Chapter 4 Closing the Deal
"It's like this, Mr. Moretti." Gao Wei put his cane gently beside him, and said to Benson, "I have a wine factory in Backlund. Backlund's economy is very good. In developed countries, workers can also make a lot of cheap wine to earn their wages - but therein lies the problem."

Gao Wei told Benson while recalling the memory in Abraham's mind.

As he spoke, Gao Wei sighed: "The products produced in my winery are not popular in Backlund. After all, the nobles in the manor don't bother to buy my 'mass-produced' products. The number of people who can afford to buy my wine is far less than the amount of wine I produce. This leads to me having to find a way out for my winery-hehe, you should understand that even if it is me Businessmen also have conscience and compassion, and the workers in my winery still need to live on this job."

The members of the Abraham family were not exterminated by the Seven Gods because of Mr. "Gate", but after experiencing the betrayal of the students of the Abraham family, they were also sparsely populated, but they were also an angel family before anyhow.A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and most of the members of the direct line still enjoy a relatively superior life under the protection of their ancestors.

For example, the original owner of Gaowei's body secretly ran a winery and a factory producing lead products in Backlund, so Gaowei is quite wealthy now.

"It just so happens that I've been active in Tingen recently, and I won't be returning to Backlund for the time being—but things have to be resolved. So I can only hope that your company can help me arrange business activities to the southern continent—hope I am satisfied with your company's business capabilities."

"Factory owners don't care much about workers' lives, and you are already a model among businessmen." Benson followed Gao Wei's meaning and praised him casually: "There should be many such cases in Backlund. But as far as I know, the people of the Southern Continent cannot produce this kind of product at a low price, and through our company, we can provide you with trade channels in the Southern Continent."

"However, I need to ask my superiors for instructions. I can't make a decision by myself. After all, I am only a basic employee of the company." Benson said in a deep voice, "If you are not in a hurry to leave, I can accompany you and wait for the arrival of the superior .I understand what you mean, if it is for commercial dumping in the Southern Continent, there should not be many companies that are more professional than us."

"Alright." Gao Wei nodded, and said to Benson, "But, is there something urgent for you? Your complexion doesn't look very good..."

He looked at Benson suspiciously, and he could see two very obvious dark circles around Benson's eyes.Benson's face looked haggard and tired, but even so, this young man who was not too young was still able to display his talent in language art.Realizing that his fatigue was noticed by the client in front of him, Benson smiled awkwardly:
"I'm actually not in charge of duty today. I just came back from a business trip and happened to meet you... Haha, I don't want the company to lose a customer, so I temporarily took charge as a receptionist."

"Well, you are a qualified employee, and I am a little envious of your employer now." Gao Wei smiled softly: "If you were the commercial director of my factory, maybe my factory would have It can be driven to the Southern Continent."

"You're joking, I'm just an ordinary employee. I can only talk about it here, and I can't do anything else." Benson smiled wryly, apparently not taking Gao Wei's words seriously.

But in fact, Gao Wei has thought about it - whether it is Benson's personal ability or his relationship with Klein, he deserves some help from him.Even leaving aside the inseparable kinship between Benson and Klein, the language literacy shown by Benson without receiving a systematic education is already worthy of Gao Wei's careful consideration.

As an alien among the Outer Gods, the high-dimensional Overlooker is still very happy to observe human beings and record human knowledge-this can be seen from every time he sneaks into the territory of the superstar master.Even the superstar ruler doesn't seem very happy, and the high-dimensional observers don't know why.

"Mr. Benson, let me ask you a question." Gao Wei said, "It stands to reason that you don't look like someone who has received an orthodox education, but you have a very good language literacy—sorry, I didn't mean to offend, just A little curious."

"Ah, it's all right." Benson rubbed the corners of his eyes to cheer himself up.He smiled at Gao Wei and said, "Actually, I have a younger brother who is studying at university..."

Gao Wei never expected that the last person who opened the conversation was a random question - it seems that the method of talking about children first in previous life chats is also applicable in this world.

"... That's it. He is preparing for the university interview now. Ah, sorry, Mr. Gao Wei, did I talk too much?" Benson took a sip of tea, and realized that nearly two hours had passed , It's almost time for the company's official work.Hearing what Benson said, Gao Wei shook his head and said:

"No, chatting with Mr. Benson can kill the boring time-you know, it's always very boring while waiting." Gao Wei put down his teacup and looked at the door that was opening opposite: "Oh, yours The colleagues arrived, and it happened to be working hours—it seems that your system is indeed as strict as you said."

"Colleague?" Benson looked towards the door, "Ah, the supervisor is here. Mr. Gao Wei, why don't you...?"

"It's okay, you are an excellent employee." Gao Wei said lightly, "If possible, I hope that you, Mr. Benson Moretti, will be responsible for handing over to me in the future."

"This..." Benson suppressed the surprise in his heart. He could roughly hear the meaning of Gao Wei's words, but he couldn't believe it vaguely.After all, he is not a young man who has just entered the society, and he still knows some unspoken rules in the workplace: "Well, Mr. Gao Wei. Our supervisor is in charge of our company's business matchmaking. Let me introduce you to him first."

"Okay." Gao Wei nodded and looked at the well-proportioned male supervisor.Wearing a black formal suit and combing his hair meticulously, the executive looked like an elite.But when he saw Benson and Gao Wei sitting here, the supervisor was stunned for a moment.

"Director, this is Mr. Gaowei Abraham. He wants to use our company to dump the goods produced in his factory in Backlund to the Southern Continent. I just came back from a business trip today, and I received Mr. Abraham here." Ban Sen whispered a few words to the supervisor, and the supervisor quickly reacted when he heard the words, with a smile on his face.He walked up to Gao Wei quickly, and said to him:
"Hi, I'm the supervisor here, Charlie Elliott. I wonder if our 'Southern Continental Trading Company' can help you? I heard him tell you about your intentions. If you are going to the Southern Continent If you dump the fine wine produced by your factory, we can give you three options..."

Gao Wei Abraham listened to Charlie's eloquent talk, but only let the information pass in his heart, and then analyzed the pros and cons with the mind of a foreign god.The cheapest solution is that the company provides routes and connections, while Gao Wei is responsible for all the processes of production, transportation and even sales.Undoubtedly, Gao Wei earns the most from this option, and is also the one that worries him the most; but since Southern Continent Company only charges one agency fee, many businessmen will choose this option.

The easiest and most trouble-free way is to let the Southern Continental Trading Company do all the work, while the contracting party is only responsible for the supply, and the company will send a special person to transfer it-in this way, although the Southern Continental Trading Company occupies the bulk of the share, they earn a lot of money. The profit is the largest, but it does not require high-dimensional labor.

"Then I'll leave the supply of my goods to you. But Director Charlie, besides this, you should be able to win more sales lines, right?" Gao Wei looked at the materials Charlie brought out, and said seemingly casually. Asked: "If I supply a lot at one time, or sign a contract for several years in a row-the share should be a little more?"

"Of course..." Charlie adjusted his glasses: "If you are willing to provide us with goods all the time, we are willing to increase your share by three percent... No, it will increase by 5.00%!"

"Okay, then do as you said." Gao Wei stood up and took his cane away: "Today next week, I will visit your company at three o'clock in the afternoon. I hope to see you at this time next week The proposed contract—by the way, as for contacting your company, it should be through this Mr. Moretti."

Benson's body tensed up suddenly, and Charlie, the supervisor on one side, didn't expect that Gao Wei would make such a request casually. He frowned and said sincerely: "In fact, our company has more professional employees who can take charge..."

Gao Wei smiled, and gave Charlie a meaningful look:
"Mr. Benson is a good employee—at least in my judgment. It was Mr. Benson who won this contract for you two hours before you came to the company."

The two watched Gao Wei leave without saying a word for a long time.After a while, Director Charlie asked Benson quietly: "You... Benson, right? What is your current weekly salary?"

"Eh?" Benson didn't expect the supervisor to ask this, and subconsciously replied, "1 pound 10 soli."

"1 pound and 10 soli... It's a little less. From next week, your salary will increase to 2 pounds. If the contract with Mr. Abraham is completed, I will pay you an extra salary. Alas, I didn't expect that, I didn't expect... Tingen would have such a big order... Thanks to you being here, otherwise this order would have been taken by other companies."

Director Charlie rubbed his forehead and said to Benson.Benson was instantly ecstatic: "Thank you, Supervisor!"

Then I thanked Mr. Gao Wei who I received in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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