Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 943 Son of the Forest: Ryan Johnson ()

[If Kamath in the past is purified, it can once again be used as a home world for mortals to cultivate their health and rest. 】

[So now it’s just based on the doomsday scene you can see from low-Earth orbit. 】

[Kamas, which had just experienced an extinction order orbital bombardment, was not only shattered with its crust, but countless hot magma was also flowing freely. It seemed that there was no possibility of being rescued. 】

[What makes you and Lion Lion even more angry is that you have successfully rescued only tens of thousands of the mortal people of Kamath who originally had hundreds of thousands left. 】

[In fact, in order to prevent similar situations from happening, the wild wolf cubs dug a large number of underground bunkers under the mortal camp in advance. 】

[Then it’s estimated that you can’t save even a single mortal now. It’s even a question of whether Wild Wolf Cub and others can survive. 】

["Eighteen Annihilators who launched a sneak attack were chopped into pieces by my own hands. The leader of a Chaos Astartes said that Serafax, the leader of the Ten Thousand Eyes warband, was waiting for the arrival of the lion in a world called Saibo. As for the extermination operation on Kamaz, it is just an invitation!"]

[The gnashing wild wolf cub moved his vibranium arms stained with chaotic blood while speaking in a deep voice to you and Lion King Ryan. 】

[You took a deep breath slowly after hearing the other person’s words. 】

[You immediately drove the vibranium power armor and turned around to look at Zabriel, whose face became increasingly colder, and Lion King Ryan, who stood aside and never spoke. 】

["It doesn't take a second thought to know that this is a trap set by them. It may even be some conspiracy played by the Chaos Gods behind it...Brother, what do you think?"]

[You said calmly to Lion King Ryan. 】

["Since they have invited me, it would be rude not to try it out. I don't think any trap can stop the two original bodies from joining forces, right?"]

[Lion King suddenly pulled out the master power sword 'Loyalty' that had been hanging on the waist of the power armor, and another huge hand also held a plasma weapon called 'Streaming Light'. 】

[This is a precious treasure given to Lion King Ryan by Marshal Saraga himself. Legend has it that it is an ancient gun that the emperor once left on the world of Avalons. 】

[But unfortunately, with the loss of a lot of information and the passage of time, no one can know whether it is true or false. 】

[Even Lion King Ryan only thinks that this ancient firearm is nothing more than the beautiful vision of the Avalons. 】

[You slowly nodded your head towards Lion King Ryan. 】

[You did not refuse the invitation to fight from your Primarch brothers. 】

[You plan to work together to bring a little shock to the original body to the arrogant leader of the Ten Thousand Eyes warband. 】

[Shortly afterwards, the reassembled Avalons defense fleet quickly launched intermittent subspace navigation towards the world called Saibo. 】

[Because the dark side of the empire today has completely lost the continuous illumination from the Terran Star Torch, countless navigators have to re-adapt to the navigation mode without the Star Torch. 】

[Simply the psykers under the human empire are extremely adaptable species regardless of their status. 】


[As time slowly passed, Avalons’ defense fleet finally entered the galaxy where the world of Saibo was located after countless short subspace voyages. 】

[Standing inside the bridge, you and Lion Lion also immediately captured a large number of strange signals from Chaos ships through the ship's auspicious device. 】

[In addition, you who just called up the holographic image also saw an octagonal chaos emblem with a diameter of several kilometers in the cold void! 】【And if there are no errors in the detection instruments on the ship, this is [-]% a chaotic ritual made up of the mortal bones of the entire galaxy! 】

[You don’t seem to have any emotional fluctuations about this, but your eyes are getting colder. 】

[Lion King Lion, whose old face showed little emotion, seemed fine, but the slight sound he made through gritted teeth still exposed the lion's heart. 】

[This is one of the reasons why everyone in the Human Empire has no mercy for Chaos and aliens. 】

[In the eyes of Chaos and Aliens, humans can be tools, toys, or food, but they cannot be living beings. 】

[Next, the defense fleet of Avalons launched guerrilla tactics according to the plan of you and Lion King Ryan, providing more help for you, Lion King Ryan and the wild wolf cubs to come to the world of Saibo. 】

[Wait until most of the Chaos fleet has been attracted by the defensive fleet. 】

[Already fully armed, you, Lion King Ryan and others, relied on the forest path that the other party gradually controlled through meditation, passed through the remnants of the past in the Caliban Forest and came to the surface of the Cyber ​​World! 】

[This kind of teleportation ability that completely ignores spatial distance and even is not disturbed has undoubtedly given Lion King Ryan a threatening nature that far exceeds that of many original bodies. Whether facing independent battles or large-scale battlefields, today's Lion King Lane is almost in an invincible position! 】

【dong dong dong-】

[However, as soon as you all emerged from the forest road, you were surrounded by an almost uncountable number of beastmen amidst the roars one after another. 】

[At this moment, a wild wolf cub holding the Forgebreaker warhammer tightly in his huge palm drove the power armor and launched a charge. 】

[The vibranium arm that was hanging aside by him instantly turned into a metal serrated whip more than ten meters long like a living metal, harvesting the lives of a large number of beastmen like a meat grinder. 】

[Immediately afterwards, the Dark Angels and Blood Angels, who drew out their melee weapons one by one and held up vibranium energy shields, also launched an astonishing battle charge. 】

[You and Lion King Ryan’s huge body did not immediately start a killing spree. You are secretly alert to all the movements of the Ten Thousand Eyes War Gang. 】

【dong dong dong-】

[Sure enough, not long after, a tall body wearing ancient power armor and a chaos robe outside the wizard lord slowly revealed his terrifying figure. 】

["Please allow me to help you, father...well, the famous Lord of Natural Disasters Rorshasa is also here. It's such an honor!"]

[The Chaos Wizard, with half of his face and head blazing with flames, said lightly to you. 】

[The strange sight you saw in your field of vision also made you squint your eyes subconsciously. 】

[If it weren’t for the opponent’s burly body, there wouldn’t be any normal psychic energy fluctuations at all. 】

[You may even mistakenly think that the other party is an Astartes who has just begun to embark on the path of salvation for the Cursed Legion! 】

["Serafax... I'll just say that I have a somewhat vague impression of this name. It turns out that you are indeed my heir, but you still chose to fall!"]

[The Lion King Ryan, whose expression became increasingly grim, raised the streamer tightly in his palm without any hesitation and pulled the trigger fiercely! 】

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