Chapter 19 Report
"Heiye, are you still going to leave the matter of Ince Zangwill alone?"

"Ince Zangwill's matter has Adam controlling the overall situation. Even if he is now vaguely aware of the change in the situation, I can't break the face with him from the outside. Adam is already the king of angels. If he deliberately Arrangements, then my church may be hostile to the Lord of Storms."

Amanisis did not say a word, that is, his cooperation with Adam is still going on.As a god who has experienced the banquet of betrayal and the fourth era, Amanisis knows the truth that he should not trust others easily.Even if He is consistent with the ultimate goal of the real creator and the high-dimensional Overlooker, she cannot be allowed to change her cooperation with Adam.

Complete trust in someone you've just met for a few days?This is a story that only exists in fairy tales.

"I will prepare for the God's Descend ceremony, but I guess it is unlikely to succeed. When the time comes, you watch the Nighthawks on your side, and don't be too seriously injured."

The True Creator said in a deep voice, as an "ally", He symbolically reminded Amanisis.

"I can actually help you too, dear Mazo."


"Don't push Adam too hard, the real creator. Your divine half body has already left the state we expected at the time. Also, don't be so irritable when you are really born. The high-dimensional overlooker also wants to help you..."

Amanisis persuaded.

"It's still yours, Amanisis. How about this, if someone from your family's Nighthawks dies during the Godfall, I'll help you send their souls to Klein."



Daffodil Street, West District, Tingen.

Klein opened the curtains, allowing golden sunlight to shine into the bedroom.

Just solved a troublesome thing, it really makes people feel at ease.Klein relaxed after a long absence, lying on his bed, enjoying the rare rest time.However, after a short period of relaxation, remembering the pressure on himself, Klein still planned to go to the divination club by himself.

"Now that I have the recipe for the clown potion, I'm just waiting to digest the 'Seer'... and the disasters that Gao Wei said before sweeping the entire world basically happen at the end of each era .The time is running out now, I have to quickly upgrade the sequence and protect my friends..." Klein said to himself as if hypnotized, and Klein forced himself to stand up straight, walked to the coat rack, and took off the A tuxedo coat and a half-height silk top hat, started a busy and fulfilling life for Mr. Fool.

When he came to the divination club, Klein leisurely sat in the conference room of the divination club and drank Xibo black tea.While looking at the newspaper in his hand to pass the time, he sat in his seat and waited for the opportunity to act as a fortune-teller.

Suddenly, Klein saw Glacis walking in wearing a monocle and holding a silk top hat, and beside him was a lady in her thirties wearing a blue dress with a stand-up collar.The lady's mental state was a bit haggard. After noticing the lady's expression, Klein turned on his Spirit Vision to take a look, and found that the two people were anxious and flustered.

Is it because of something about investment that I asked for divination before?Is this a failed investment?Also, the result of my divination to him last time was not good, but he doesn't seem to give up.Klein thought to himself.

Last time, Glacis, who had just recovered from his lung disease, asked him for a fortune-telling about investing in the Lanrus Steel Company, and got a bad result.Klein looked at Glacis' expression, mulled over his words, and said to Glacis:

"Good afternoon, Glacis, Mr. Lanrus is really not trustworthy, is he?"

Glacis was taken aback, and immediately began to pour bitterness on Klein, denouncing the crimes committed by that hateful fraudster, Lanerus.Having said that, Christina, who followed Mr. Glacis, also confided her situation to Klein. When she learned that she had to use Lanrus' belongings to divination and get the location of the fraudster , she lowered her voice and asked:

"If you use the child of Lanerus, can you complete the divination?"

child?Klein looked at Megose beside her, and was taken aback for a moment.

"If it's a child that has already been born, it's fine." Klein said to Christina, "but it's a pity that it takes several months to wait. Well, this may be the manifestation of the previous divination results. Patience, waiting, persistence, no more Be greedy, and then usher in a turning point and see the sun."

"Several months..." Christina murmured and shook her head, "No, after such a long time, even if you find Lanerus, you won't be able to get the money back..."

Christina was silent for a few seconds, looked at Megose and said:
"You have to make a decision. I think keeping this child will make your life difficult and full of thorns. Don't you want to tell him that his father is a fraudster who deceived many people, including his mother. ?”

In the Land Abandoned by God, the high-dimensional Overlooker replaced his avatar with the "eggshell" he had left before, and sarcastically addressed the real Creator through the hard shell:

"Zhenzao, what were you thinking before? No matter how bad our condition is, we shouldn't be in such a miserable state, right? If you don't make a move, you will be kicked out by the hospital?"

"..." The True Creator said in a deep voice, "Do you know that you are annoying."

"I know, Primordial Hunger told me that too." Gao Wei looked down and nodded, "That was the last time I threw his dinner plate to the Superstar Master's site, and I was scolded by both of them."

"I venture to ask, what is the food of the original hunger?"

"A lush planet."

"屮." The real creator manipulated his avatar irritably, and let the child in Megose's belly kick her lightly, so as to calm her emotions so that she would not be knocked off—although At that time, at most, the gods would descend in advance and die on the spot with the whole Tingen.But it would be too embarrassing for a majestic evil god to fall to this point. According to the nature of the high-dimensional person looking down in front of him, the real creator felt that if he really fell into that field, he might be pointed at his nose and laughed at for three days and three nights.

"Actually, I can help you—I can even help you to be born." The high-dimensional Overlooker suddenly said to him, the real Creator narrowed his eyes, stared at the Higher-dimensional Overlooker, and the flesh and blood around him trembled: "Do you want to be born?" What do you want?"

"I don't need anything." The high-dimensional overlooker said sincerely to the real creator: "You may not believe me, but if I definitely need something, then what I need is that God will never appear again. Like this can I will do my best to cover God's urn."

There is still a sentence that the high-dimensional overlooker has not said, that is, as the incarnation of the source quality, a large part of his usual behavior is following the instinct of his own source quality; the instinct of the source quality is always consistent with his own characteristics. Those who are consistent, including the high-dimensional overlooker, will arrogantly pity every suffering person, including helping Klein who is alone in a foreign land.Except for the mentality of the gods, which is caused by the memory of the original human beings, the rest of the behavioral logic of the high-dimensional overlooker is dominated by the characteristics of the source quality.

High-dimensional, the two paths of the outer gods and his source quality together form a "high-dimensional Overlooker" who is both merciful and cruel, humble and arrogant.Such an outer god whose motives are completely incomprehensible to human beings is naturally dreadful.And some alienated high-dimensional souls are also mixed in the body of this outer god, which makes some outer gods disgusted.He has no fear of death, any more than He hates life.But due to the influence of human beings, He hates complete silence and hopes to see a lively "courtyard".

In His eyes, there is no big difference whether it is a pillar or a mortal.As long as it interests him, he will do it.This is why He is willing to help the real Creator free of charge, just because the scene that is the same as in His memory makes Him feel interesting.

"What are you going to do?" The True Creator asked in a deep voice.

Gao Wei raised the corner of his mouth and got off the carriage.He watched as batches of goods transported from Backlund arrived at Tingen and were transported out by freighters one by one.Gao Wei heard the commissioner of the trading company standing beside him and the newly promoted Benson standing together, supervising the employees from the Southern Continent getting off the ship, and personally carrying the goods that destroyed their country's order onto the ship.

In the mouth of the company commissioner, he said: "Praise Emperor Roselle! Let us buy raw materials from the Southern Continent at such a low price! Let us sell unsalable industrial products at such a high price!"

It's really ironic that Roselle perfectly and cruelly reproduced the "Triangle Trade" of the old days here, and the trade that has lasted until now has still caused great oppression to the residents of the Southern Continent.But what about Ruen, Intis and other countries that are oppressors?Their bottom-level people are still impoverished, and their lives are not much different from those of the oppressed Southern Continent civilians.And sadly they can't even fight back, they live only because the top gods need them as anchors.

The outer gods don't understand the behavior of the local gods. Compared with the weak and easily destroyed anchors, the strong self is the most stable existence.The old days and the true gods in the vast starry sky follow the instinct of aggregation or source quality, and the life they live is far more comfortable than the true gods who are blocked on the earth.

It is because of the need to rely on these anchors that the supposedly strong gods are so easily polluted by the starry sky; the speed of high-sequence aggregation should have been faster and faster, but now the Seven Gods are performing day-to-day events like a decaying stage. Day after day of farce.According to this development, this planet will stagnate forever, until the initial barrier dissipates, and the entire world is destroyed by the Outer Gods.

The high-dimensional Overlooker doesn't like such drama, so he prepares to revive this stagnant water in the way of other gods.You must know that even the most stubborn and rigid Superstar Master would not suppress the development of the entire civilization like this. At most, he would wait for the civilization to set foot on the starry sky, and then swallow it jokingly.And the seven gods here, who only have the personality of a true god, turned the entire planet into a lifeless place—how is this different from Tianzun's puppet show?
Adhering to the spirit of divinity, the high-dimensional Overlookers decided to help all living beings on the earth, allowing them to have the right to develop freely.

"The eyes that linger in vain, the sage who hides behind the curtain, and the messenger that belongs exclusively to Gawi Abraham."

A pair of eyes opened by Gao Wei's side, and he looked a little cute when he didn't move.In Gaowei's eyes, the hidden sage has been completely polluted by him, and the activated part has undergone some transformation and has become the appearance of a high-dimensional overlooking person.

"Help me deliver a letter, and give it to the Punisher and Nighthawk who are patrolling around here." The high-dimensional Overlooker scribbled a few strokes on the paper with a pen, folded it briefly, and handed it to the Those transparent eyes.He wasn't worried at all that his identity would be revealed by divination—oh, since there wasn't a single old combat power on this earth, he wouldn't be afraid even if the letter was handed over to the Lord of Storms.

"What did you do?" The True Creator asked, frowning.Gao Wei chuckled and said casually:
"Report Lanrus."

"?" The real creator was stunned for a moment: "Why are you reporting my descendant body when you have nothing to do?"

"Think about it, in order to carry out the oracle of their lord, the Church of the Storm will definitely bring Lanerus back to the church. But the Lanerus case happened in the jurisdiction of the Nighthawks, so the Nighthawks will not just watch The Punisher took Lanwusi away. Therefore, in order to keep it secret, there is a high probability that the Church of Storms will let him spit out the money he defrauded before, and give justice to those who were deceived."

Gao Wei pushed the monocle that he limited to when he was wearing formal clothes, and continued to use his avatar in the land abandoned by the gods to talk to the real creator: "Doing this, one can attract the sense of your existence in Megose's belly. , On the other hand, it will also allow your next body to have a wider space for movement, such as going to the Southern Continent where all kinds of gods fight."

"Although Adam and Ince Zangwill will most likely continue to arrange for Mekoos to make her a prop for them to achieve 0-0-8, but I can 'help' tamper with Ince Zangwill's memory , come up with a duplicate version of the 'True Creator God's Descending Vessel'. Of course, I need a piece of your divine flesh and blood to complete this 'duplication'."

True Creator: "..."

After a long time, he sighed: "Please, ally..."

The Punisher and the Nighthawk who were patrolling the port here saw a letter suddenly appeared in their arms, and immediately looked at each other, and after they read the letter, they acted nervously.Gao Wei watched the last box of goods being shipped onto the ship, yawned and said to Benson:
"The delivery is over, Brother Benson, how about we go to the cafe over there to have a rest?"

Benson was startled, and subconsciously looked at the supervisor next to him—the supervisor looked at his nose, mouth and heart, as if he didn't hear Gao Wei's words, which were completely undisguised.

(End of this chapter)

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