Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 920 The nature of subspace and time travel!

ka ka ka-

There was a harsh buzzing sound as the metal floor twisted and deformed.

The huge body belonging to Rorschach suddenly got out of the huge gap that was forcibly opened by the power of a large number of dark shadows, and the whole person fell directly on the ground!

It's within his field of vision.

Wild Wolf Rorschach and Sef Rorschach stood aside and looked at each other silently.

Many veterans of the inner circle who had lost their minds and the holy master Sappho, who was controlled by the subspace artifact Ouroboros, slowly knelt down on one knee in the direction of Rorschach.

"My great lord, you are finally here. I am Ubrobos. Of course, you can also call me Ouroboros."

The deep voice from Ubolobos quickly reached Rorschach's ears.

Rorschach, who was holding the subspace artifact Heart of Plague with one strong arm, stared at Cypher and the Wolf with cold eyes.

He took a deep breath, and couldn't help but clenched the blood sickle surrounded by green light in his other huge palm.

"You two better give me a reasonable explanation, or I'll kill you too!"

At this moment, Rorschach, with wisps of dark shadows constantly escaping from his body, said coldly in the direction of Cypher and the Wolf.

His voice did not fall.

Sef Rorschach, who had a solemn expression, drove his power armor forward and said to Rorschach:

"Primarch, please be patient."

"If we all guessed correctly, the owner of the three subspace artifacts is you at a certain stage in the future, and the reason why they chose to gather here is also to send the three of us back to the past when the planet Caliban is still there, completely To fill the present where we stand today and secure the future…”

"That is to say, we may have no choice but to ensure that everything develops normally."

At this moment, the words from Sef Rorschach obviously slightly weakened the killing intent that the original body Rorschach was exuding.

But he still glanced at the subspace artifact Ouroboros and the Dark Angels who were completely controlled by the opponent, and said in a deep voice:

"I guessed about traveling through time and space, but I also didn't expect that I would fall into association with chaos in the future. What will happen to the future of mankind?!"

However, Rorschach had just finished speaking.

The holy master Sappho, who was controlled by the Ouroboros, suddenly raised his head connected to a heavy cable, and said lightly in the direction of Rorschach:
"My great Lord, there is one important thing you must understand. You will definitely become a 'Rorschach' in the future, but this does not mean that the 'Rorschach' must be you. Just like the emperor is the God-Emperor, but the God The emperor may not be the emperor!"

"So, who exactly is 'I'?"

Rorschach, who heard Ouroboros's words, suddenly asked him in a deep voice.

"My great Lord, please forgive me for being disrespectful. We can't reveal anything more to you. In fact, even the name 'Rorschach' is just a nickname we have to use as a last resort. I hope you can You can understand our difficulties."

"Now that the correct time is approaching, please immediately hand over the subspace artifact Heart of Plague that you brought, so that the other party can temporarily merge with us and open a passage through time and space for you."

At this moment, Ouroboros's low words made the indifferent Rorschach fall into deep thought.

He was hesitating whether to believe the words of the subspace artifact or the creation of chaos.

If he handed over the Heart of Plague, let’s not talk about the truth of the whole thing.This also means that he cannot escape his destined fate no matter what, so is everything he is fighting for now meaningful?

At this moment, as if seeing the emotional fluctuations gradually revealed by the original body Rorschach, Ouroboros Ouroboros suddenly spoke again:
"My great Lord, I believe that you have summed up a lot of experience in countless time travels in the past. You must have discovered that many times, some extremely important time nodes for the real universe and even the highest heaven cannot be changed no matter what. Not at all, and today’s time travel is a similar important node.”

"Have you ever wondered why you have the special ability to travel through time and space? What we can tell you is that the great emperor plays only less than [-]% of the role in it, and the rest of the power actually comes from you. If you have to put it more bluntly, have you ever thought about the nature of your subspace?"

At this moment, Ouroboros's low words attracted Rorschach's full attention.

Frowning slightly, he subconsciously murmured:
"Is my subspace nature related to time travel?"

"My great Lord, we cannot give you a more precise answer, but what we can tell you is that if this time's time travel fails, you will definitely miss the opportunity, and even your time travel ability will be lost. It’s going to be lost for a long time.”

Ouroboros's words struck Rorschach's destiny accurately.

If he loses the ability to travel through time and space, even temporarily.

Then there will be more uncertainty about Rorschach's own future, which is undoubtedly something he doesn't want to see at all.

And more importantly, the Ouroboros that has revealed so much important information to Rorschach should not be a fatal trap planned by Planner in advance.

Rorschach, whose thoughts were spinning, took another deep breath.

He silently prayed and called to the emperor.

This time the emperor did not give him any response.

In fact, given the level of attention the Emperor paid to Rorschach.

If the existence of chaos creations such as Ouroboros is a complete lie, then He must have taken action.

"Although I still have doubts about your existence, I still plan to believe your words for once. But if there is really a problem here, believe me, even if I fall into the depths of subspace, I will turn into a demon and crawl back. Looking for you!"

Rorschach, with an indifferent expression, drove the vibranium power armor forward.

The subspace artifact Plague Heart, which was clamped under his thick arm, was also thrown forcefully in the direction of Ouroboros Ubolobos.

The holy master Sappho, who was controlled by the other party, immediately stood up from the metal floor and carefully caught the Heart of Plague!
"My great Lord, our innate mission is to sacrifice everything for you. Everything is ready. Please get ready with your two clones."

At this moment, the low words from Ouroboros gradually distorted and finally fell into complete silence.

The Heart of Plague, which suddenly emitted a large amount of chaotic spiritual energy fluctuations, quickly floated up in the direction of Ouroboros.

Ouroboros, which has long been integrated with the Tuchucha engine, undoubtedly occupies a dominant position in the entire artifact fusion state.

At the same time, Rorschach also drove the vibranium power armor to stand with Cypher and the Wolf.

After the three people facing each other looked at each other, they were mentally prepared to travel through time and space as usual.

In an instant, the entire space was filled with colorful chaotic spiritual energy.

After the Ouroboros, which was completely integrated with the Heart of Plague, reluctantly sent a warning signal in the direction of the three of them, a large amount of chaotic spiritual energy burst out and completely overwhelmed everything around it!
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