Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 916: Chaos in the inner circle, Asmodai!

Chapter 916: Chaos in the inner circle, Asmodai!
Even today Rorschach treats the Dark Angels with such blunt malice.

But no Astartes dared to jump out and face a powerful Primarch who was brewing the wrath of thunder.

Even those inner-circle demons who are still hidden among everyone are no exception.

So, when Rorschach's low words slowly echoed in everyone's ears.

The attitudes of Azrael, Ezekiel and others became more humble and respectful.

If we want to talk about fear, they may not have much of it themselves.

But Rorschach, a primal who walks in the real universe, especially shoulders the important responsibility of the regent of the dark side.

Then the things represented by the other party are not only those things that appear on the surface.

A few disputes over ideas with the Primarch might be harmless.

But if you choose to attack the original body.

That means there is no fundamental difference between today's Dark Angels and the Fallen Angels they have been hunting for a long time.

However, facing the situation where a large number of Dark Angels were so obedient, Rorschach was a little disappointed.

Because he originally hoped that the inner ring demons would jump out and attack him, so that he could legitimately destroy the entire existence of the inner ring.

Even if this means that most of the veterans of the Dark Angels Chapter will become victims, scraping bones and curing poisons will naturally require a heavy hand.

At this moment, an extremely solemn atmosphere enveloped the heads of every Dark Angel.

Rorschach, who stood with a huge body, turned his head and glanced back and forth at the people kneeling on one knee.

Slowly taking a deep breath, he had to secretly admit that his idea of ​​trying to anger the inner ring and even the dark angels was too simple.

So, with his mind spinning, Rorschach immediately ordered Azrael to lead him to meet the imprisoned Lord Cypher.

Perhaps Seve's return can add a point to the current situation to break the deadlock.

Facing orders from the Primarch.

Azriel, who seemed to be slightly relieved, quickly drove the Seiko Powered Armor to his feet without any hesitation.

With a respectful expression, he and the Grand Master of the Think Tank, Ezekiel, guided the noble Primarch through the passage route deep into the megalithic fortress.

As the three of them continued to pass through the complicated and winding passages, they gradually penetrated deeper into the giant stone fortress.

Rorschach, who was already extremely sensitive to psychic fluctuations, vaguely sensed that something was constantly calling him to approach.


However, at this moment, Rorschach was slightly distracted.

Azrael, who was completing the identity verification scan according to his previous habit, suddenly looked with shock at the weapon platforms around him that were rapidly turning their muzzles!

As for Ezekiel standing aside, his expression suddenly changed.

Countless psychic powers instantly surged out of his tall body, tightly surrounding the three of them with an extremely thick psychic shield!
boom boom-

In an instant, laser beams and physical ammunition that continued to streak through the air repeatedly bloomed in everyone's field of vision, and countless explosions and flames also completely illuminated everyone's faces.

Now Azrael's face has become extremely ugly.

The violent movements of the weapon platform represent special changes within the Dark Angel that he cannot control at all.

Ezekiel, whose face was tense, was gritting his teeth to maintain the entire psychic shield.He didn't think that he and Azrael would capsize in the gutter. The safety of the primarch was the top priority!

At this moment, Luo Xia, who had completely come to his senses, slowly revealed a cold smile on his bronze face.

"Azrael, don't blame me for not reminding you, your people did this to me first!"

"Wolf cub, it's your turn!"

Rorschach's voice just fell.

Deep in the icy void outside the Stone Fortress, the firefight that had just stopped between the Hero Tower and the Dark Angel Fleet started again.

As for the interior of the megalithic fortress, azure blue teleportation barriers suddenly emerged.

The Astartes companies from the Space Wolves and the Black Templars also quickly revealed their tall figures.

The leader is none other than Wild Wolf Rorschach, who carries a Furnace Breaker warhammer and a blood-red ax on his thick shoulder armor!

"The original body has an order. Anyone who kneels down and surrenders will be dealt with lightly regardless of his or her identity. However, anyone who resists will be shot without mercy!"

Wild Wolf Rorschach stared back and forth at the large number of Dark Angel veterans who were quickly raising their bolters in the field of vision.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but reveal a sinister smile full of bloodthirsty!
almost the same time.

Rorschach, with wisps of dark shadows jumping back and forth on his huge body, has already taken action.

Countless shadow clones condensed by him forcibly destroyed the surrounding weapon platforms.

Wait until a large number of metal wreckage falls to the ground.

Rorschach with an indifferent expression looked down at Azrael and Ezekiel, who were ashen-faced, and asked lightly:
"I need you to submit to me a list of traitors in the inner circle. Otherwise, there won't be many people left in your Dark Angels Chapter!"

At this moment, he faced the original body's tough and low words mixed with threats.

After taking a deep breath, Azrael, who gradually regained his sanity, raised his head and said:
"Dark Side Regent, among the entire Dark Angels, there are only six senior members of the inner circle who have the qualifications and corresponding abilities to control the Stone Fortress. They are called the 'Secret Mentors'."

"I am Ezekiel, the Grand Master of the Think Tank, Sappho, the Holy Master, Belial, the Deathwing Grand Master, Samael, the Ravenwing Grand Master, and Asmodei, the Confessor Master!"

"Right now, the Deathwing Grand Master Beria and the Ravenwing Grand Master Samael are not inside the Stone Fortress, but Ezekiel and I are by your side. So the only ones who are still suspects are the Holy Master Sappho and Confessor Asmodei!"

"And the biggest suspect here is none other than Asmodai!"

At this moment, Azrael had just finished speaking.

Luo Xia, who stared deeply at the other party with a pair of cold eyes, sneered and said:

"It's him should have dealt with Asmodeus long ago, how much trouble this lunatic has brought to the Dark Angels, you, the leader of the battle group, know best!"

"Master Primarch, Asmodai is the oldest ancient warrior among the entire Dark Angels. We are just following the teachings of an ancient elder, even if the other party's crazy teachings will bring destruction to the Dark Angels..."

Ezekiel, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke in the direction of Rorschach.

Rorschach, who was slowly driving the vibranium power armor, said without looking back:

"If you could have completely followed the teachings of the Lion King, would the Dark Angels have come to where they are today?"

"All things can only be reborn from the ashes if they are broken and then rebuilt!"

 thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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