Chapter 37

"Because of the influence of the statue of the original witch, Triss lost her way and strayed into the Chanis Gate. This is an aggregation of Extraordinary characteristics, which is reasonable. (a large section of smeared writing)"

"Because Tingen City is blocked, Triss can't escape Tingen by her own means, so she can only go to the church with weak defenses to create noise to attract the police and Extraordinary."

"Triss, who was sealed by the Chanis Gate, began to seek a way to break it. She was so unfortunate that she accidentally awakened the divinity in the statue of the evil god! Chick noticed this, and the gaze of the evil god affected the Chanis Gate!"

Immediately after this sentence was a large piece of blood, 0-0-8 was tired of covering up his traces to prevent himself from being discovered by Sequence Zero.Adam stood in the distance, quietly watching Ince Zangwill who kept coughing up blood.

A quill pen was writing quickly on the paper, even though many handwritings were roughly smeared off, an old palm still held the fidgeting pen tightly.Ince Zangwill wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, took a deep breath, and wrote the last sentence:

"Due to the riot of the Chick statue, the ashes of Saint Selina temporarily lost their abilities, and the guards of Chanis will be weaker than ever before!"

"The Witch Sect and the Nighthawks will both lose!"

He took a deep breath of turbid air, and looked in the direction of the Church of the Night with hatred on his face.Fortunately, 0-0-8 erased the handwriting that might attract the original witch in time, otherwise, the backlash he suffered would not be so simple.


Klein looked at Triss, who had disappeared from their field of vision, with serious eyes.The statue of the evil god that was originally the target of the mission was robbed, which meant that the mission tonight was a complete failure.As the two looked at each other, Daly walked upstairs slowly.In her hand is also holding an Extraordinary characteristic with a pink halo, it seems that Mrs. Sharon herself has returned to the embrace of the original witch.

After all, Triss's savage knife obviously directly and seriously injured Mrs. Sharon. After all, compared to the members of the Nighthawks who had different paths, the "witch" who deliberately hid her aura was obviously more difficult to be discovered.Even if she didn't control it well and leaked some of her aura, since the Witch Sect almost monopolized the Witch Way, Mrs. Sharon wouldn't care about this little witch who might be a reinforcement—after all, who would want to get the best chance of stabbing her? The cruel one is your own people?

"What's the matter with you?" Daly looked at the two people who were in a daze, and couldn't help frowning: "Mrs. Sharon was seriously injured before she fought with me just now. Little Klein, it's you and Lun Did Nader do it? No, you shouldn't be able to inflict this kind of injury, or is there someone else?"

Klein shook his head seriously: "No, it's Triss. Ms. Daly, I suspect this is the work of the Witch Sect."

"The 'instigator' Triss we have been chasing?" Daly was a little surprised: "She is not a member of the Witch Sect... No, wait, let me think... Well, I see, look at your expressions, Did Triss take the statue of the evil god?"

"That's right." Klein nodded: "Ms. Daly, I'm a little uneasy. Triss itself is also a factor of instability. Compared with Mrs. Sharon, who has a fixed location, it is difficult for us to find Triss's whereabouts." .Moreover, I think whether it is the internal struggle of the Witch Sect or the handwriting of the upper echelon of the Witch Sect, this is definitely not a good thing."

Seer's inspiration has always been particularly strong, and Klein's words obviously made Ms. Daly fall into deep thought.

"...Notify the police station and seal off Tingen City." Daly thought for a while, and said to Klein and Leonard in front of him: "Due to the previous 'True Creator Coming' incident, although fortunately there were no casualties, But our Nighthawks and the Punishers in charge of other jurisdictions also lost most of their combat power in an instant. Now we have very few people left behind. If the "primordial witch" descended from the gods this time, then we will never be able to solve this incident! "

"I see, I'll notify the police station right away!" Klein replied decisively, running towards the police station.Daly smiled lightly, remembering the two rings she hid in the office.

——After the task is over this time, let's take Dunn to get married.

Ince Zangwill put on a thick windbreaker and wrapped his body tightly.In a place that Ince Zangwill didn't see, the text written by 0-0-8 was erased like an eraser, and turned into a new line of text:

"Under the influence of the Chick Idol, the 'White Maiden' came to Tingen because of her strong aggregation characteristics, and took Triss away. Unable to disobey the orders of her superiors, Triss left Tingen and went to Backlund accomplished his mission."

Adam quietly stared at the notebook in front of him with pure eyes, but 0-0-8 who wrote this line did not find Adam.He seemed to be able to see the 0-0-8 carried by Ince Zangwill through the layers of buildings.After confirming that he had arranged everything properly, Adam let out a long sigh, his figure gradually faded, and disappeared in place.

What he came here was just a clone projected through the subconscious sea.

However, after Adam left, a gentle breeze blew over from the window, mischievously turning the pages of Ince Zangwill's book.Some fine invisible silk threads danced slowly on the handwriting that had changed under Adam's hands, making the dried ink seem to return to the state when it was just written, slowly penetrating towards the reverse side of the page.The faint source quality breath covered the book, forming a thin curtain above the book, silently blocking Adam's gaze projected back at any time.

The pages of the book were blown back by the wind. In this line of tampered text, the word "female" in "Saint of White" seemed to be blurred and changed into "person".

On the back of the page, there was a line of writing soaked in ink, and the ink penetrated the texture of the page to form distorted words: "Triss prayed to those who looked down, hoping that she could use half of the reward for this mission to get Help. The Overlook kindly agreed to Triss's prayer."

Now the content will naturally become:

"Under (Triss's prayer), the 'White Saint' came to Tingen because of its strong aggregation characteristics, and took Triss away. Triss could not disobey the order of the superior (the Overlooker) and left Tingen Root, go to Backlund to complete your mission (under the Overlooker)!"

The high-dimensional overlooker laughed presumptuously, causing the real Creator next to him to look sideways.The high-dimensional overlooker is like a spectator at this moment, pointing to the light curtain and saying:

"This script is not bad. Now it's up to our heroine to choose. Can Adam continue to arrange her?"

If Adam continues to arrange, then the high-dimensional Overlooker can follow Triss to pollute Adam's series of arrangements. Anyway, after the great smog in Backlund, he can run along the ocean current. Come and kill him; if Adam doesn't continue to arrange, then the high-dimensional Overlooker can take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of the great smog in Backlund, allowing the true creator to continue to have the upper hand.

Triss stared blankly at the completely blocked exit of Tingen City in front of her, gritted her teeth, and ran towards the Nighthawks headquarters.She just prayed to the great existence that pulled her into that mysterious space before, hoping that she could get help from the great existence.However, the text in front of her was distorted, showing that she was not given a safe and stable place to complete the task.

She was a little reconciled, if Tingen had been blocked by the authorities, she would definitely be caught by the Nighthawks.It doesn't take a lot of time, just two or three days, and she will be captured by the Nighthawks or Punishers during the siege of the whole city.Even if she became a "witch", Triss was not so arrogant that she would think that she could fight against the power of the entire city.

Triss asked unwillingly:
"Great master, if I exchange part of the reward for this mission, what kind of assistance can I get from you?"

The high-dimensional Overlooker set up the response device before and responded: "According to the principle of equivalent exchange, the only aid option you can redeem at present is 'instant disengagement'. And, since you choose to consume part of the reward for exchange, in this time After the assistance, the reward will be changed to 'the chance to escape from the Witch Sect'."

"Great Master, I'll exchange!" Terri said without the slightest hesitation.Compared with the illusory rewards that have not yet been obtained, one's own life is more important.Triss thought about it, and if she consumed half of the reward, it was equivalent to getting a chance to leave the Witch Sect for nothing; and if she was caught by the official Extraordinary, she would be completely finished.

However, the next mechanical words of the great master made her feel cold in an instant: "You need to submit the mission objective in a safe place."

——"I'm almost unable to complete the task!" "Then apply for assistance!"

——"But I can't apply for assistance!" "Then go and complete the task!"

"What are you talking about? I always feel that you are very happy..." The real creator looked at the high-dimensional overlooker who was talking to himself in front of the light curtain, and couldn't help asking with some doubts.The high-dimensional overlooker smiled, and waited until the real creator turned his head to look at him seriously, and then said three words seriously to the real creator: "Nothing."

True Creator: "..."

safe place?Ah!Tingen City has an "absolutely" safe place, but I don't know if this great master can bring himself out!Bloodshot eyes burst out of Trissy's eyes. She took a deep breath and calmed her mind: "Dear Overlooker, if I submit a task in the Chanis Gate, can you take me out of it?" out?"

After receiving an affirmative answer, Triss was heartbroken and rushed towards the Blackthorn Security Company.The high-dimensional Overlooker sat in his source quality and ate the "melon seeds" given to him before the original hunger, while watching Triss' movements with great interest.Facts have proved that most lives can burst into brilliant sparks in life-threatening situations.The fact that Triss, a cautious guy, dared to plunge directly into the Chanis gate is a strong proof of this sentence.

"Not bad." The high-dimensional overlooker applauded gently, squirmed his limbs in front of him, and raised Triss's light curtain by a level from the layered light curtain: before Triss and Grelint was given the lowest priority, while Megose's light curtain, who dedicated herself to the high-dimensional Overlookers for her own child, was at the second-to-last level.You must know that many people, after praying to the high-dimensional overlooker after a short period of enthusiasm, dare not make changes in their lives because of their own cowardice. The one that is valued.

The high-dimensional Overlooker considers himself quite benevolent. After all, he will carefully exchange them for the equivalent of these fragile and poor lives. If it is replaced by other outer gods, he may accidentally kill them.

——Oh, as for the experience of communicating with these fragile creatures, it is thanks to the poor civilization that was killed by his ravings when he was still relatively young.

Now both Triss and Megose are placed on the penultimate layer of the light curtain—that is, the level that can be expected by high-dimensional overlookers.As for the third favored person, Grelint, where is it?Oh, Glaint is throwing a party.

"Okay." The high-dimensional overlooker casually clicked on the real Creator beside him, attracting his attention.The two gods looked at the "actors" with different expressions who were moving in the high-dimensional light curtain, and they couldn't help being silent.

"It's about to start?" The real creator asked doubtfully as he watched the Megose clone imbued with his own divinity walking stiffly forward.

"It's about to start." Amanisis sighed as she looked at Ince Zangwill, who was wrapping herself in a windbreaker and showing a stern expression.

"It's about to start~" The high-dimensional overlooker looked at the light curtain in front of him, pulled the ring of fate and watched the end of fate together.The superstar master in the distance is still persistently watching the civilization on the planet stepping into the starry sky, unremittingly setting off fireworks in the dark background of the universe.

Primordial Hunger is thinking about whether to go to Earth to swallow more Extraordinary characteristics, after all, the Extraordinary characteristics here are really enriched; the Mother Tree of Desire is working hard to develop Torzner, trying to completely erode him and regain its own path.The universe is still as harmonious as ever, and some fragmented wreckage and unclaimed Extraordinary properties can still be seen between the planets.

He smiled, looking forward to the expected development of the things in front of him.While these gods watched, the storm of Tingen and the gale of the future world were about to blow, and the actors standing in the center of the stage knew nothing about it.

(End of this chapter)

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