Chapter 14 Back to Tingen
Fors Wall sat at the table, quite restless - she had heard the surname "Abraham" from the old woman who led her into the Extraordinary World before, and it was exactly like this. This Extraordinary family with a long history has deep fear and fear.Don't look at how calm and indifferent she was in front of Audrey and Grelint before, but in the end she is just a... Ahem, a Beyonder who has just started, still has too many secrets about the world of Beyonders. Know.

"...The potion you drank was left to you by Anlisa?" Gao Wei said to Forsi with a look of "nostalgia".In fact, he didn't know An Lisa, the widow of the Abraham family. Even if it was the original owner of this body, he only had a blood relationship with An Lisa's husband.

But what does it matter?Fors wouldn't know about this relationship, and Outer God wouldn't just break through it so easily.As long as what he said made Fors feel a little nervous and nostalgic for the past, it could help him successfully complete his future goals.

"Ah... yes, Mr. Gao Wei." Sure enough, under Gao Wei's inducement, Fors briefly told him about his experience of acquiring Extraordinary characteristics, which made Gao Wei "thoughtful" frequently nod.When Forsi finished telling her past, took a sip of tea and looked nervously at Gao Wei who hadn't spoken for a long time, Gao Wei sighed, and said to Forsi with "a little emotion":

"It seems that An Lisa regards you as her daughter... Sigh, her husband passed away, and she bears the fate of Abraham. It's not impossible for me to make such a choice. Otherwise, she wouldn't take her own" "Extraordinary characteristics" is passed on to you. However, Miss Fors, let me think... Did she leave you a bracelet before?"

"Mrs. An Lisa once brought me an unforgettable warm time when I lost my mother. In a sense, she once played the role of my mother." Although he was curious about what the "extraordinary characteristics" were, Foer Si still emphasized to Gao Wei: "Bracelet... Ah, yes, yes. She left me a bracelet with extraordinary effects-if you came to retrieve this item, I can give it to you right now. It is returned to..."

Gao Wei reached out to block Forsi's other hand that was about to take off the bracelet on her wrist, preventing her from returning the bracelet.Gao Wei "meditated" for a while, and said to Fors: "You are a girl who values ​​affection. I will leave this bracelet with you first. I don't lack this extraordinary item, but for you This string of bracelets may sometimes save your life. But, Miss Forsi, I need to remind you of one thing, please do not use this Extraordinary item unless necessary."

"Huh?" Forsi was taken aback, and was just about to ask Gao Wei about the matter he mentioned and the secret of the "extraordinary characteristics" he said before, but at this moment she found that Gao Wei had a serious face.Relying on the writer's intuition, Fors immediately understood—this matter must have touched the secrets of the Abraham family. After she thought of this, she shut up and didn't pursue the root cause.But after finishing this sentence, Gao Wei touched his chin and said after consideration: "However, if you want to know... there is another way. You have also come into contact with Abraham's blood, so you can..."

Forsi's ears moved.

"Would you like to be me...or, to be a student of the Abraham family?" Gao Wei made a serious expression, and said solemnly to Forsi, "I hope this can be your last trip to see Mrs. An Lisa The reward is also a reward for your sincere character. If you can become a student of the Abraham family, I can even provide you with the formula of the 'Master of Magic' potion in the next sequence of this path."

Forsi's heart was ruthlessly moved.

"You really want to take her as an apprentice? Why?" The True Creator looked at Gao Wei and made a dull voice.After Gao Wei reformed the believers of the Aurora Order, his mental state improved visibly, not as painful as before, and he also changed from a completely crazy mental patient to a sometimes cursing schizophrenic.Although he is still struggling with his own crazy humanity, most of the time, the real creator can control his ravings inside the land abandoned by gods, and will not affect the secret prayers outside too much.

"No, it's not me. It's a student of the Abraham family." Gaowei emphasized.

"Hmm..." The real creator turned his head, looked at the phantoms of the tempting food deliberately created by the high-dimensional overlooker in front of him, and resisted the urge to scold him: "When are you going to be promoted?" 'Hermit'?"

"There is no rush." ​​Gaowei looked down and shook his head: "The last time I was promoted was because I was weak at the time, and I could still use the reason of 'the favored one of the true creator' to barely fool me, so could Leodero. Accept this fact that I've tampered with. However, it would be too disrespectful to Leodro's IQ to be promoted so quickly this time. Even if he has no brains, he is still stronger than the traitor Badhier (God of War) There are many, many."

"I remember, Twilight Giants... Ah, why do you say that?"

The true Creator suddenly became interested, and it could be seen that He was still brooding about the betrayal he had done back then.

"This thing hasn't happened yet." The high-dimensional overlooker casually said to the real creator: "This is just what I saw. But I can only tell you unfortunately: in most of the pictures I saw, The final ending of Badhir is very embarrassing. If the Ring of Fate sees Badhir's life, he will also give a thumbs up for the glorious deeds of the God of War."

Traitors eventually die in betrayal, and Twilight Giants die before the end.This is not his favorite ending, because it is not twisty enough, but it must be the most ardent curtain call for the ring of destiny, a magic stick with no combat effectiveness.

"and also."

The true Creator said abruptly:
"Which path of potion did you give that viscount, and you actually left your favor on him?"

"Mr. A is in charge of this matter. It should be the "pharmacist" of Sequence Nine, right? After all, your path, hehe, basically people with some status know it. Moreover, things like God's favor are worthless. After all, there are so many people related to the gray mist gathered."

A strange smile appeared on the corner of Gao Wei's mouth. He sat in the carriage, looked at Viscount Grelint in front of him through the window of the carriage, and saw the excitement on his face.A pair of transparent, almost indifferent eyes opened behind Grelint, watching him silently.The text on the formula of the "pharmacist" potion hidden in his pocket gradually deformed, becoming a formula that had never appeared on Earth.

"Dimension" pathway sequence nine, "actor"!
(Note: Due to some force majeure reasons, this sequence overlaps with a certain sequence of cassava, so its ancient name was changed to "opera actor", and the "actor" after the official appearance of "opera actor" in the second volume is cassava. way.)
"With the favor of the top of my sequence, you will not lose control because of the pollution contained in this sequence..." Gao Wei said in a voice that only he could hear.The corners of his mouth parted in an expectant smile.

"A nobleman of the Kingdom of Loen, a young man looking forward to extraordinary abilities, the best actor on this stage in the future..."

The emperor lost control of the ceremony, and the ending was neither perfect nor hopeless.The High-Dimensional Overlooker doesn't like this script very much. He is going to follow the instinct of the source and watch the emperor bring his kingdom to the end in the most tragic way.By the way, there is also Chick, who still doesn't know that the god drop container he carefully selected has been put into his target by him.I really don't know if this original witch will yell like a superstar master when she sees him pinching Triss?
"Dark Emperor, can this help you fall? A favored person from the starry sky, an alien god who covets the real world... Don't you think that you are neither as ruthless as Roselle, nor as smart as Solomon?" How dare you die so cheaply?" Gao Wei found that Mr. A beside him looked over, with a very friendly smile on his face: "Let's go, Mr. A."

"Let's go back to the Aurora Club, time is running out. Tomorrow morning, I have to go back to Tingen, and then the Aurora Club activities here will be handed over to you." Gao Wei said: "By the way, when the time comes, if If there is anything urgent, you can directly summon my messenger to contact me."

Mr. A looked at Gao Wei, as if he was listening to Gao Wei's spell to summon the messenger.

"The eyes lingering in the emptiness, the sage hidden behind the curtain, the messenger that belongs exclusively to Goway Abraham." Goway carefully instructed:
"Also, before calling this messenger, be sure to pray to the Lord."

Gao Wei pressed Mr. A's shoulder and said solemnly.

The sun shone on the streets of Tingen, cheering up the weak homeless.Benson looked at his watch and sighed helplessly.If it is true that the rich also have the troubles of the rich, even the generous and enthusiastic gentleman from last time would have to return to Backlund temporarily because of some temporary incidents.But fortunately, he received a letter from Gao Wei last night, saying that he hoped that the business cooperation discussed last time could be finalized as soon as possible this morning.

In order to increase his salary steadily, Benson decided to wait at the agreed place early in the morning to show his sincerity.However, he had already drank his third cup of coffee in the box that Gao Wei had reserved, which made him wonder if he came a little too early.But just when he was about to stand up and move around, he found that the door of the box was pushed open by one hand, and when he looked up, Gao Wei walked in in a formal suit.

Today's Gao Wei did not wear the previous monocle, to prevent Amon in Tingen from parasitizing and killing all the Moretti family along with mystical connections, and wait until Klein, the "great master of the gray fog", returns home When I was there, I found that Benson and Melissa were both looking at him with a monocle and smiling, playing a wave of GG amidst laughter.

"Hi, Mr. Abraham. You look good today!" Benson stood up to greet him, complimenting him.Gao Wei laughed "hehe", sat down on the chair, and said in a joking tone: "Maybe I went home and relaxed a lot when I was at home. After all, everyone at home The time is always when he is most comfortable, no matter what the home looks like."

"Yes, Mr. Gao Wei." Benson obviously thought of his younger siblings, with a smile on his face: "You are right, you are always comfortable when you are at home."

While browsing the contract that Benson handed him, Gao Wei casually raised questions about some points that may have doubts; on the other hand, he divided his own will that exists in countless time and space, and communicated with himself.

"Can we go back?" a sentimental Gao Wei said.

"I don't remember what my house looks like, nor do I remember the smell of fried rice with eggs in the pot. When I forget everything, you won't be so troubled anymore." Gaowei replied indifferently: "No Home, this veil is now our home."

"I can't go back..." Gao Wei, whose eyes were so calm and indifferent, said with emotion: "Forget it, this kind of life is not bad."


"Happy cooperation, Mr. Benson." Gao Wei smiled happily, and signed his name fluently at the bottom of the contract, "According to the custom in my hometown, there is always a meal to celebrate after finishing the business Yes. But, I wonder if you have time, let's go out for a meal to celebrate our successful cooperation?"

"Uh... maybe not, my sister is still waiting for me to go back. By the way, Mr. Gao Wei, you can call me Benson." Benson smiled, and politely rejected Gao Wei's invitation: "My family Klein worked the night shift last night, so he is probably still sound asleep. You should understand that as an older brother, I have to go back and take care of him."

"Ah, that's really inappropriate now." Gao Wei showed a smile: "However, I just returned to Tingen, so I can ask my 'servant' to cook some 'Intis' style cuisine. Would you like Do you mind if I come to visit, Benson? By the way, I don't like the title 'Sir' very much, you can just call me 'Gao Wei'."

Now that it's all said and done, Benson naturally has no reason to refuse.The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, feeling that the somewhat familiar gentleman in front of him had an irresistible character.Benson laughed, and said to Gao Wei sincerely: "Then I will wait for you, Mr. Gao Wei."

Viscount Glaint excitedly took the previous potion formula and found all the ingredients on it.He opened a box given to him by Mr. A, and found that it was the main ingredient of the potion formula.Suddenly, Grelint became dizzy, and muttered to himself:
"This bottle of potion... what is the extraordinary ability of 'actor'?"

(End of this chapter)

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