Mystery: Higher-Dimensional Overlookers

Chapter 551 Sequence Setting (optional)

Chapter 551 Sequence Setting (optional)
Sequence Nine: Actor
It can make reasonable role play and significantly increase body coordination. Since the name implies role play, it is the easiest sequence to digest.

But it's easy to get so caught up in the role-playing that you lose yourself and lose control.

If you drink the potion without the permission of the "High Dimension Overlooker", you will be directly corroded by the source and lose control.

Sequence Eight: Cave Explorer

Significantly increase physical ability, and add exploration knowledge to the potion. On the surface, the role is to be a cave explorer, but the more authentic method is to explore the unknown, which is a sequence that requires exploring danger. Under the strong pollution of the source of the high-dimensional overlooker, the extraordinary people of this sequence often feel vague gazes and are very prone to mental breakdown.

At the same time, starting from this sequence, Extraordinary People will have certain stealth capabilities, but also crazy curiosity.

Sequence 7: Executioner

It enhances the attacking ability of the Beyonder, and comes with anatomical knowledge of various creatures. Beyonders who enter this sequence are often infected by madness, which is a very scary sequence. It also gives Beyonders the ability to "see through" weaknesses based on their anatomical knowledge.

There are only two ways to act in this sequence. One is to follow the "acting" inherited from Sequence Nine and act as an executioner to maintain one's true heart. Extraordinaries who cannot maintain their true heart will become extremely distorted. Extraordinaries who do not actively act will become more and more crazy and eventually be molded into real executioners.

Sequence Six: Crazy Butcher
This is a very extreme sequence, where you exchange your own sanity for a more powerful extraordinary ability from the one at the top of the source. The core ability in this sequence is "seizure". With the help of the "actor"'s acting and the knowledge of the "executioner", you can act like a butcher. When you believe that you can ignore the other party's existence, you can also use the spirit world to peek into a corner of the high-dimensional space, and use the connection between the high-dimensional space and reality and the spirit world to seize a part of the other party's body.

The ability to "seize" is a spatial extraordinary ability that works through the spiritual world, so when the opponent's sequence is higher than yours, the ability is difficult to work.

The extraordinary people who are immersed in peeking into the higher-dimensional world will gradually be assimilated and become shadows in the "empty shell", the outer part of the "curtain courtyard".

Sequence Five: Wall of Lament
The wall is something that blocks danger and has a strong symbolic meaning in the spirit world. But for the extraordinary people of this sequence, they are outside the wall, and the danger is inside the wall. All kinds of pollution in this stage will be blocked by the wall until the moment of promotion to demigod, when all will be released. Therefore, the extraordinary people who have accumulated too much pollution in this sequence will be out of control after drinking the demigod potion.

At the same time, the extraordinary people in this path can use the high-dimensional space to exert various spatial abilities, and the abilities of the first few sequences will be greatly enhanced. However, each use of the ability will accumulate pollution. At the same time, the extraordinary people themselves can guide the pollution in the "wall" to take effect, but it will not reduce the pollution sealed in the wall. If they do not advance for a long time, the pollution will break through the wall drawn by "pollution" during the ceremony, causing the extraordinary people to lose control.

Ritual: Drink the potion while suffering minimal contamination from "not-quite-mythic-lifeforms".

Sequence Four: The Unintentional

This is a demigod of the "actor" path. It will greatly increase the mastery and destructive power of spatial abilities.

After reaching this sequence, the actor's "acting" will be strengthened, and he can gradually replace the person being acted with his own "acting" from the spiritual world and the higher dimensional space. The person being acted can maintain his own will, but the control of his body will be controlled by the "heartless person". During the process of being replaced, the person being acted cannot even discover the fact that he has been replaced.

The person who is replaced is also called "incarnation".

(After being contaminated by a higher-dimensional observer) The rule of this sequence is: You can be anyone, but you cannot be yourself.

The spirit of the Heartless will wander in the "Empty Shell" and become the follower of the High-Dimensional Overwatch. It will also become the main incarnation of the High-Dimensional Overwatch and the backup for rapid resurrection.

Ritual: Drink the potion in the "Hollow Shell" surrounded by many phantoms.

Sequence Three: Eye of Illusion
When the "actors" reach this sequence, their "perspective" has been brought to a higher dimension. By observing their own "past", they can analyze the future fate of themselves or others from their own or others' behaviors, words, or characteristics. This is a behavior similar to "deduction" rather than prediction.

Acting Rule: Life is a never-ending drama, and the best audience seats are always on the stage.

Ritual: Find the direction of your destiny in a vortex of fate that is at least a city level (or involves at least one Sequence Three) and take a potion.

Sequence 2: The String Picker

In higher dimensions, there are "strings" like silk threads. The vibration of each string affects the changes of things in the real dimension. For example, your plucking can make a green leaf fall to the ground early, or make a curly-haired baboon bald before middle age.

In short, the "actors" at this stage are no longer at the mercy of others. They interpret the script, understand the script, predict the script... and even "polish" the script with their own will (this is very important). As mentioned earlier, their special perspective can observe the "strings" from high-dimensional space, pluck them, and make those strings vibrate in their ideal way, thereby affecting reality.

The core of role-playing is: if you don’t influence others, you will be influenced by others.

Sequence 1: End (Fin)

This sequence has its own special features. Unlike other sequence 1s, the "actors" must obtain the uniqueness of this path in sequence 2 in order to successfully advance to the final stage. Therefore, there is only one sequence 1 in the actor path.

Just like the name of the sequence, "The End" means the end of the drama. The result is already determined and there is no possibility of any change. This is also His only ability, to make certain things develop quickly, moving rapidly towards the "ending" until the only result is born.

The principle of acting: Do your best to get yourself closer to the concept of "ending".

Sequence Zero: The Veil Breaker

The tearer of space, the traveler between dimensions, the descender who reigns over the sky.

The embodiment of the concept of "veil". The main body of the Veil Breaker exists eternally in the high-dimensional space. He can transform almost any object that can be observed by him into his incarnation, or directly affect the "reality" in his cognition, and rewrite his destiny through various interferences.

In addition, any spatial division cannot hinder His observation, and this will become the medium for His "coming".

Promotion Ceremony: Arrange the fate of all remaining Sequence 2 entities in this path (they must be Sequence 2 entities and cannot have Beyonder characteristics), so that their fates move toward the "ending" you declared when you promoted them to Sequence 1, and finally they are promoted in the aggregation of Beyonder characteristics.
Sequence IX Scholar (Star Scholar)
The full name is "Star Scholar"

You will gain some knowledge about the starry sky, but taking this potion without the protection of the Old Ones will result in instant death from contamination;
At the same time, it greatly improves the learning ability and memory limit, has higher inspiration, and is qualified to learn ritual magic;
Due to the influence of the "high-dimensional overlooker" at the top of the sequence, in addition to this knowledge, some random knowledge will be stuffed in, and the specific content is determined according to the top of the sequence;
People who drink the potion will subtly turn into arrogant scholars who do not respect knowledge. However, this is actually a side effect of the potion. If you do not respect knowledge and treat others humbly during the performance, you will eventually be betrayed by the potion. Devour.

Sequence Eight Ranger (Dimension Ranger)

The Beyonder's extraordinary characteristics will greatly enhance the Beyonder's physical fitness, especially speed. In terms of speed, the Ranger can even far surpass other Sequence 8 Beyonders, but the improvement in other aspects is not so prominent. After drinking the Ranger potion, the knowledge learned during the "Scholar" period will become the combat skills used by the Ranger.

This knowledge will be directly written into the subconscious of the Beyonder under the influence of the Beyonder's Beyonder characteristics, allowing the Beyonder to have a preliminary combat capability. It is also because the degree of digestion and the type of knowledge learned by the Sequence Nine "Scholars" determine the combat capability of each Ranger.

Sequence Seven Observer
This sequence does not significantly enhance a person's physical fitness like the previous two sequences, but gives Beyonders the qualification to "observe" structures. After understanding an object in great detail, one can use it to take a deeper look at higher-dimensional space, but observers can only observe and cannot interfere with higher dimensions.

Through observation, extraordinary people can have stronger insight, allowing their attacks to directly attack weaknesses; similarly, skilled observers can also observe the surroundings and observe people's expressions to achieve a method similar to that of an audience. However, this ability is completely It depends on the extraordinary person's own use.

People who are obsessed with observation and mistakenly believe that they can master high-dimensional space will lose control.

Sequence 6 Photography Expert

Ancient name: "Freeze Frame Master"

The Beyonders of this sequence initially possessed spatial abilities. They could create closed irregular spaces through spatial fluctuations, and temporarily intercept these spaces from reality and seal them. The higher the status of the sealed object, the more difficult it was to seal, and the shorter the sealing time. They could also use their knowledge and observation skills from the first three sequences to perform delicate operations, "expanding" new spaces within objects, without affecting the properties of the objects themselves.

The "photo" obtained after sealing can be placed in front of one's eyes, and projected into reality with the help of one's own visual effects. The projected area in reality will be filled with the sealed object, and the life forms in it will also be integrated into the gaps in the sealed object due to this feature.

They can transfer objects, but cannot create space. Extraordinaries at this stage are easily swallowed up by high-dimensional knowledge and space, and become part of the photos they take.

Sequence Five: The Weaver
It is possible to create a space that is large enough to restrain extraordinary people of the same status and regard it as a "canvas".

The canvas can exist for a long time and does not rely on the spiritual world, but lives in the folded space of the material world. It can be discovered by spatial turbulence, but it also has the ability to isolate divination.

At the same time, relying on his spatial abilities, he can travel through dimensional space, also independently of the spiritual world. However, without sufficient positioning objects, he will get lost in it and may eventually appear in the universe.

At the same time, when the canvas wraps around the body, it can also create the ability to partially project within the constraints, in order to gain the ability to survive in extreme environments.

Sequence 4: Servant of the Veil

Combining the abilities of the first five sequences will lead to a qualitative change, and the "canvas" will also undergo a qualitative change and become a curtain hidden outside the "courtyard".

The curtain here is both the curtain in reality and the curtain in the heart.

In the veil world you created, there is time and space that you set yourself. Compared to the canvas, the time in this lightless world belongs to the extraordinary.

It can also be projected into the real world, but it cannot exist for a long time. Everything within its own curtain must operate strictly in accordance with the "material rules" it specifies.

After being projected into the real world, a brief interaction will occur, affecting the material rules of that space.

Ritual: Make a city with no less than 10,000 people disappear in a short period of time, turning it into a ruin in space.

Sequence Three Dome Craftsman

It can create extremely huge domes and barriers, and it can also create huge devices that cover the entire sky. On this basis, it can make the originally vague curtain concrete and make it come true.

Every life within the barrier can be regarded as the "Dome Craftsman" itself. After the barrier is completely covered, the fate within the barrier will be completely controlled by the "Dome Craftsman".

Sequence 2 Projector
He is a projection of the real world and also a projection of the higher-dimensional world.

The first step to becoming a high-dimensional creature is that he can project objects outside the real world into reality, continuously expand the real world to the outside world, and project the projection of the high-dimensional world of objects that he fully controls into this world.

What He draws is the destiny that will inevitably come true; what He creates is the future scene of this world.

After drawing the scroll, all existence within his sequence will inevitably fall towards the ending he created.

The painter can disguise himself as anything, even uniqueness and extraordinary characteristics, and can even be accommodated by extraordinary people in the disguised path before removing the disguise.

Sequence Zero

A symbol of everything returning to zero.

Able to reset the dimension to zero and restart the world.

After becoming the first, you can use this power to restart the world in the real world

The Old Days: High Dimension Overlooker

Wanderer from outside the domain, observer from higher dimension, other dimension, invader.

Able to observe other worlds and use extraordinary abilities to interfere with them and conduct experiments.

 Completely finished!
(End of this chapter)

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