Mystery: From adding points to the strongest on the surface

Chapter 54 Shui De Xing Jun!A black coffin wrapped in chains!

Chapter 54 Shui De Xing Jun!A black coffin wrapped in chains!

Since the sun has just set in the west, the sky is not particularly dark now.In addition, there is no cloud in the night sky, under the moonlight...

Visibility is still quite far.

In a remote family's house in Baihe County, the door of the house has been tightly closed.

There are also two white statues of door gods posted on the door.

I don't know how many years this statue has been used.

A brand new talisman was pasted next to the statue of the door god. The talisman had a yellow background with red marks, and it carried a faint power.

There were only two people in the room, a man and a woman.

One is a wife.

One is the husband.

The age of the two couples is actually not very old, they are only in their twenties, but they have been doing coolie farm work all year round, the kind that can't be shaken by the sun and rain.

So much so that they, who are only in their twenties, look like they are in their 40s and [-]s.

Wrinkled and rough skin.

Show black and yellow.

"Baby's father, is he really alright?" In his wife's tone, there was deep worry and a little choked up: "He has been ill for several days, and Lao Li has been practicing medicine for decades. There is nothing to do with that strange disease..."

"It's cured, it's probably cured..." The husband lowered his voice and comforted him: "A tall man came to the village, a Taoist priest! He drank a bowl of water for Silan, and Silan's whole body smoke!"

"Lao Li is saying that Silan and their condition have all improved. Their... that kind of poison has also been resolved."

Speaking of which, he seemed to remember something.

The voice was lowered: "Tonight, don't talk loudly, there may be... dirty things at night!"

"That person from the imperial court is here again. Those people said that tonight will be very dangerous!"

After hearing this, the wife became even more worried: "Then...they are so stupid, who will take care of them?"

"Don't worry...huh? Shh!!"

Just when the husband was about to say something, he suddenly heard a strange movement.

Hastily told his wife not to speak.

A feeling of tension and fear climbed into their hearts.

What's more, the inexplicable feeling of coolness is even more chilling!
They swallowed their saliva.

Cold sweat broke out.

The two of them remained silent for a while, only to breathe a sigh of relief when they found that there seemed to be no other movement.

The husband wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his calloused palm.

Fortunately, he murmured, "Maybe it's a big fish in the big pool behind the house...or maybe it's some kind of wild cat or dog, or field mouse or hare."

They live in Nie's Village, which is a relatively remote area.

There are not many residents near their home.

Because of this.

They are more nervous than others.

Also more afraid.

Behind the house where the couple lived in Niejia Village was a mountain forest intertwined with chaotic trees, and a stream passed through the forest, forming a pool in a depression.

The water pool is so big that it can barely be called a lake, and it spans the two villages of Niejia Village and Lijia Village.

"Anyway, it's better for us not to sleep tonight, and to spend a little extravagantly, burning candles to the sky..."

Before the husband could finish speaking, the strange movement outside sounded again!

This time, he heard it more clearly.

It seemed to be the sound of water splashes.

His back was quite chilly, he took a deep breath slowly, then braved up, tiptoed to a window.

This window is facing the big water pool in the back mountain of Niejia Village and Lijia Village.

The water pool is only a hundred steps away from their house.

He didn't try his best to open the window. The window turned out to be a bit broken, and there was a small seam that hadn't been mended.

He has one eye, through a small slit.

look outside.

Looking at the big pool not far away.

This look...

He was stunned!

A horrific chill rose from the soles of his feet to the top of the sky, making all the hairs on his body stand on end.The forehead that had just wiped off the cold sweat for a long time, once again overflowed with large fine sweat stains.

He was so frightened that his lips were trembling, subconsciously telling him not to open his mouth, not to speak, not to make a sound.

However, that instinct...

He is uncontrollable.



"There's a ghost!"

Relying on his strong will, he barely suppressed the panicked voice.


Back in time.

At the pool.

A large number of white bubbles surged from the bottom of the pool to the surface of the water, as if something huge was stirring in the water, the entire surface of the pool was covered with a thin layer of white mist.

At least in the eyes of ordinary people, this is just white mist.But in the eyes of practitioners, these fogs are Yin Qi!
A large amount of Yin Qi pervades above the pool, making the fish and shrimp in the pool restless.

One by one, the fish and shrimp kept jumping out of the water, as if struggling desperately, wanting to leave this place.

Gusts of strange wind kept blowing throughout the night, causing scale-like ripples on the water.

There is a very small temple next to the water pool, about half the height of a person, and there is only a broken statue inside, and it can be vaguely seen that the god enshrined is Shui De Xingjun.

It can be seen from the degree of dilapidation that no one has worshiped this small mini temple for many years.

It has not been repaired for many years.

But what is surprising is that the strange wind blowing outside seems to be unable to affect this dilapidated small temple.Not even a broken leaf that fell on the top of the temple was blown away.

It's very weird.

Just at this moment, a very strange object was blown by the strange wind, it looked like a small lump of soft rotten meat.

It falls on top of the small temple.

on the fallen leaves.

The rotten meat suddenly changed strangely, and it continued to split and grow at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The lump of rotten flesh became bigger and bigger until it was the size of a human head, it looked like a piece of sarcoma!
The sarcoma wriggled like a fat worm, and the rotten flesh on the surface was constantly agglomerating, finally turning into a weird face!
The eyes were closed on that weird face, and the expression was as sad and joyless as a temple Buddha.

Between the eyebrows, there is a Buddhist swastika; under the chin, there is a Taoist yin and yang fish figure.

It gives people a sense of sight of suture monsters.


He opened his closed eyes!

Reveal the living eyeballs!

The sarcoma instantly popped out sharp thorns one after another, stabbing down towards this mini temple!
The already dilapidated temple couldn't resist these spikes, and was pierced by the spikes in the blink of an eye and turned into a big hedgehog.

In the temple, a statue of Shui De Xing Jun, less than one foot high, trembled slightly.

The spikes shattered inch by inch.

The mouth on the strange face on the tumor opened and closed, and said: "I am the great compassionate lord who saves the suffering from the heaven and the earth."

After these words fell, the sarcoma was growing rapidly again, and the whistling wind became more and more violent.

"I am the supreme god who protects the livelihood of the people and guards the country and the country."

Another sentence fell, the size of the sarcoma was almost the size of a temple.

This small temple seems to be bearing a huge force.

Make a little overwhelmed sound.

"I am the Great Underworld Lord who controls the samsara of yin and yang, five elements and six realms."

This sentence falls!

Masses of sarcoids are already trying to envelop the temple!

He used an echoing voice, and every time he uttered a word, the surrounding temperature dropped several points.

The wind kept howling.

Many trees were blown off.

"I want to welcome the awakening of my general 'Great General of Mighty Virtuous Virtue and Sword'."

"Shui De Xingjun!"

"Get back quickly!"


On the broken face of the god statue in the small temple, there was a thick sullen look, but the god statue was too broken.Shui De Xingjun's idol trembled a few times, and then suddenly shattered!
With the shattering of the statue of Shui De Xingjun, the entire temple was completely wrapped in sarcoma and swallowed!

The next moment!
The water pool became more choppy, and wisps of black matter floated slowly in the water.

After some fish in the water encountered this black substance, a large number of sores quickly appeared on their bodies, and their swimming posture became more and more rigid. A pair of fish eyes did not fail to see any life.

A faint black shadow looms in the water pool, and gradually becomes more and more clearly visible.

A black coffin wrapped in chains...

Slowly float out of the water!
Majestic! !


 _(`」∠)__My head is a bit muddled today. When I checked for typos, there were more than a dozen typos (I don’t know if I missed any)

(End of this chapter)

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