Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 913 The wild wolf has arrived!

Soon after, Rorschach's secret summons to Caiphas Kane came to an end.

Just like what Rorschach revealed before.

This may be a long career plan that may take decades or even hundreds of years to complete.

Although there are currently two primarch regents supporting it, the resistance from the high lords is something that cannot be underestimated.

Unless Rorschach descends on Terra immediately, ordering the Astartes to hold every Highlord's head with a bolter.

Otherwise, he could only use various means to arrange Caifax Kane's promotion path step by step.

In fact, thanks to Rorschach’s continuous support and tours over the years.

In addition to his natural bonus as the original body, he has also accumulated a lot of connections.

Even Rorschach himself may not know about these connections.

But as the saying goes, if you never forget, there will be repercussions. Perhaps these connections can solve many problems for Rorschach in the future.


One after another, huge metal ships slowly left Peria's low-Earth orbit.

Large and small ships belonging to the Scourge formed a defensive formation around the larger Hero Tower, and then the entire fleet immediately sailed toward the depths of the icy void.

And wait until more messages for psychic help come one after another once again resound through the Star Language Hall inside the flagship.

Almost every Great Company of the Astartes has resumed its daily life in support of the return.

Even Rorschach, who is the master of the fleet, has successively strengthened the recovery and exercise for the huge body.

Now most of his physique has successfully returned to a normal state, only some parts of the muscle tissue seem to be growing again.

Faced with this situation, Rorschach did not show much anxiety.

He plans to use his shadow clones to lead the Giant Crow Guards step by step to perform more prayer support missions.

However, just when everyone was ready to open the portal.


With a sudden buzzing sound.

A webway portal belonging to the Spirit Race suddenly appeared in Rorschach's field of vision!
In an instant, five quick-response giant crow guards stepped forward driving the vibrating gold power armor.

In their palms, they held a pair of super-phase swords that emitted green light, tightly surrounding the unstable Webway portal!

In the next second, a tall figure with various scratches and battle damage marks on the shell of the vibration gold power armor rushed out of the webway portal with a slightly embarrassed movement.

"Don't do anything! We are all our own!"

Wait until the webway portal instantly disappears into the air.

Grinning and raising his head, Wolf Rorschach immediately saw several giant Raven Guards staring at him.

Craig, who had seen the original clone before, quickly waved his giant palm, asking the giant brothers standing around to put away their weapons and give up their positions.

"Long time no see, wolf cub."

"Why are you being chased in such a panic? And why didn't Seif come?"

"I remember when you left last time, didn't you say you were going to rob the Blackstone Fortress of the Black-Hearted King Huron?"

At this moment, the Primarch, who couldn't help showing a faint smile from the corner of his mouth, stared at the wild wolf Rorschach who was getting up from the metal floor, and he joked. "Ruth's leg hair! Primarch, don't mention Blackstone Fortress, really don't mention it!"

The wild wolf Rorschach, whose face was deteriorating at a speed visible to the naked eye, vigorously shook his head with disheveled hair.

He subconsciously bared his snow-white fangs, and said to the Primarch sitting on the metal throne:
"The first phase went very smoothly. Seve and I sneaked into the Blackstone Fortress alone, and took advantage of the absence of the Red Pirates' traitors and the Black-Hearted King Huron himself to forcefully occupy the entire war vehicle."

"If we were to find a way to steal the Blackstone Fortress safely at this time, then there would be no subsequent series of events."

"There are a group of Astartes prisoners from various battle groups imprisoned in Blackstone Fortress. I released them based on the principle of absorbing combat power and let everyone fight with the remaining red pirates. However, I did not find any of those Astartes prisoners. There is also a dark angel's inner ring demon hidden!"

"The other party just discovered Cypher's appearance, and secretly contacted the Dark Angels!"

"When we finally drove the stolen Blackstone Fortress back to the real universe, these dark angels who have killed a thousand swords have already controlled the Megalithic Fortress and are waiting for us!"

"I even suspect that the plan is behind us! Because it is said that the Dark Angel's stone fortress cannot easily move across the star field!"

"What happened after that was a complete mess. Huron, the Lord of the Red Pirates, led his pursuers to catch up. In the end, not only did we lose the Blackstone Fortress, but we were also chased everywhere by the Dark Angel's inner circle!"

"The more embarrassing thing is that this time Cypher really capsized in the gutter, and he is now caught by the Dark Angel, which is one of the reasons why I had to run back to find you!"

At this moment, Wild Wolf Rorschach had just finished a series of words.

Rorschach, who frowned slightly, immediately controlled countless mechanical tentacles to move his entire huge body from the metal throne.

He also faced the strange gaze cast by the wild wolf Rorschach and continued to ask:

"Sypher was captured by the Dark Angels? Didn't you take my name as the Primarch and the Regent of the Dark Side?"

However, Primarch Rorschach's words had just come out.

The wild wolf Rorschach raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but sneer.

"Haha, do you want to hear it? I can give you a vivid description of what the Dark Angel did. Let's put it this way, if I didn't have the beast instinct and run fast, I would probably accompany Seif and many battles now. Brothers are in jail together!"

"I'm afraid that with today's Dark Angels, let alone the original body, even the Emperor's manifestation will not work!"

Although the words of Wild Wolf Rorschach are inevitably filled with resentment and jealousy.

But what the other party expressed still caused the original body to fall into silence.

Just a moment later, Rorschach with an indifferent face immediately said:
"No matter what, Seve must be saved, and I hope he can find the whereabouts of the Lion King!"

"Wolf cub, where is Cypher currently being held? Will his life be in danger in a short time?"

"Craig, please notify the Space Wolves and Black Templars immediately so that they can all prepare for battle!"

"In addition, tell Tiberus and Titus that before my order is issued, the Scourge will continue to maintain the current parade mission!"

Seeing that the original body has begun to issue orders.

The wolf cub took a deep breath and shook his head slightly, and said with a solemn expression:

"I don't think it's that easy for Seve to die even if he wants to. At least the guys in the inner circle won't kill him until he truly confesses, but the physical pain is unavoidable. As for where he is currently being held, I The guess is that it should be inside the Stone Fortress. If we want to rescue people, we must snatch them from the Dark Angels Chapter!"

"Well, although I don't want to go beyond the Lion King to discipline his bloodline heirs, but now that they have provoked us, let's just strike hard and use this opportunity to clean up the inner circle of demons!"

"I hope everyone in the Dark Angels Chapter can wake up a little bit. Otherwise, I can only tell the Lion King in the future that I personally imposed the excommunication on the Dark Angels Chapter for rebellion!"

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