, my fellow teacher and friend Gao Wei to achieve his goal, and together with Gao Wei to find the mystery of their time travel, try to return to the earth and return to his parents.

Gao Wei is about to be promoted to Sequence Five, and I am also a "Magician" of Sequence Seven now... Klein smiled softly, feeling that the future is bright.

The two sat in the room, and Gao Wei watched as Klein skillfully stepped into the gray fog.


"Have you ever regretted it?"

"Have you ever regretted the decline of the Abraham family, and have you been polluted by roaming the starry sky?"

A sentence of questioning is like the bewitching of the devil, questioning Bethel who is immersed in pain.He opened his eyes, and what greeted his eyes was not the pollution of the mother goddess and those who looked down, but a brilliant starry sky.

In the memory of this lost traveler, the most colorful stroke is not the "star world", but the "starry sky".

"I'll give you a chance, Bethel. I can even help you remove the pollution from your body that belongs to the fallen mother goddess, and I can promise not to destroy this planet you love in the battle of gods."

"Survival, or dignity?"

"Choose yourself, I believe you can make a rational choice..."

 Available tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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