Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 954 The Fury of Iron: The Great Demon of Slaanesh!

boom boom-

Countless Chaos Demons and Rebel Cultists from within the giant hive city continued to pour in from all over the hive city, and continued to fight against the solid defense line of the Think Tank Corps that continued to advance.

In an instant, a large number of broken limbs and dirty blood mixed with metal parts were spattered everywhere, and were trampled into smelly mud by countless metal joints or demon feet.

By the time hundreds of impatient Primaris sharks propped up vibranium energy shields, they waved buzzing chain axes.

The five giant Crow Guards who had just caught up with the large army personally led them and launched a courageous battle charge towards the Chaos Demons ahead!
This Astartes force with a difficult mission was like a sharp spearhead, rushing towards the middle and upper levels of the hive city!

On the one hand, the giant Crow Guards, who are the spearhead of the team's charge, seem to be too powerful in individual combat.

Although together they cannot compare to the true Primarch, their overall strength far exceeds that of an ordinary Chapter Master of the Astartes Chapter.

The exceptions on the one hand are the shark veterans who have successfully crossed the boundaries of Primaris.

These veterans who have fought with the original body for hundreds of years are under the layer of super technological creations such as new power armor, vibranium energy shields, and even panacea.

Both the killing efficiency and casualty probability are unmatched by any Astartes Chapter within the Human Empire, even the initial Chapter.

Therefore, it is under the superposition of multiple complex factors.

This surprise battle went on far faster than Iron Hands and others could have imagined.

And they quickly succeeded in destroying the void shield system that maintained the entire hive!

However, at this time, this invincible Astartes force finally encountered a terrifying enemy that was difficult to deal with!

A powerful force field of psychic power surrounds the huge body of Chief Thinker Tehra, who is struggling to swing the power scepter.

He forcibly controlled the psychic lightning that jumped repeatedly in his palm to instantly fall on the Chaos Demon in front, causing hundreds of Chaos Demon to completely turn into black ashes that dissipated out of thin air!

And just near him, three Dreadnought mechas with full firepower were charging back and forth across the chaotic battlefield with the assistance of Primaris veterans.

There is almost no Chaos Daemon or Rebel enemy that can stop the terrifying offensive led by their huge metal bodies!
"Tehra! Something's not right!"

"Why do I feel that these Chaos Demons are enjoying our slaughter? Wait! There is some movement in that subspace portal! It seems that something is about to enter the real universe!"

At this moment, Avien, who had just killed several cultists with melee weapons and strangled a Slaanesh succubus with mechanical prosthetics, suddenly roared loudly.

Hearing the shouts of the clan brothers, Chief Thinker Tehra immediately turned his helmet sight.

But at a glance, he saw the subspace portal located behind the huge team of Chaos Demons and Cultists, which was rapidly emitting colorful chaotic spiritual energy fluctuations!
"Iron hands are on top! I'm afraid they are using our killings to perform blood sacrifice rituals!"

"Giant Crow Guard over there, change the direction of attack quickly! Stop entangled with the surrounding Chaos Demons and the portal! Destroying the portal is the top priority right now!"

At this moment, the deep roar from the chief think tank Tehra resounded in the ears of every Astartes.The Giant Crow Guards, now transformed into giant forms, can be said to react extremely quickly.

They immediately stopped their battle charge on the chaotic battlefield, and used shadow steps from different directions. Their huge bodies moved quickly towards the subspace portal as if they were teleporting!

However, the next second, the giant crow guards who had just emerged from the shadow step were finally a step slower.

I saw that the subspace portal that was constantly emitting a large amount of chaotic spiritual energy suddenly expanded outward.

A terrifying humanoid monster with a height of more than ten meters in height spewed out from the inside like a living creature swallowing matter!

And this is the incarnation of a Shalish, the Great Demon of Slaanesh, the Keeper of Secrets!
"Ha ha--"

At this moment, it seemed that every Astartes present clearly heard the low sneer from the Great Demon of Slaanesh.

Then, the opponent just moved his slender and gorgeous huge body at will, and the two thick crab claws located behind the back suddenly disappeared into the air like lightning!
The next second, the five giant crow guards who had just propped up the vibranium energy shield suddenly flew outwards, and the vibranium energy shield shattered into countless scattered energy spots!

If everyone present could clearly see the lightning-fast attack trajectory of the Slaanesh Demon.

You will find that the vibranium energy shields of almost every Giant Crow Guard were forcibly burned and destroyed by hundreds of etheric fires, and then thick crab claws wrapped in a large amount of etheric fires fell heavily on their huge bodies. On the body!

Although the giant Raven Guard in giant form is almost immune to attacks on the physical level, it can even fight head-on against war-dog Titans by virtue of the characteristics of this gamma-type creature.

But a Slaanesh demon composed entirely of the power of the warp would probably plunge the giant Raven Guard into a difficult battle!

Whoosh whoosh—

From the moment the powerful void shield of the giant hive suddenly disappeared.

The tornado missiles coming from heavy vehicles and Astartes Destroyer squads never stopped.

The flames of countless artillery shells and the tracks left by cyclone missiles even obscured most of the sky, leaving an indelible mark on everyone present!
The massive Astartes assault force had already managed to break through the massive gates of the last great hive city on Sadinus.

Standing behind the position and looking carefully, Rorschach subconsciously exhaled from between his mouth and nose.

However, at this time, he, who was very sensitive to psychic fluctuations, immediately noticed signs of a large-scale chaotic psychic rampage coming from the upper levels of the giant hive city!
"Hmph, is it finally here? Immediately notify the fleet above low-Earth orbit to prepare for orbital bombing. Once my order is issued, I will let the other party learn a lesson they will never forget!"

Rorschach quickly issued the order and suddenly drove the propulsion device behind the vibranium power armor.

His huge body suddenly rose from the ground.

The whole body is wrapped with the power of countless dark shadows and speeds towards the upper level of the giant hive city!

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