Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 977: Head of Gorgon: Ferrus Malus (5)

[Your huge body slowly rises into the air, and countless dark shadows that have condensed from the body are spreading everywhere on the slightly glowing vibranium power armor shell. 】

[You have slightly calculated the attack time of the traitor legion fleet. 】

[You immediately gave orders to the Iron Hands, Salamanders, and a large number of Raven Guard think tank units to prop up psychic shields, and to inject a large amount of psychic power into you at the same time. 】


[The next second, countless majestic spiritual powers from think tank units are continuously poured into your huge body. 】

[Wisps of jet-black shadows rising suddenly upward are like flames, jumping back and forth on your armor shell! 】

[You grit your teeth and endure the physical pain caused by the unbridled expansion of the power of shadow. 】

[You have not entered the subspace liberation state of the crow-headed human body. 】

[You are gathering such large-scale psychic power now not to increase individual combat effectiveness, but to enable more Astartes to survive subsequent attacks! 】


[At this moment, the terrifying roar from the sky made every Astartes couldn't help but raise their heads. 】

[A large-scale orbital bombardment that almost completely illuminated the dim sky of the entire Istvan [-] planet came crashing down from above the heads of your legions! 】

[You suddenly raised a huge palm wrapped with a lot of dark shadows. 】

[Following your movements, the layers of shadow curtains seem to have become active, quickly spreading towards the entire legion's position! 】

[The next moment, the bright energy beams brought by countless orbital bombardments were successfully blocked by layers of shadow curtains! 】

[Even if some of the weakest places in the power of shadow were successfully torn apart by the energy beams that continuously exploded out of thin air, terrifying gaps were successfully torn apart. However, with the blessing of the majestic spiritual energy of countless think tank units, you gritted your teeth and filled them completely. Continue Hold on to the continuous orbital bombardment! 】

[Soon after, this large-scale orbital bombing that lasted for nearly an hour was resisted tenaciously by you alone. 】

[It didn’t even cause too much casualties to your legion positions and the number of Astartes! 】

【Swish swish——】

[However, at this time, the dark sky that had just calmed down was once again completely occupied by densely packed landing pods. 】

[Tens of thousands of landing pods, wrapped in heavy firelight, landed further behind your legion's position. 】

[Countless landing hatches that instantly collapse outward will also bring a large number of Astartes from the Word Bearers Legion, Iron Warriors Legion, Night Lords Legion and Alpha Legion into your field of vision! 】

[At the same time, the Emperor's Children and the Sons of Horus, who seemed to have received orders to cooperate, also moved out in almost all their forces. Even the Death Guard and the World Eaters, who suffered heavy casualties, relied on the powerful bonus from the power of Chaos to move towards Corax. And the front line that Vulkan forcibly maintained launched a crazy attack. 】【You almost saw at a glance the extremely fierce battle between Fulgrim, who was constantly waving the murderous sword to harvest lives among countless Astartes troops, and the rough-skinned Vulkan. 】

[You have no time to care about the life and death of Vulkan and other original body brothers. You can only believe in the fighting ability of the original body brothers. 】

[Your huge body that has been suspended in mid-air fell heavily to the ground, splashing countless black sand. 】

[You took a deep breath and entered a fighting state without any emotional fluctuations. 】

[You immediately mobilized the elite veterans of the Iron Hands, led by Ferus himself, and launched a ferocious attack on the four traitor legions behind the position. 】

[More than 4 Salamanders who were deliberately left by Vulkan for you also launched a continuous charge and assault from the flanks towards the traitor legion's position. 】

[At the same time, tens of thousands of Raven Guards who had been lurking deep in the underground trenches for a long time appeared behind the traitor legion's position like elusive shadow ghosts. 】

[These Raven Guards, who have been blessed by you and Corax, seem to possess part of the power of shadow. At first glance, they seem to have become the Cursed Legion. They use more rapid and powerful attacks to break down the reserve forces of the Traitor Legion. . 】

[In an instant, countless Astartes troops who were once battle brothers started a crazy and endless fight with each other. 】

[While you were paying attention to the Astartes battle loss ratio, you also saw a large number of Astartes from the Salamander Legion forcefully smashing open a corner of the Iron Warriors' huge battle formation with a brutal battle charge. A number of reactions The swift and elite veterans of the Iron Hands took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack, but were forcibly stopped by the Sons of Hydra who also noticed their movements at the horrific cost of hundreds of casualties per minute! 】

[And Ferus, who kept roaring from his mouth, seemed to completely vent his anger and hatred towards Fulgrim on the Word Bearers legion in front of him. 】

[Under the fierce siege of countless Word Bearers, Ferus, who was like a humanoid god of war, tore and crushed the Word Bearers' heads back and forth with the automatic servo mechanical arms that were extended repeatedly, like endless terrifying laser beams. And micro-missiles kept covering the Word Bearers Legion's troops, causing thousands of horrific casualties in a short period of time! 】

[However, at this time, you, who are repeatedly mobilizing the attack directions of countless Astartes, suddenly noticed the traces of another traitorous primarch, the Lord of the Word Bearers, Lorgar Aurelion, from the chaotic battlefield! 】

[You subconsciously clenched the Blood Scythe in your palm. 】

[Your huge body instantly lifted off the ground, and with countless dark shadows rising like flames all over your body, you launched a mad charge in the direction of Luojia! 】

["Logar, come out and die——" Your deep roar resounded over the entire battlefield like a war horn. 】

[At this moment, Lorgar, who was firmly guarded by countless possessed warriors of the Word Bearers, suddenly turned his head covered with mysterious runes. 】

["Damn Rorschach, why is it you again!" Lorgar, with an extremely ugly face, suddenly waved the original body-level power scepter named 'Light of Revelation', and countless powerful blessings composed of chaotic witchcraft were scattered. On top of the opponent's burly body, dense protective runes suddenly appeared on the armor shell known as the 'Armor of Truth'! 】

[At this moment, Lorgar, who is holding the power scepter firmly with both hands, launches a crazy charge in front of you with a terrifying speed that is difficult for ordinary Astartes to achieve! 】

[However, just a few seconds later, Luojia, who had just had a fierce collision with you, was blasted hundreds of meters away to the ground by your punch! 】

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