Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 923 Caliban’s Past: Legacy of Time and Space (3)

In fact, Rorschach, whose beastly instincts were buzzing, did not sense any psychic fluctuations belonging to the supreme heaven from the sudden remnants of time and space.

This seems to be a mysterious force that is completely independent of subspace, but similar to it.

And Rorschach also suspected that these things were closely related to himself!
And the psychic precognition ability that has always been playing a huge role also allows Rorschach to know the true purpose of him and his clone coming here.

That is to try to eliminate these time remnants that should not appear, so as to truly ensure that the Lion King on this timeline grows up normally!

Otherwise, not only will the underage Lion King encounter huge dangers that even the original body cannot easily deal with, but even the future destiny of the entire Caliban world will undergo greater changes!

The most serious situation may cause the Lion King and the First Legion to cease to exist from the source!
dong dong dong-

At this moment, the young lion king, who was obviously aware of the huge threat, let out a deafening roar in the direction of the remnants of time and space.

Before Rorschach could react quickly, he opened his mouth to stop the other party.

The young lion king, whose whole body was strong and extremely flexible, clutched a simple melee weapon made of vibranium wings and launched a head-on jump attack at the slow-moving remnants of time and space!

And Rorschach, whose body was constantly radiating wisps of dark shadows, was also holding on to the newly condensed shadow weapon.

He quickly drove the vibranium power armor and launched a combat charge towards the headless and out-of-control remnants!


In just a few seconds, the crude melee weapon made of vibranium wings in the young lion king's palm instantly shattered, forming a trail of sawdust and vibranium debris splattering everywhere.

And the huge body of the young lion king that had not yet landed also flew backwards heavily at an even more alarming speed than before!
At the same time, Rorschach, who almost passed by the other party, also saw it immediately.

A large piece of flesh and blood seemed to have been wiped out of thin air on the young lion king's naked chest, and that was where the fist of the remnant of time and space suddenly landed!

"Even the strong body of the original body can't withstand the destructiveness of the remaining time and space. No wonder the three of us need to come back together... We can't confront it head-on, otherwise even I may not be spared!"

Rorschach, who reacted quickly, immediately made corresponding judgments on the battle situation.

He suddenly moved the magnetic boots under his feet and began to swim back and forth around the slow-moving remnants of time and space.

However, when the shadow sickle, which was condensed from a large number of dark shadows, passed through the air, enveloping countless black and white mist, it fell heavily on the remnants of time and space.

Rorschach, who had a solemn expression, also discovered to his surprise that the remnants of time and space in front of him were completely immune to psychic attacks!

"Brother! My Blood Scythe! Find the scythe weapon that emits green light!"

Rorschach roared loudly in the direction of the young lion king without looking back.

He didn't even care whether the other party understood the meaning of these complicated words.

The entire huge body brandished two vibranium iron fists and launched an extremely risky melee attack at the remnants of time and space!


Rorschach's extremely powerful physical power made the slow-moving time and space remnants move backwards.

But the opponent can occasionally launch a fatal counterattack.

But it also made Rorschach, whose nerves were always tense, have to dodge around to prevent the destructive and terrifying power of the remnants of time and space from causing huge harm to him!


At this moment, a roaring sound resounded throughout the cave.

The young Lion King, who had successfully found the Blood Scythe, immediately launched a new round of crazy attacks in the direction of the remnants of time and space.

The young lion king, whose ferocious injury on the front of his chest was rapidly healing, already knew the difference between this remnant of time and space and the behemoth of Caliban.He began to use the powerful physical strength inherent in the original body to wield the Blood Scythe with green light.

The remnants of time and space that are completely immune to psychic attacks are also quite resistant to physical attacks.

But facing the sharp edge of the Blood Scythe, it had to produce extremely shocking damage!

When Rorschach once again struggled to drive the vibranium power armor forward, he used two vibranium iron fists to knock the remnants of time and space to the ground.

The young Lion King, who reacted quickly, immediately jumped into the air with the Blood Scythe, and forcibly split the remnants of time and space in two from the middle!

At this moment, many transparent cracks visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared in the space structure around Rorschach and the young Lion King.

Rorschach quickly raised his hand to hold the young lion king who wanted to continue attacking.

The two people jumped quickly towards the other side of the wide cave.

Soon after, the black and white mist that filled the surroundings of the cave and the fragmenting remnants of time and space completely disappeared.

Rorschach took a deep breath and turned to the young lion king who still had a ferocious expression and sighed.

"Brother, you are smart and powerful!"

"Brother, I am strong and smart!"

At this moment, the young lion king, like a parrot, beat hard on his bare chest, which was gradually getting better.

He raised his hand and handed the Blood Scythe tightly to Rorschach.

He also planned to return the metal ten rings on his thick arms.

"There is no need to return the ten metal rings to me. This is a small gift from me to you, the original brother. I will teach you how to consciously communicate with the ten metal rings later..."

Rorschach shook his head and said with a smile subconsciously showing at the corner of his mouth.

ka ka ka-

However, at this time, Rorschach's smile that had not yet dissipated seemed to be completely solidified on that bronze face.

He looked down and saw that the entire huge body with a somewhat desperate hair style once again fell into a state of overlapping afterimages.

The incomparable and extreme tearing pain quickly filled Rorschach's mind and flesh and blood tissue, and at the same time, it also made him look like a blurry figure with poor signal reception.

In just a few seconds, Rorschach, who used his tenacity to resist the pain, immediately avoided the young lion king who was about to come forward to help.

His whole body was in great pain, driving the hazy vibranium power armor to kneel down on one knee.

Before he completely lost consciousness, he shouted in a deep voice to the Lion King, who was frowning and looking blank:

"Ryan Jonson! Remember your name is Ryan Jonson!"

"You must contact the surviving humans on the planet Caliban, learn from them, love them, integrate with them, and then guide them!"

"This is your inherent duty as a Primarch!"

The next second, Rorschach's words echoed in the young lion king's ears.

But his entire huge body was like a TV signal that was suddenly turned off, completely disappearing from the sight of the young lion king!
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