Mystery: Higher-Dimensional Overlookers

Chapter 547 BE1 Time's Mourning

Chapter 547 BE1: Mourning of Time

Audrey lay there.

Darkness quietly enveloped her, as if a monster was dragging her towards the deep sea, swallowing and digesting her.

She lay quietly in the whirlpool. In Audrey's green but empty eyes, there was a little desire and hope for life, but more of it was the tranquility and yearning for the world of death.

She had no way to resist the temptation from the pillar, and her soul was exhausted in repeated exploration, first her soul and then her spirituality.

Until every last bit turned into nothingness, and the existence of "Audrey" was also wiped out, disappearing from this world forever.

The surging river water rose up coldly and mercilessly, completely submerging Audrey's face in the icy water. She watched the cold water gradually rise, and watched the pale and dark planes stretch upwards.

She opened her mouth and let the cold liquid flow into her body. After the river water flowed into her body, she immediately felt an incomparable peace.

But Audrey still raised her hand upwards, trying to touch the surface of the river water.

But she couldn't stretch out her hands and could only let the river drown her. She opened her mouth with difficulty, but without making any sound, she just silently melted into the river.

In the dark, one thread after another suddenly broke, and Audrey slowly disappeared from the minds of those who once knew her but had not reached the status of true god, and eventually the name Audrey was completely forgotten.

It was as if she had never come into this world. All traces of her still existed, but no one cared or recognized her anymore.

The void will be filled, but the "non-existent" people will never be remembered, not even their own family.

Only a few gods know me now. Maybe this is a good thing. At least my parents won’t be sad because of my death…

Audrey felt her whole body go cold. Her will slowly faded away, and the last thought that remained in her mind was this:
Sorry, Mr. World, I couldn't make it back...


Klein looked at the missing figure at the Tarot Club. His eyebrows couldn't help but furrowed, and he said nothing at the Tarot Club.

Others seemed to have sensed the depressing atmosphere as well. Although they didn't know why, they still hastily ended the Tarot Club.

After the Tarot Club ended, Klein left the Fallen Mother Goddess and the High-Dimensional Overlooker behind and asked them:
"Miss Justice disappeared?"

Klein's brows were knitted tightly. The disappearance of Miss Justice seemed to be a very ordinary thing, even like the air disappearing before his eyes without a trace.

It seemed that he was the only one who realized that there should be a blonde, innocent girl sitting next to him.

But no one else remembered. They didn’t even feel too strange about the empty seat next to Mr. Fool. It seemed that this was a tradition passed down from the first Tarot Club.

Gao Wei was silent for a rare moment, then he spoke to Klein:
"Sorry, Klein."

"The dream of the Goddess of Night went mad and went out of control. I didn't have time to stop Audrey, and she disappeared in her dream."

"The goddess of night also disappeared in the dream. It may not be her who walked out of the dream, but another crazy god, belonging to the original eternal darkness. So sorry, our covenant will be temporarily terminated. I will enter the goddess' dream and strangle the possibility of the revival of the eternal darkness in the cradle."

Gao Wei said to Klein, whose face was as gloomy as water. He stood up and was about to disappear in the gray mist. His face was also not very pretty. It was already filled with illusions like overlapping shadows.

But at this moment, Klein stopped him:

"Does the 'Lord of Mysteries' have the ability to resurrect Audrey?"

"Resurrection from the dead is a miracle. So after I become an Old One, can this miracle be reflected back to her?"

Seeing Klein's expectant eyes, Gao Wei slowly shook his head:
"If she had just died a normal death, then it would be fine. But Audrey directly dissolved into death, dissolved into the end of the universe."

"Unless we reach the end of the universe, we cannot resurrect a person who does not exist. Even if we can resurrect him, it is just a fantasy."

"——Can the person Sora imagined still be considered the same person as before?"

Klein didn't say anything, but his expression revealed his inner thoughts.

An imaginary person cannot be considered the original person; he is just an illusory phantom, just like Adam.

He was just a shadow and avenger imagined by the ancient sun god at that time, not the real descendant of the ancient sun god.

Klein turned to look at the Mother Goddess, and the Fallen Mother Goddess said that she was powerless unless she let her devour the Eternal Darkness. However, once she devoured the Eternal Darkness, she would not be able to control her desire to devour other extraordinary characteristics until the end of the universe.

Gao Wei said, "If you want to save her, you must either contain the Eternal Darkness or make yourself so great that you can control the River of Eternal Darkness. This way, you can reverse the death brought by the Eternal Darkness and bring 'existence' back."

Klein slowly closed his eyes, feeling somewhat painful:

"I need to think, I need to think..."

“Please go ahead.” Gao Wei stood up and wanted to leave, but Klein called him back:

"Is this your plan?"

Gao Wei paused for a moment. "No, whether you believe it or not, this is not in my plan. In my original plan, Audrey could leave the dream of the Goddess of Night safely, and what came out was not the eternal darkness, but the Goddess of Night."

“And now, I need to expend even more strength to kill the Eternal Darkness, which has not yet taken shape, and let Him fall asleep again. I even need to contain this essence myself… This is also a heavy burden for me.”

The more original power that exists in Him, the higher the degree of awakening of the original Creator in Him. Klein nodded to indicate that he believed Gao Wei's words for the time being, but He still sighed:
"I didn't expect that you would miscalculate sometimes."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not omniscient and omnipotent after all." Gao Wei pulled his gaze away: "I'm going to kill Him."

After Gao Wei left the gray mist, the Fallen Mother Goddess looked at Klein and asked him:
"What do you think now?"

"I'm going to make a deal with Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun." Klein seemed to have regained the dignity of a fool. He looked calm, propped up his chin with both hands, and said to the Mother Goddess in front of him:
“Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun wants this body, but what I want is a miracle. An impossible resurrection of the dead, a crazy act to contain the River of Eternal Darkness, perhaps it is also a challenging act for Him.”

The Fallen Mother Goddess listened to Klein's words and said to him:
"You may not need to do this. If you make a deal with Tianzun, it will lead to the worst result anyway. You can try to merge with Tianzun, which is equivalent to letting your humanity walk on the abyss. The best result can only preserve the strongest and most inseparable part of your humanity."

"But at least this won't lead you to the worst outcome. When you are about to be devoured by Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun and your will is completely crushed, I can 'give birth' to you and break you down into your basic Beyonder characteristics, allowing your will to revive on top of them."

Klein took a deep breath:

"Thank you, Mother Goddess. So, what do I need to give?"

"All you have to give is to call me mother."

The Fallen Mother Goddess said: "As long as we establish a kinship in mysticism, I can devour the Lord of Mysteries, but this is equivalent to putting everything about you in my hands."

"You really need to thank Gao Wei for giving me humanity. Otherwise, the moment you called me mother would have completely devoured you, Klein."

Klein remained silent and said:
"…Thank you, mother."


Five days later, the true God of the "Gate" path descended.

He descended before Amon with an invincible force. Half of the continent was shrouded in gray fog. Time and space in many places became extremely strange, as if they were within the influence of an extremely large seal.

A few days later, an extremely huge figure appeared in the sky. He called himself "the Blind and Foolish God" and occupied the entire northern continent.

Darkness and gray fog collided, blocking out the sun.

This brought about a decade of darkness, during which capable people, with the help of the head of state, migrated to the outside world and arrived at the God-forsaken Land and the Southern Continent where there were barriers.

Those who were unable to leave, as well as the original creatures on the northern continent, either died in large numbers or became controlled puppets and clones.

In the dark ruins, a figure walked forward, if it could really be called a figure - after all, this figure had countless tentacles and twisted limbs. Compared to a figure, it was more like a mass of chaos, a twisted, amorphous chaos.

He carefully identified it and confirmed that this ruin was once a villa. He walked gently towards it, and the surroundings suddenly seemed to be dyed with a layer of color.

This piece of crawling chaos moved forward, and with every step it took, the twisted limbs that floated out of its body would shrink inwards a little. In the end, it had almost pieced itself together into a human form.

He was wearing a black suit and a top hat, and his face was covered with a white mask that looked like a shell.

Klein walked forward, following the guidance of his spirit and arriving outside a room. The handle of the room was covered in dust. He hesitated for a moment, then pushed open the door and walked in.

This is an exquisite room. In the closets, there are sets of exquisite clothes hanging. Some of these exquisite clothes are already a little decayed, but one can still see their exquisite workmanship.

Klein stretched out his hand and gently placed it on the wooden door. He slowly exhaled, and the colors around him suddenly became rich. These rich colors converged and overlapped, bringing him into another unique world.

The dark river water surged upwards, and Klein saw a point. He walked towards it without hesitation.

A voice sounded in his ears, and he recognized it as his own voice, but perhaps not.

This voice seemed to come from Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun, but they are now one.

"If we accommodate him, we might fall into a situation where we can't come together again..."

"I will take on this power, my Lord. I will act as a filter and bear the madness. In return, I will revive one person."

Klein said tiredly, and a rapier made of tentacles appeared in his right hand.

The voice of Tianzun suddenly fell silent, and He seemed to be happy to see that He could accommodate the River of Eternal Darkness at a very low cost.

Klein stepped into the river that seemed to be forever dark and silent. A light gray mist emerged from his body, forming a protective layer on Klein's body.

He walked calmly against the current, and at the end of the river there was a dark figure whose gender could not be identified sitting there.

Klein stretched out his hand, and thousands of tentacles hung down from the sky. Billions of puppets rose from the river and the earth.

His eyes were calm, without a trace of hesitation, he simply stretched out his hand and pointed the sword at the dark shadow sitting at the end of the river.

The black blood flowed, dyeing the earth even darker.

Drops of blood dripped on the rapier, and half of Klein's body disappeared under the attack of Eternal Darkness. There were tentacles on it that kept wriggling, quickly repairing the body of the Lord of Mysteries.

He stretched out his hand forward with difficulty and dipped his right hand into the silent river water, allowing the freezing cold water to penetrate into his body.

“He” began to actively absorb the power of eternal darkness, even though madness was following him like a shadow, even though Klein felt that he was forgetting many important things.

He touched something, and with his right hand he lifted a white arm, which slowly stretched out from the river. His long golden hair floated on the water like a jellyfish, floating in the black river, looking magnificent.

A smile appeared on Klein's lips. The tentacles on his body floated, dragged the body out of the river, and swallowed it into his body.

"I'm here to pick you up, Audrey."

He muttered to himself, his eyes gradually turned darker, and the surroundings suddenly became dark.

Sefirah Castle and the River of Eternal Darkness began to merge with each other, attracting and gathering the characteristics of the surroundings.

A piece of continent flew away at a very fast speed, but no outer gods came to stop it. They were all attracted by the cocoon that was being nurtured in the northern continent.

Klein hugged the girl in his arms and fell into eternal silence with her.

"I couldn't forget you. I'm here to... take you home, Audrey."
"There are wrong variables in this world line."

The Observer spoke, with a cold holy light seeping out of His eyes:
"Need to make sure Audrey Hall doesn't perish due to contamination... Recalculate the world line and restart observations."

"Incorporate this world line variable into the calculation and begin destroying this world line."

“Sacrifice has a price.”

"…for that bright future."

 Five days of fucking Amon, this is not just a pure fun story ()
(End of this chapter)

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