Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 926 Caliban’s Past: Legacy of Time and Space (6)

Chapter 926 Caliban’s Past: Legacy of Time and Space ([-])

Caliban, the northern wilderness.

The biting cold wind passed over the broken corpses of the Sirius Knights one after another.

The massive walls of the Santa Grula Fortress are covered with the horrors of shelling and catapults.

In the pits below the fortress, a large number of corpses and weapons and armor belonging to the Knights of Order are being picked up and recycled by groups of mortal servants.

This is the final battle for the Children of the Forest to conquer the world of Caliban, and it is also the final stage of Lion Lion's crusade against the behemoths.

dong dong dong-

An armored giant about four meters tall stepped out of the warm spring-like interior of the tent.

The other party raised his head and stared at the dark sky, and subconsciously murmured:
"It looks like it's going to snow... This is not a good sign for the upcoming siege battle."

At this moment, Lion King Ryan with blond hair and shawl turned his head and glanced at the almost endless knight camp, as well as the elite combat knights shuttled back and forth in the camp. He subconsciously raised his huge palm wrapped in thick metal. He rubbed the metal ten rings between his thick arms.

Perhaps the next siege battle requires him, the supreme master, to personally take action, and a quick victory can avoid long nights and dreams.

dong dong dong-

At this moment, a middle-aged man about two meters tall quickly came to Lion King Ryan.

The other party first glanced up and down at Lion King Ryan's extremely burly body, then raised his head and said:

"Ryan, a Knights team stationed at the edge of the Caliban Forest accidentally came into contact with a fog invasion. If there are no flaws in our intelligence information, the original brother you often mentioned seems to have appeared again. "

The middle-aged man just finished speaking.

Lion King Ryan, who was thinking about how to conduct a siege battle, immediately focused his eyes on the opponent's face.

"Father, are you sure? There have been complete 'Rorschach's in previous mist invasions. If I hadn't personally killed him, I'm afraid the sacrifices of hundreds of combat knights would not have been enough."

Luther nodded slightly after hearing Lion King Ryan's words, and said in a deep voice:
"I still believe in the intelligence information sent back by the knights. In addition, Zahariel has gone to greet your original brother. At the latest, he will arrive at the camp tomorrow morning. We will know the truth at a glance."

"Speaking of which, how do you plan to face your primarch brother? The mist invasion over the years has caused great trouble and threat to Caliban. I can think of this as a natural phenomenon like a natural disaster, but other People may not agree with this idea.”

At this moment, Lion King Ryan, who had no emotion on his face, suddenly stared at the shadowy Santa Grula Fortress in front of him, and he said without hesitation:
"Since he is my brother, the other party must share my worries. Once this massive crusade against the giant beast ends in victory, no one will care about it."


boom boom-

Rorschach, wearing vibranium power armor, personally drove a hover motorcycle above the icy ground.

The wild wolf cub, grinning subconsciously, was sitting on the back of the hoverbike, constantly feeling the biting cold wind coming towards him.

At the same time, several members of the Knights riding huge mounts were left far behind by the two men.

The white mist that was repeatedly exhaled from the mouths and noses of the people and the mounts almost condensed into a continuous eye-catching trace in the air.

If Rorschach didn't really know the correct route, they would have left the knights behind and galloped alone.

Soon after, Rorschach and others, who were advancing rapidly, encountered a group of Knights members who were waiting for them.

A praying knight named Zahariel first stared at Rorschach's appearance in shock, and then the other party revealed that they were the team that the Lion King came to meet the original body.Rorschach and the Wild Wolf Cubs were not surprised by this.

They continued to drive the hoverbike, led by Zahariel and others, and arrived at a large and vast camp.

After Rorschach and the Wild Wolf Cub drove the vibranium power armor into a huge camp.

The two of them saw the huge figure sitting behind the war sand table at a glance.

At this moment, Rorschach, who subconsciously squinted his eyes, first glanced at the middle-aged man standing aside.

If he is not mistaken.

The other party should be Ryan's adoptive father and teacher, the leader of the fallen angels of the First Legion, and the initiator of all future legion disasters, Luther.

"What should I call you? Brothers or 'Rorschach'? Maybe you don't know that the mist invasion has brought Caliban far more than the casualties seen on the surface, and you must be responsible for it!"

At this moment, Lion King Ryan, who had an indifferent expression, spoke first.

After hearing each other's words, Rorschach and the wild wolf cub looked at each other.

Rorschach drove the vibranium power armor and stepped forward. He stared at Lion King Ryan who already had the aura of the original body and said:
"Brother, the purpose of our coming here is to eliminate the huge threat posed by the invasion of fog. In fact, we are also confused about those things called the remnants of time and space. If you have any specific information, can you share it with us? ?”

Rorschach's voice just fell.

Lion King Ryan, who was originally sitting behind the war sand table, slowly stood up.

He looked straight into Rorschach's eyes that revealed his sincere emotions and said in a deep voice:

"We did learn more information about the mist invasion at the cost of the lives of countless mortals and even knights, but this information will not be easily provided to you, even if you are my blood brother!"

"If you want to obtain this important information, then lead my knights to capture the Santa Grula Fortress. After this war is won, I will personally tell you all the secrets."

At this moment, Rorschach did not express any opinion on Lion King Ryan's request.

If you don’t count the two previous meetings.

This was the first time he had verbal communication with the lion king who behaved rationally.

The emotional foundation and level of trust between the two parties are far from being like old friends at first sight.

What's more, he has already heard about Lion King Ryan's temperament.

However, the furrowed wild wolf cub drove the vibranium power armor forward and grinned at Lion King Ryan and said:

"You have to know what kind of disaster Caliban would have faced without our help. Not only did you not provide assistance, but you ordered us to do things for you. Don't you think this is excessive?"

After hearing the words of the wild wolf cub, Lion King Ryan slowly moved with heavy steps.

The other party came directly in front of the wild wolf cub, looked down at the wild wolf cub with a burly body that far exceeded the other party, and said lightly:

"Either you choose to attack the city to obtain intelligence, or you choose to get out of my camp. Other than that, you have no other way!"

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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