Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 6 Self-made system? 2 states!

Chapter 6 Self-made system?Two states!
Host: Xu Yi

Realm: not in the flow
Internal strength: one year

Internal strength: Huashan basic internal strength (the first level)

In the mysterious space.

Xu Yi looked at the extremely simple system panel in front of him, and felt speechless for a while.

Is this the system?

How about adding some functions?
What about the lottery function?
What about the sign-in feature?
What about the mall function?
It’s okay if the most common system functions are not available, so what’s the matter with this beggar’s version of the system panel?

Except for a martial arts column that is a little more detailed, there is no one in the realm column, and the internal strength column only has one year, not even a decimal point, and there is only the first level behind the internal strength column, which is the simplest division.

Is this to make trouble like that?

Is this really a system?
Xu Yi felt that this was probably the most LOW system he had ever seen.


After all kinds of research, there was still nothing to gain, so Xu Yi could only give up.

This so-called system is not so much a system, as it is his personal summary of his own strength, and it has nothing to do with the real system at all!

"Although it is a bit different from the imagined system, it is not useless after all."

At least, this would allow Xu Yi to have a more comprehensive understanding of his own strength, wouldn't it?
Not to mention anything else, just the single-digit number behind the martial arts column can give him a lot of help.

Many people don't want to work hard. The most important reason is that they don't see the rewards of hard work.Although Xu Yi has been practicing diligently and never slacking off during this year, he cannot guarantee that he will continue to do so for three, five, or even ten years in a row.

With this data panel that can clearly give him feedback, Xu Yi's motivation to work hard is obviously more sufficient.

Xu Yi glanced at the mysterious space he was in.

Although he failed to obtain the kind of system he wanted, after this exploration, he felt that his knowledge of the mysterious space and the golden finger had increased.

"First of all, this cheat should not be able to create something out of nothing, create something I don't have, or do things I can't do!"

Whether it's the 'system' itself or yesterday's 'serious' cultivation, theoretically speaking, it's something Xu Yi can do by himself.

Of course, this is only in theory.

It is almost impossible for a cultivator to maintain the peak and perfect state of cultivation for an entire hour or even longer.

As time goes by, whether you are willing or not, you will fall from the peak state. The so-called genius is nothing more than prolonging this event and making your state fall more slowly.

I believe that many people have had such an experience. When you are listening to a class for a few minutes, you suddenly feel like you are enlightened. You can perfectly understand all the content the teacher said. The income in 1 minute is higher than that of listening to a class for an hour. , Even earn more in one day!
That is the peak and perfect period of your spirit!

If you can maintain this state for a long time, then you can truly become a master of learning, or even a god of learning!
But it is a pity that it is impossible for the vast majority of people to maintain this state for a long time, and they may not even appear in this state once in a whole day.

It was also through Yue Buqun's guidance and various prior psychological constructions that Xu Yi was able to have the best cultivation state for three to five minutes each time he practiced.

In short, this optimal state needs to be entered in a certain way.

Of course, if you are the kind of genius who is naturally free to enter this state, it is another matter.

Among hundreds of millions of human beings, there are always some people who are different.

Like Linghu Chong, with the same method, he was able to achieve the best cultivation state for five to seven minutes, twice as much as Xu Yi, and the overall cultivation effect was 7 times that of Xu Yi. This is a martial arts genius!
Studying and cultivating are both the same thing.

The brains of normal humans are the same, and theoretically speaking, the limits they can reach should be almost the same.

Maybe some human brains are different from ordinary people, but this does not include ordinary geniuses, academic masters, or even academic gods.

For existences like Linghu Chong and even Einstein, their brain structure and composition are not much different from normal humans. The reason why they are more prominent than ordinary people is mainly because of their brain utilization efficiency Far above ordinary people!

If people can use some method to increase the efficiency of their brains, it is possible for them to reach or even surpass their level.

Xu Yi, who opened the mysterious space, has now mastered that method, and it seems to be the most perfect method!
Even Einstein couldn't keep himself at his peak state for an entire hour, but Xu Yi who was in the mysterious space could.

"If I return to modern society in this state, I can't escape being a great scientist, right?"

Xu Yi couldn't help thinking about it in his heart.

If you learn in a mysterious state, what kind of knowledge will you fail to learn?
Ten times, or even dozens of times the learning efficiency, what kind of academic masters and academic gods are scumbags in front of him!
In that case, this novel should become a proficiency essay, not a proficiency essay on martial arts.

Xu Yi continued to explore his golden finger.

"My current state seems to be a little different from yesterday's state."

Yesterday's state was that Xu Yi was in the most serious cultivation state. Every minute and every second was the peak use of his spirit and body. He could only persist in that state for an hour. After an hour, he would Damage to your body, and even your soul!

But the situation is different now.

He entered this mysterious space through the 'self-control system', and his body did not enter any cultivation state, just the most common and most comfortable state.

In this state, his consumption is extremely low. In theory, he can maintain this state for three days without any problem—a person can survive for up to three days without eating or drinking.

If he keeps eating in this state, he may be able to stay in this state forever.

"Two different states?"

Xu Yi was thoughtful, he felt that there should be a lot of things in this golden finger that he should dig deeper.

The most comfortable state and the most serious state, the gap between these two states is very large.

"Between these two states, will there be a third state?"

(End of this chapter)

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