from Xingyuan

Chapter 438 143. [Apostle of Entropy Destroyer] Joham Robbie

Chapter 438 143. [Apostle of Entropy Destroyer] Joham Robbie
[... Regardless of whether there are fake people in this team, I really want to wipe them out now. 】

This Xun Yuluo babbled endlessly, and the next to him was not as good as Feng Yu, who would cheer her up from time to time, encouraging her to continue talking. Li Aoz had been playing Star Abyss for so many years, and this was the first time he saw a player of this level.

too frightening.

Just when Li Aoz couldn't hold back anymore and was mentally planning to leave the team, there was a sound of footsteps in the distance.

Li Aoz turned his head slightly, and a frivolous male voice immediately sounded in his ear:

"I'm sorry, Sur, Rosie, I just submitted the task smoothly. I kept you waiting for a long time."

——Why does this voice sound familiar?

Li Aoz was puzzled, turned his head, and immediately saw three men in GTB bounty hunter uniforms approaching.The faces of the bounty hunters on the left and right sides were covered with dark clouds, while the young man in the middle looked cynical. After scanning the two teammates with pale green eyes, they immediately fell on Li Aoz.

"Oh, you're already here. Sorry to keep you waiting."

The frivolous man stepped forward and shook hands with Li Aozzi:
"You are Mr. Isaac, right? My two partners are straightforward people. They don't speak well, but they have a good character. Please forgive me."

Hearing what he said, Li Aoz immediately realized: he was in camouflage mode the whole time.

"Yeah." Li Ozi also switched to camouflage mode, 'Isaac' said coldly: "I'm fine, your teammate... has a lot of personality."

"You're laughing, Mr. Isaac."

The young man smiled slightly, then turned his head and said to the two NPC companions:

"Isaac is a newcomer to the gang. Don't look like he's just a newcomer. In fact, he just retired from the army. His qualities are pretty good. He's still a fourth-level hero."

The two NPCs had no objections, and they seemed very convinced by the young man.

"Since you introduced him, Wellington and I can rest assured."

"Smith is right--Joham, you have a good eye."

Li Aoz narrowed his eyes.

He didn't reveal all his identity information, including Isaac's honor information.

The young man is so clear, so let's explain one thing: this kid has his own exclusive intelligence network, and can collect information at any time.

Reminiscent of half a month in the game before the other party responded to his message, the young man probably took this opportunity to collect Isaac's identity information, conducted a review, and announced the approval a few days ago.

Thinking of this, Li Aoz pretended to ask casually:

"Just the six of us?"

Smith on the side took the initiative to explain for the youth:
"Yes, despite the small number of people in our team, it's not easy to get in, veteran."

【--really. 】

"I see that you are dressed like ordinary GTB hired bounty hunters, right?"

Li Aoz asked curiously:

"Is there anything different about our group? It actually needs to be reviewed in advance."

"Ha, I guess you will think so." Wellington, another NPC, grinned: "Being able to say these words, it seems that Joham didn't reveal our mission goal to you."

"I haven't received much information. I think the bounty hunters of GTB basically form a team to hunt down wanted criminals." Li Aoz said, deliberately glanced at the white obelisk in the distance : "But I didn't expect that you would specifically pick this place to gather. Could it be that this place harbors criminals?"

"Oh, chasing murderers for bounty, that can only be regarded as our sideline business."

Smith glanced at the young man:

"Joham Robbie, explain to this newcomer. The purpose of our gathering here,"

Joham Robbie?
Hearing this name, Li Aoz suddenly realized.

No wonder he thought this guy's voice was so familiar, it turned out to be him.

Also, combining the words of those two players, their desire for a sense of substitution and original ecological games, that has actually revealed a little bit of information.


Feather Magic Knife—or, the young man who was playing 'Joham Robbie' nodded slightly, looked at Li Aoz, but first asked a question:
"Mr. Isaac, what do you think of human beings?"

"What?" 'Isaac' didn't know why.

"I want to say——you, as Isaac, or someone else, what do you think of the humans on Azure Planet, their civilization, and the four countries that have established a delicately balanced order?"

Joham's eyes were burning, staring straight at Li Aoz, which made him feel a little uneasy.

Li Aoz opened the [Eye of Reality] and scanned around. The five members of the [Xuyu Building] team were not fake.

Li Ozi's direct use of arcane energy was naturally noticed by Qiao Ham. The latter's eyes flickered slightly, as if thinking of something, but he didn't speak directly, but looked at Li Ozi with a smile:
"As a newly retired veteran and an earthquake relief hero, you don't need to have an answer right away, but I think that sooner or later you will find your real answer. At that time, you must follow your true feelings and don't forget your original intention .”

"Is this answer important?" Li Aoz folded his arms and asked playfully. "Can it be replaced by Jia Lun, or can it be loaded into the chamber as a bullet, pulled the trigger, and fired directly?"

"The answer is worthless, the truth is priceless." Johanm said calmly: "I can tell you my thoughts first: Mr. Isaac, I love this world, and I hope it will become better."

"Sounds pretty good." Li Oz shrugged and let 'Isaac' continue: "Then what are you going to do? What are we doing near this white obelisk in the middle of the night?"

"It's very simple, what we are going to do is not complicated."

As Jorham said, he took off the large tactical rucksack on his back and unzipped the zipper, revealing rows of pale polymer casing bullets inside.

Li Aoz narrowed his eyes immediately: "Is this the military polymer shell casing of the Red Arrow? You are absolutely contraband."

"Prohibited? No, sir, it's nothing."

Joham took out a terminal from his arms:

"This is the controller of the AE-150 'Albatross' unmanned aerial gunship. It is guided by laser and cooperates with the network and low-atmospheric satellite positioning. There is no need to worry about safety issues. I have found the most professional [mechanic] to adjust it. It is absolutely safe. "

"The most professional [mechanic]?" Li Aoz suddenly thought of something. "his name is……"

"Du Zexin, former Law Three elite spy leader."

Joham said casually:

"Of course he has bid farewell to that chaotic and rotten motherland, and thrown himself into the embrace of truth."

'Isaac' looked at Joham with stern eyes: "Tell me, what exactly do you want to do? Do you want to rebel?"

"Don't use such ugly words." Joham said calmly, "We are here to destroy the world."

Li Aoz turned off the camouflage mode and let Isaac continue the conversation. He was afraid that the blood pressure of Isaac's personality would rise and break through the sky.

"Joham Robbie." Li Oz said, "You want to create a terrorist attack, right?"

"Actually, it caused a rebellion." Joham shrugged: "You probably don't know the existence of Er Sha, Lord Entropy—"

"I know."

"You know? That's easy to say."

Joham took out a 20mm caliber heavy machine gun from his backpack and looked at Li Ozi:
"To put it simply, we intend to surrender to Lord Entropy. Dedicate this rotten world to His Majesty Entropy, and let it use endless entropy to lead Azure Star to its true end."

He said this very casually, as easily as saying 'I had scallion pancakes and hot pepper soup in the morning'.

Li Aoz raised his head and looked at this man seriously.

Feather Magic Knife, or Joham Robbie.Li Aoz's memory of him was almost blurred, but at this moment, following the crazy and calm words of the other party, he was gradually awakened.

He's not really anything special.

That is, the world's first electronic immigrant who successfully entered the world of "Star Abyss", a thug who was put into ritual upload surgery as a felon and electronically served 1500 years in prison.

As the original electronic immigrant, he has both NPC template and player attributes, which is why he is so familiar with local NPCs—because he is a local.

He hates the federal government, hates players, hates the KitKat network that sent him to this world as an experimental subject and a guinea pig, and has been planning revenge.

In version 2.17, Joham formally took refuge in Lord Entropy, led a large number of Entropy Destroyer Apostles, and broke through the Red Arrow Imperial Capital.

Like him, he also became the apostle of entropy extinction and broke into the political center of the four countries. Another person is Li Aoz's acquaintance N4-the latter's pursuit of the way has reached the limit. Facing the temptation given by Mr. Entropy, naturally won't miss it.

That's it.

(End of this chapter)

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