Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 995 Revelation: The Destruction of Baal (6)


On Baal Prime, large cannons inside and around Ax Angel Castle are making extremely terrifying roaring sounds.

Terrifying beams of light that suddenly rose from the ground, wrapped in physical cannonballs, quickly tore the narwhal ship outside the atmosphere into friction-burning flesh and blood wreckage.

However, a larger number of Tyranid cysts also successfully launched a dense landing action towards the desert surface of Baal Prime.

At the same time, Thunderhawk gunboats with their engines making low roars soared repeatedly in the sky in formation.

Countless laser cannons and heavy explosive shells were fired, constantly tearing apart a large number of Tyranid cysts that had not yet landed, trying their best to reduce the actual number of Tyranids.

Even so, there were still too many Tyranids to count, and they gradually gathered into a huge terrifying insect swarm, and launched a rapid charge in the direction of Axel Angel Castle.

In mid-air, streaks of spore acid from within the Tyranid swarm or terrifying beams of light emitted by a large number of defensive turrets evaporated out of thin air.

Or the void shield that emits slightly rippling lines was successfully transferred to the depths of unknown space.

However, at this time, the loudest sound in the entire desert environment was not the roar of countless artillery fires.

The hissing of the Tyranid swarm and the scraping of chitinous carapace seemed to silence all sound.

Even the fierce wind sound that was constantly pouring into Rorschach's ears seemed to be accompanied by the terrifying neighing and screaming coming from the Tyranid swarm.

Within his range of vision, which has no emotional fluctuations.

On the green virtual screens projected from the neck guard of the third-generation vibranium power armor, the losses and results of each battlefield were quickly counted.

It could be as big as the tragic sinking of a highly decorated battle barge, or the complete demise of a small Blood Chapter.

Something as small as the accidental death of a mortal crew member, or a trout that had just killed countless Tyranids could no longer be recycled and rebuilt.

At this moment, Rorschach's entire brain seemed to be running and calculating everything crazily.

In his eyes, the countless lives seemed to be just an ever-dwindling numerical unit, a humanoid tool that allowed the Primarch and the Blood Angels to achieve ultimate victory.

"Dante, immediately ask all the Thunderhawk gunship formations to change their flight direction and return to the interior of Angel Castle to reload ammunition and supplies. The Tyranids' air unit Gargoyles are gradually being released. I want the Thunderhawk gunship formation to fight to the death. Bite them and don't let the Tyranid air units launch a large-scale attack on the ground battlefield!"

Rorschach, who had no expression on his bronze face, ordered in the direction of Commander Dante without looking back.

Dante, who responded quickly, immediately issued the order belonging to the original body through the communication bead.

Although the other party is nominally the commander-in-chief of the entire battlefield.

However, there was an extremely tacit understanding between the two parties and they did not mention this matter again. All the orders issued now came entirely from the original body.

"Immediately notify Tiberus and Seth of the Flesh Tearers Chapter, and ask them to lead a part of the Astartes to carry out guerrilla beheading tactics, and quickly find all the node creatures in this wave of Tyranids for beheading. !Tell them to be fast!”

"Order one-third of the heavy vehicle and armor formations to temporarily leave the Angel Castle, and let them wait until the Tyranids show signs of chaos due to the loss of node creatures, and then directly break up the Tyranids' large forces!" At this moment, as Rorschach's orders were issued one by one.

Heavy vehicles driven by mortal warriors began to drive quickly into the hot desert area, waiting for the arrival of follow-up orders.

A large number of heavily armed man-eating sharks and flesh-tearers Astartes also drove Land speed attack boats above the ground, launching a penetrating attack deep into the flanks of countless Tyranid swarms.

Just a moment later, under the personal leadership of Tiberus, Seth and others, dozens of node creatures became fresh sacrifices for countless explosive bombs and even melt bombs.

Immediately afterwards, countless heavy artillery batteries from inside the Angel Castle, as well as the artillery-covering baptism of more heavy vehicles, also killed a large number of this wave of Tyranids, causing the number of countless Tyranids to be reduced visibly to the naked eye.

However, at this time, more and more Tyranid cysts gathered together in the entire sky of Baal Prime like a downpour.

Obviously the Hive Mind also knows that Baal Prime is the most important place.

Therefore, the other party directly mobilized more narwhale insect ships and released a large number of Tyranids cysts at the huge risk of being forcibly sunk!

Puff puff--

Over time quickly.

Deep in the sky where the light is getting darker and darker, Thunderhawk gunships are engaged in aerial dogfights with a large number of Gargoyle units, and they are successively attacked by more Tyranid Sky Demons!
These Tyranid units, who are far more adept at aerial combat than experienced combat vehicle pilots, continue to perform almost artistic aerial hovering and diving attacks, making countless Thunderhawk gunships become victims in the fierce battlefield.

As a result, even Rorschach, who regarded countless lives as a consumption figure, had to order the remaining Thunderhawk gunship formation to immediately initiate a retreat.

He instead mobilized a larger number of Eagle flying mechs, replacing the Thunderhawk gunship formation and becoming the only remaining air resistance force on the empire's side.

Boom boom boom!
As the desert surface trembled and buzzed, a large number of roaring Tyranids had successfully reached the outermost defense line of Axel Angel Castle despite the roar of countless artillery fire.

At this moment, a large number of Ao Kai machine guards and fortress-type intelligent control robots that had been waiting deep in the sand for a long time quickly started a crazy exchange of machinery and flesh with the Tyranid insect swarm.

At the same time, countless Astartes from the Blood Angels and their sub-groups also set up heavy firepower weapons from the towering thick city walls, launching a continuous barrage of firepower at the large number of Tyranids that continued to flow in. !
Especially the largest number of Wailers immediately drove forward the Terminator Power Armor.

While they held up vibranium energy shields for the battle brothers beside them to prevent large-scale acid shells from the depths of the Tyranids' nests, they also set up the storm bolters in their palms to fire at anything with incomparable accuracy. Tyranids appearing within the scope of the eyepiece.

Soon after, the night of the entire Baal Prime completely dimmed.

It seemed that only the subtle firelight from the void shield and the crazy roar of countless heavy fire weapons remained in everyone's sight.

And under the towering thick city walls, there were also piles of mutilated corpses of countless Tyranids.

At this moment, a heavy flamethrower filled with promethium was placed heavily on the edge of the city wall by the Astartes who had just taken turns.

Without any hesitation, they fiercely sprayed out the warm flames belonging to the Emperor and the original body towards the countless Tyranids who were trampling on the corpses and climbing up!
Burn, damn bugs—

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