Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 990 Revelation: The Destruction of Baal (1)

Chapter 990 Revelation: The Destruction of Baal ([-])

Baal is the home world of the Blood Angels.

Just speaking from the current situation.

It is just an ordinary planet under a star system located in the northern extreme star field. It is also a dry, desolate, dusty desert planet.

However, in the more distant ancient times, Baal and its two moons may have been a prosperous planet full of endless vitality.

However, the widespread use of viral weapons of mass destruction and nuclear weapons has resulted in countless strong radioactive fallouts, chemical pollution, and deadly biological agents being sprinkled on every inch of the surface of Baal and the two satellites.

Only mutants who have endured everything and wild animals with increasingly violent temperaments are left here.

It wasn't until the angel named Sanguinius unexpectedly descended on Baal, that countless mutant tribes struggling to survive seemed to see a glimmer of hope they had never had before.


Parcel is a satellite surrounded by countless toxic oceans.

About one-third of each planetary year lasts.

A city composed of countless mutant tribes will be plagued by a special natural phenomenon called 'Red Mist'.

It was a darkness that looked like blood, and everything outside the building was invisible.

The inside of the blood-red mist is also filled with horrific scenes of radiation doses and chemical pollution that even mutants cannot withstand.

However, for the mutants born and raised on Baobao, this is one of the things that cannot be changed in their short lives.

As a result, they learned to endure everything and how to survive in this harsh environment.

When wisps of red mist filled with heavy metal particles and toxins began to spread everywhere.

Every Baal man lifts the manhole cover hidden inside the building.

Entering those maze-like complex underground passages maintains the continuous flow of a large amount of living supplies.

This is a living custom of the Baer people, but it is also the survival wisdom hidden deep in human genes.

Since the environment cannot be easily changed, then adapt to the environment until all difficulties are conquered.

dong dong dong-

At this moment, on the countless city streets filled with red mist, there were faint sounds of heavy footsteps.

If a Baal person who is familiar with everything chooses to stay inside the building on the ground, he will know that this is a heavy step that only the emperor's holy descendants can have.

The next moment, a tall figure wearing blood-red power armor slowly revealed a vague outline in the depths of the red mist.

However, as the opponent slowly moved forward, one after another burly figures similar in appearance to the opponent quickly appeared on the red mist-filled city streets!

Some of the Baers, who were wearing simple breathing masks between their mouths and noses and looking back and forth from the windows of the building, subconsciously took a breath of air.

The number of angels in front of them alone reached hundreds!
Even though these holy descendants of the emperor have an ancient tradition of worshiping Lord Sanguinius, the number and time of their arrival are too dense!

However, just when many Baer people were becoming increasingly uneasy.

This group of hundreds of Astartes had passed through some streets of the city and entered the interior of a main street called the Avenue of Sanguinius.

And at the end of this slightly curved street, surrounded by countless short buildings.

An extremely large archangel statue is spreading its arms and wings toward the blood-red sky in the east.

Although most parts of the statue are firmly obscured by the red mist that is spreading everywhere.But just from the exposed scales and claws, it is enough to know the grandeur and grandeur of the entire statue.

And those Astartes of unknown origin began to launch a more pious march in the direction of the angel statue.

The underground facilities there have been storing the great remains of their genetic father, the Archangel Sanguinius.

But it is different from the truth that countless Baal people speculated behind their backs.

This time they are not here to worship or pay homage, they are here only to sacrifice.


Baal Prime, Archangel Castle.

The great commander Dante, Chapter Master of the Blood Angels, drives his golden power armor to walk on the extremely wide Wall of Ax.

This tall wall that almost surrounds the entire Blood Angel Fortress Monastery is being thickened and widened by countless automatic construction machines and Chapter Blood Slaves.

Just behind the opponent, an extremely thick diamond armor dome, but reflecting the light of countless stars on the outside, is slowly covering the top of the fortress monastery to deal with the upcoming threat of war.

The location of Archangel Castle is a twin-peaked boulder standing alone on the endless desert.

The volcano's raw energy shaped it over the ages, and the Blood Angels transformed it into a more habitable place.

Looking around, countless towers, giant turrets and battle fortresses designed to look like angelic faces or screaming eagles gradually extend towards the surrounding ground.

Laser arrays, large cannons, missile launchers, and cannons powerful enough to shoot down a transport spaceship are hidden in every location, as if these things have completely replaced the natural environment deep in the boiling volcano. Anger is injected with another kind of artificially created endless anger.

Dante, who was walking, turned his eyes slightly.

He stared at the fortifications known as Ascension Fortress and the thick inner walls that gradually stretched outward.

And between the inner walls, there is a rare touch of green hidden inside the countless steps called shafts.

This is extraordinary farmland used by the Blood Angels to grow specialized crops, as well as a ruined park dedicated to preserving parts of the moon's ecosystem.

Parcel and Parcel are indeed two satellites completely wrapped in toxic substances. There are almost no excess products except pollution and minerals.

But Baal Prime will always be a desert planet, and desert planets will also have many remaining ecosystems.


The roar of engines from the shuttles immediately attracted Dante's attention.

He subconsciously looked up at the clear sky of Baal Prime that seemed never to be obscured by clouds.

There were only faint tracks left by the shuttles.

And against the background of the huge circular outlines of Ba moon and Ba moon.

The main fleet, consisting of dozens of battle barges, is slowly arranging into a defensive formation.

More huge fleets from the Blood Angels are passing over the mottled deserts and poisonous oceans of Palestine, and the even uglier crater on Palestine reflects the huge figures of densely packed auxiliary ships.

 thanks for your support!

  Before I knew it, there were more than 1000 chapters and 220 million words.

  Now that we have basically entered the later stage of this book, you can help me find some foreshadowings that need to be filled in. After all, there are some omissions in my own statistics, and some foreshadowings have long been forgotten. I will try my best to make the whole story reasonably complete.

(End of this chapter)

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