Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 932 6 Wings and the Forbidden Armory!

With the triumphant return of The Rorschach Trio.

As well as a series of actions by the Supreme Grand Master Azrael and others to abandon the darkness and turn to the light.

This monolithic rebellion, started by the accidental corruption of three subspace artifacts and the control of a large number of veterans in the inner ring, has finally come to the end of cleaning up the mess.

The main fleet of the Dark Angels, staying in the icy void, had already stopped engaging in fierce exchanges of fire with the Hero Tower.

A large number of trembling mortal captains are patiently waiting for batches of intelligent control legions controlled by Raditus and AI Stark to board and inspect the ship.

Inside the Stone Fortress, the Astartes from the Space Wolves and the Black Templars, led by the Young Wolf Lord Ragnar, cooperated with many Primaris recruits and some Dark Angel veterans to trap all the Inner Circle veterans. On a square platform.

And at the same time that the three subspace artifacts completely lost their sound.

Unless their minds had been corrupted by Chaos, most of the veterans in the inner circle who had escaped from their dementia almost instantly chose to kneel down and surrender.

Soon after, many good news were told to the Primarch Rorschach one by one.

However, he did not choose to kill all the inner ring veterans who participated in the rebellion on the spot.

On the one hand, the three artifacts of the subspace played a very significant role in fueling the Great Stone Rebellion. In the true sense, there were only a few traitors who betrayed the Emperor.

On the other hand, it was also to appease Azrael and other loyalist Astartes.

The inner circle of the Dark Angels must be cleansed.

But more killings do not necessarily need to be done soon after the battle ends.


Interior of the church hall of the Stone Fortress.

Countless bright lamps that imitate the flickering of flames slowly scatter the cold light on the extremely huge rock statues.

The ancient statues belonging to Lion King Lion and the Great Emperor are the most eye-catching, as if they are silently watching everything below.

At this moment, the servo skull Reditus suspended in mid-air was dancing up and down around the wild wolf Rorschach who unfortunately lost his arm.

An automatic servo robot equipped with silver vine tentacles continuously used strands of silver thread to detect the opponent's weird and unrecoverable injuries, and at the same time transmitted more measurement data to Raditus.

And right next to a huge conference table dozens of meters away.

Except for the original body Rorschach, who kept his eyes closed, and Lord Cypher, who was looking down at a large amount of information.

There are also virtual projections of the Supreme Grand Master Azrael, the Think Tank Grand Master Ezekiel, as well as the Deathwing Grand Master Belial and the Ravenwing Grand Master Samael.

"Lord Primarch, we have to deeply regret the threat of this rebellion brought by the Holy Master Sappho and the Penitent Master Asmodei, but Ezekiel and I have also washed away the shame with each other's blood and lives, and even We have regained the battle honor that belonged to the Dark Angels, but the huge role played by the three subspace artifacts in this rebellion cannot be underestimated. All mistakes cannot be blamed on our inner ring." Aziz frowned slightly. Riel carefully considered the words while speaking to Rorschach and others who were listening silently.

"At present, all the veterans of the inner circle who participated in the rebellion, whether corrupted by Chaos or not, have been imprisoned deep in the dungeons of the Stone Fortress. If you want to clean them out completely, all of us have nothing to say about it."

Azrael had just finished speaking.

The original body Rorschach, who closed his eyes to rest, slowly opened his eyes.

Everyone present seemed to see countless rolling and fleeting dark shadows from the depths of the original body's eyes.

Rorschach took a deep breath and said expressionlessly:

"Even if I don't investigate the specific cause of the inner circle veterans' rebellion, the existence of your inner circle of Dark Angels is an original sin!"

"For countless years, your pursuit of the so-called fallen angels has caused delays on battlefields more than once, and you have even betrayed friendly forces. This has ultimately led to many parts of the human empire falling into the clutches of aliens or chaos!"

"Even if I personally sentence the entire Dark Angels Chapter to treason and excommunication in my official capacity as the Dark Side Regent, it is a reasonable thing to do. Neither the Terran Council nor the Inquisition dare to stop it in the slightest!"

"But I don't want to wait until Lion King Ryan returns successfully, and the other party pinches my neck with his own hands and asks me where his blood descendants have gone."

At this moment, Rorschach, who glanced back and forth at the crowd with cold eyes, continued to speak:
"Yes, your Dark Angels Chapter has not been exterminated by me, just because of this reason."

"So, what I say next will be your only life-saving straw. I hope you can listen to me carefully."

"The Dark Angels Chapter will resume its legionary organization from this moment on. It will no longer follow Regent Guilliman's Codex Astartes. You must completely restore the six-winged structure of the Great Crusade based on the Primaris Astartes." , but the soon-to-be-formed Six Wings prohibits the formation of inner circles or even similar structures of associations, and we can no longer hunt down any fallen angels!"

"If you Dark Angels are not afraid of death, you can try it behind my back. After all, we can't monitor your every move all the time. But if there is an inner ring or something like this again within your legion in the future, organization, then don’t blame me for not telling you the consequences in advance.”

At this moment, Azriel and the others, who had no dissatisfaction with the Dark Side Regent's order, immediately fell into a state of contemplation with their heads bowed.

And just after Rorschach's words temporarily fell.

Saifu, who casually closed the stacks of thick documents, suddenly spoke to the people in front of him and said:
"Although the three subspace artifacts have temporarily lost any sound and seem to have no use, in order to prevent a similar situation from happening again, my suggestion is to store them completely separately. The Tuchucha engine is left to the original body for safekeeping. Ouroboros You can choose to stay in the Stone Fortress or leave it to me. The heart of the plague will be taken away by the wild wolf cubs."

"And if there are no unexpected circumstances, all the veterans of the inner ring imprisoned by you will not be executed at will. It would be too wasteful to just kill them. The number of Astartes on the dark side of the empire is not that rich now. , they will carry out the Crusade of Atonement under the personal supervision of the Primarch and the Scourge until the last drop of blood is shed for humanity and the Emperor!"

"In fact, for these inner-ring veterans, this is undoubtedly the best choice."

"In addition, I accidentally learned some secrets from a large amount of ancient data. It seems that a large number of legendary forbidden weapons and even ancient technologies are sealed inside your Dark Angel's megalithic fortress. Although I don't want to express it too explicitly, but the respected original body Before you leave the Stone Fortress, your lord must obtain a considerable number of valuable items worthy of being taken away.”

"Do you...understand?"

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