Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 964 Necromunda: Secret Invasion (8)!

The Callidus Assassins from the Assassin Court are undoubtedly quite difficult beings.

After all, their highest achievement in the past was the successful assassination of a Primarch.

However, even the Skrull aliens can perfectly copy the tough physique of the Callidus assassin, and even absorb all the training memories the opponent has.

But a fake is always a fake.

The Skrull aliens cannot learn from the Callidus assassin's indomitable fighting spirit and will.

At this moment, seeing the Skrull alien firmly holding the Star God Phase Sword in his palm, he was about to arrive in front of Rorschach.

Rorschach, whose expression was extremely calm, did not make any counterattack.

chi chi chi-

With the subtle sound coming from the shadow step.

Two burly giant Crow Guards arrived in front of the original body in one step with agility far beyond anyone's imagination.

Two huge palms stretched forward like lightning and grabbed one arm and one thigh of the Skrull alien respectively!
The next second, the huge palm tore the limbs hard at the same time.

The two vibranium iron fists with violent roars also shattered the opponent's entire head with one blow!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, a large pile of corpse fragments that were squirming and transforming into Skrull aliens suddenly fell to the ground.

A large amount of fresh internal organs and pungent blood flowed around and spread to the edge of Rorschach's magnetic boots, reflecting the blurry scene around him.

"Why didn't you take action? Don't tell me that you Skrull aliens also have strategic differences within you?"

Rorschach's cold gaze slowly focused on the expressionless patriarch of the Delacqua family, and he asked in a low tone.

"Haha, respected lord primarch, we know your existence, a heretic traitor who chose to betray his creator and his own universe!"

"My old friend failed in his assassination, but just one Skrull fell, and thousands of Skrulls stood up!"

"The great creation gods personally promised us a new home, a universe where the Skrulls can prosper!"

At this moment, Patriarch Delaqua, whose entire body shape was changing rapidly, roared crazily at the people in front of him.

"Our Skrull bodies will perish, but the spirits of countless Skrulls will live on forever!"

boom boom-

However, at this time, all the Astartes present did not wait for each other's words and the transformation process to be completed.

Countless roars from bolt guns temporarily resounded throughout the palace.

The Skrull aliens who are in the stage of physical transformation are undoubtedly the most vulnerable.

The terrifying bombs whizzing past continuously tore and exploded the opponent's flesh and blood tissue, and finally the entire head was completely shattered by several bombs!
"It seems that these Skrull aliens are just a race of cannon fodder thrown by the local gods to test their depth. Moreover, there are some problems with their mental state. It is just impossible to confirm whether it is a side effect caused by their arrival in this universe, or whether it is the local gods' in order to resist Asia. Some adjustments and trade-offs made by the chaos and corruption in the space?"

Rorschach subconsciously narrowed his eyes and stared at the headless alien corpse that fell heavily to the ground.

Countless thoughts were spinning rapidly in his mind.Not long after, Rorschach slowly exhaled from his mouth and nose and said in a deep voice:
"All Astartes, immediately lead the Imperial Guard and the Hive Marshals to launch a mission to clear out the Delaqua family. Let the first battle begin with them!"

"The Sons of Hydra of the Alpha Legion will assist you secretly. After all, they cannot appear in front of the hive nobles in a big way. Remember one thing, the most important thing is to protect the psykers who are following you. It's so important that without a psyker you can't tell the difference between a Skrull alien!"

Rorschach's voice just fell.

The Iron Hands Astartes and Giant Raven Guards present quickly activated their power armor, turned around and ran towards the outside of the palace.

Over time.

Countless hive citizens in the entire main hive community also basically know a lot of gossip about the gradual mobilization of the Imperial Defense Force and hive bailiffs.

Soon after, the rapid spread of gossip also disturbed some beings who were already vigilant.

Some people in the hive city who originally lived or hid in key locations in the hive city immediately left with expressionless faces.

These mysterious guys seem to be carrying out continuous gathering operations towards hidden locations in the hive.

In fact, a large amount of intelligence information from the Alpha Legion is being quickly shared into Rorschach's communication channel.

Things similar to the above are happening continuously throughout Necromunda's hive!

Are there only ever-changing Skrull aliens in this imperial world?
No, there are also a large number of gene stealer sects who believe in the four-armed God Emperor, some extremely hidden and even niche Chaos cultists, and countless mutant gangs hidden in the bottom nest and even on the wilderness plains...

In other words, Rorschach directly mobilized the Imperial Guard and the Hive Marshals to attack the Delacqua family with brutal methods.

Countless hidden forces have gradually revealed their claws and fangs!
However, this is one of the many strategies that Rorschach and Omegon have discussed, to alert the enemy!
The mortal military forces, mainly Rorschach and some Astartes, stood in front of the stage with great fanfare, while Omegon secretly led the Alpha Legion to hide behind the scenes, waiting for opportunities!



Countless laser beams from the Imperial Guard and roaring artillery fire from Leman Russ tanks completely illuminated the dim environment of a subsidiary hive.

This was once the hive city belonging to the Delacqua family.

Hundreds of millions of people in the hive city form a huge circulation network that supports a hive city family from top to bottom.

But under cruel orders from the Primarch.

Countless heavily armed Imperial Guards acted as the main frontal attackers, and the Hive Marshals acted as the maintainers of order. They began to launch a fierce attack on the Hive City that the Delacqua family had run for countless years.

Subsequently, large areas of the hive city were subjected to large-scale psychic scanning by psykers one by one.

Countless hive city citizens with numb faces were either taken over and evacuated by the hive city bailiff team, or were completely blasted into flaming wreckage of buildings by the Leman Russ tank formations that mobilized their dark gun muzzles!
There is no surprise that the Delaqua family has indeed been infiltrated by many Skrull aliens.

So far alone, close to a thousand people have been killed by Skrull aliens who have successfully died under the fire of Leman Russ tanks.

But soon, the Delaqua family, which announced their betrayal of the Emperor and the Empire, and many Skrull aliens counterattacked.

Let the Imperial Guard, which is launching regular attacks, personally feel the terrifying threat of these alien races!
thanks for your support!

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