Mystery: Higher-Dimensional Overlookers

Chapter 42: The Diary of the Traveler

Chapter 42: The Diary of the Traveler
"Today is the third day I have traveled here."

"There is nothing here, all I see is darkness. It is like a dark grave, and I am buried here."

"Hello? What's the matter? Is there anyone outside?!! I'm not dead yet, why did you bury me in it?"

Gao Wei sat in the darkness, feeling as if his body was tightly wrapped by a pitch-black bandage.He couldn't move, only felt that there was endless loneliness and doubts around him.

He crossed?Who would become such a strange thing through time travel!Even a certain satellite spirit can see the continent under his feet, okay?Are you going to jail here?
Or did he say he was dead?Is this the afterlife?

Gao Wei gently rubbed his temples, a little speechless.But at this moment, he unexpectedly found that his body could move, as if the bandages that were tightly wrapped around him were loosened, allowing his body to squirm slightly.

However, Gao Wei still doesn't know where this dark border is, and he wants to go home.Gao Wei walked for a long time and found that he could not get out of the darkness.But he won't be hungry, or thirsty, or even die.Time flowed slowly, and he only felt the boundless loneliness in this nothingness.

He wants to feel the change of temperature, but he finds that he cannot feel the cold; he wants to feel hungry, but he can no longer know what hunger is; he wants to die, but he cannot die.

All around him was a boundless darkness.Chaotic clouds and mist rolled in it, making this darkness look extraordinarily monotonous.Gao Wei tried his best to write one diary after another in his mind. Without pen and paper, he deeply engraved the contents of the diary in his consciousness.

He felt that his hands could move, and his hands seemed to be composed of countless broken glass and metal.He beat his body with his own hands furiously, and laughed when he heard the sound of the broken body being reassembled again.

He is crazy.

This is the story of the first thousand and 380 three years after his "time travel".

Countless fragments of limbs filled the air, either shattered into dust, or reassembled in front of Him.He looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and suddenly heard some noise from outside the darkness.

In the darkness, it seems that a huge shadow has been conceived.His body is huge and full of beauty. His sense has just been born, and he looks at everything around him in a daze.With His birth, the darkness wrapped around the high-dimensional body gradually disappeared, gradually revealing layers of starry sky.Gao Wei subconsciously wanted to reach out to touch the starry sky, but found that he was covered by a misty curtain and could not touch the sea of ​​stars opposite him at all.

Gao Wei cursed, and lay back directly, not wanting to move again.He squirmed his body boredly, slowly agitating with his outer curtain.Chaos like mist still flows on the extinguished stars, and the chaos is gradually dissipating with the passage of time.The fallen goddess wandered in the starry sky, and life slowly emerged wherever she walked.However, the mutual devouring life created by the mother goddess disappeared very quickly. She was immediately annoyed when she saw a strange figure and a white-robed man conceived from the chaos.

When Gao Wei saw their figures, lines appeared in his eyes.Immediately, the information of the two gods appeared in his consciousness, as well as figures of different shapes.The high-dimensional gazers immediately understood that they were from different world lines.

From now on, there are people in the universe.

The two guys, Tianzun and God, have disliked each other since they were born. Sometimes God is using the children of the fallen mother god as his herd, and the Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun on the one hand steals and turns the believers of God into own.When he found that God was too lazy to care about him, he threw away those lives that had just been born, and let them fend for themselves in the state of secret puppets.

And God will also try to save Tianzun's secret puppets. When Tianzun is playing vigorously with two civilizations, God wants to let Tianzun's secret puppets be liberated, and before Tianzun can react, these lives Become your own believer.Tianzun was also annoyed immediately, and launched a crazy revenge on God.

As for the civilizations that were contested by the two pillars, none of them survived.

The fallen goddess is sowing the seeds of life while watching God and Tianzun pinch each other.The three gods that appear now are all pillars. Apart from disgusting each other, there is no way to actually hurt the other gods.

But when a certain unlucky guy appeared, everything was different.

This unlucky guy is the new Son of Chaos, and what's even more unlucky is that this guy is being targeted by Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun.

Originally, God and Tianzun check and balance each other, and no one can do anything to the other.These two gods are pillars, and they will not fight each other unreservedly while their sanity is still alive.But after the appearance of the Son of Chaos, it was different. From the source quality to the way, the Son of Chaos was completely defeated by the Heavenly Venerable.It is also true that Tianzun shifted a large part of his attention to the Son of Chaos.

Steal, fool, seal.

From this day on, the high-dimensional overlookers can see Tianzun beating the poor Son of Chaos every day.He looked at Tianzun's two pupils shining with starlight, and suddenly felt a "hunger" from the bottom of his heart.

Want to eat it.

Want to eat it, want to eat it, want to eat it, want to eat it, want to eat it! ! !

The high-dimensional overlooker began to subconsciously break through to the outside world, but the hazy curtain was like a prison that bound him, making it impossible for him to take a single step outside.After a long struggle and breakthrough, the high-dimensional overlooker finally stopped angrily.

He stared at the three pillars wandering in the universe with cold eyes. He watched the Outer Gods appear one after another, fighting each other for more sources and paths.He saw the demon of knowledge build magnificent buildings in space, saw the superstar ruler destroy stars one by one for fun, and saw the king of decay staring at the planets that were about to be destroyed.

The high-dimensional overlooker finally regained his sanity from tens of thousands of years of madness, found the memory of "high-dimensional" from the cracks in his own memory, and found the one that appeared in the world lines that may have appeared. One by one myself.The high-dimensional overlooker thought for a moment, and began to transform his own source quality.

The two extraordinary paths contained in the source quality are slowly digested by the high-dimensional overlooker under the subconscious play of him. With the development of this process, the degree of control of the source quality by the high-dimensional overlooker becomes more and more high.He removed the misty veil and changed the veil to be translucent.He used the paintbrush in his hand to draw the things that he had in his memory one by one as he wished, and placed them in his garden one by one.

The high-dimensional people got to know each other after a short period of panic, and provided their own suggestions for their own ontology in places that needed to be built.The High-Dimensional Overlooker uses his flashing crystal limbs to cast weird and magnificent giant buildings in the air, and builds a livable and shocking courtyard within the curtain.

many years later.

"Ontology, I found that we can go out from here and give me a Extraordinary characteristic." A Gaowei wearing an engineer-like clothes said.He has long been hungry for the domed sky built by the demon of knowledge.

"I'll give you Sequence Three of the 'Scholar' pathway." The high-dimensional Overlooker was silent for a moment: "I'm going to entangle the knowledge demon, you have to figure out the ability of the 'Dome Craftsman'."

"Do not worry."

Gao Wei, who was wearing an engineer's clothes, said swearingly.

The demon of knowledge watched the high-dimensional Overlooker rush towards him, and immediately controlled the countless magnificent buildings he had built.Energy and machinery flowed in the universe, and the demon of knowledge launched a fierce attack on the high-dimensional Overlooker wrapped in a shell.

The last fight between the high-dimensional Overlooker and the superstar master has been deeply remembered by the outer gods.The high-dimensional Overlooker, the outer god, is good everywhere, and the way to stand aloof from the world and be adjacent to God is basically on the God and God—only the Demon of Knowledge, an outer god with a similar symbolic meaning to the high-dimensional Overlooker, is a little flustered.

God knows how the high-dimensional Overlooker looks, with that appearance, he is definitely one of the most powerful outer gods.Except for the three pillars and the eternal darkness that was beaten to death by the consensus of all the old days, the fighting power of the high-dimensional Overlooker seems to be no less than that of the superstar master.Originally, the outer gods only thought that the high-dimensional Overlooker had extremely strong detection and concealment capabilities. After all, he could even escape the pursuit of Tianzun.

——You must know that the last unlucky guy who was hunted down by Tianzun was called the Son of Chaos, that is, the future lamp god.

However, when the high-dimensional Overlooker launched another battle with the superstar master over whether the planet should belong to the high-dimensional Overlooker’s favored person or the superstar overlord, the high-dimensional Overlooker finally showed his strength in front of many outer gods. The word "Gaowei" in His name.

"Actor" pathway sequence 0: Veilbreaker.

To say that it really was a supernova explosion that day, one piece after another of the starry sky completely turned into dead silence.The superstar master merged into the entire starry sky, and controlled the entire starry sky to attack the high-dimensional overlooker. If God is the master of the star realm, then every area in the universe can be turned into a superstar master's country .

However, the originally incomprehensible ability of the high-dimensional Overlooker is now so simple that it is shocking: no matter how many stars the superstar master throws to die, no matter how many areas in the universe are turned into silence, the high-dimensional Overlooker will completely Not afraid.Curtains unfolded in the air one by one, returning all the attacks of the Superstar Lord, and the high-dimensional Overlooker poked his head out of his own source quality, and every attack would directly penetrate the space, distorting the source quality of the Superstar Lord .

This protracted battle lasted for a long time, and it could be seen that the two gods were very addicted to this battle.The superstar master felt relieved every time he beat the high-dimensional overlooker, but the high-dimensional overlooker used fighting to kill the time that gradually became boring again.

If it wasn't for the high-dimensional Overlooker who "accidentally" teleported and threw the supernova detonated by the superstar master on the head of the decaying king, he would not have been beaten to death by these two gods.

After being resurrected from his favored one, the Gaowei Overlooker took up his pen and wrote his diary once again.

Both Tianzun and God fell, and the high-dimensional overlooker once again started his long overlooking.

This time, the ancient sun god walked on the earth.The gods on the earth appeared, competing with each other for Extraordinary characteristics and their own source quality.The black emperor died one after another, and the war started by the red priest swept the earth.

It wasn't until the gods returned to the astral world that the extraordinary did not appear, and the high-dimensional gazer opened his eyes again.He watched the third old survivor opened his panicked eyes, and took a deep breath.

The world line he observed has come.

After a brief hesitation, the high-dimensional Overlooker slammed into the barrier that wrapped the earth.

This is the story of an unknown foreign god.

 Cough cough, the update is a bit late, private horse race——

I will continue to update the main plot tomorrow. I don’t know what you guys think of this kind of interlude. Anyway, I find it a bit difficult to write.

Seriously, it can be a bit of a pain to update when you don't have a manuscript saved, and you never know what's going to happen to you.

(End of this chapter)

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