Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 886 Reality Gem and Shadow Clone!

In the cold void.

One after another, Cobra-class destroyers or Sword-class frigates carrying Astartes battle teams sailed away from the interior of the Legion fleet repeatedly.

It is said that at the peak of the fleet, fifty ships were located on completely different imperial worlds at the same time, performing either extremely difficult or very easy combat support tasks.

This has also allowed a large number of Astartes recruits who have just arrived in the legion from the mainland to rapidly grow into veterans who have experienced many battles.

Most of the veterans who are the backbone of the legion either died in battle, or after being seriously injured, they chose to undergo original casting in order to increase their strength.

Simply under the influence of many auxiliary drugs such as heart-shaped grass and super soldier serum from the local area.

The risk of the original casting operation has been gradually reduced to about [-]%. Even if someone is very unlucky and the original casting fails, there is still a panacea that can be used to restore the physical injury, so as not to die on the operating table on the spot.

And this kind of boring life has become the daily life of the Astartes in the fleet.

Each of them conducted actual combat training between Dalian and Dalian, took part in battles on ships, and then either died in battle or returned successfully.

Then wait for the next combat mission to arrive during the training gap, and it will not be completely over until the death and sacrifice.

And this is the destiny of countless Astartes, to serve the Emperor, the Primarch, and even the Imperium of Man, until they die.


Inside the private palace belonging to the Primarch, Rorschach's huge body was sitting on the extremely huge metal throne.

In this dimly lit empty room.

A hypercube labyrinth slowly emitting green luster was held tightly in a huge palm by him.

At this moment, Luo Xia's eyes were slightly closed.

His consciousness is mobilizing a large amount of shadow power to infuse this hypercube maze that he took from the figure king and has not returned.

And inside the labyrinth prison.

Perturabo, whose huge metal body was like a hill, said indifferently:
"I said, you have tried thousands of times, and you still have no plans to give up completely? Sure enough, it is only natural that I lost to you. Your paranoia and tenacity may be several times stronger than mine. .”

The other party's voice just fell.

A blurry figure completely condensed by the power of shadow stood firmly within Perturabo's field of vision.

"Perturabo, it seems that the environment can indeed change people. Isn't your attitude much better now than before? It's a pity that you have already completed the magic upgrade, otherwise I can let you go for a walk, don't you think so?"

Rorschach, who was trying his best to maintain the shadow clone, said lightly to the other party.

"Rorschach, don't be so hypocritical! If it wasn't for you and the damned Fugen who had caused me to suffer severe injuries one after another, causing me, the Primarch, to enter a near-death state several times, why would I have to rely on the indiscriminate chaos? Great power to save lives?"

"Do you really think that my hatred for you can last for tens of thousands of years? It's almost the same if you are replaced by Rogal Dorn. You are not worthy of a little brat!"

Perturabo's face, which was completely made of metal, subconsciously showed a deep-rooted disgust, staring at Rorschach's shadow clone with cold eyes and said.

However, before the other party continued to speak.

The clone formed by the power of countless shadows completely dissipated in the air!

However, the next moment, another shadow clone quickly appeared in front of Perturabo.

"Hmph, you lasted a few seconds longer than last time."

"Rorschach, since you have a lot of time to spend here with me, I guess there must be something wrong with your body outside this space... What, have you been seriously injured by someone? Why don't you tell me to make me happy? one time?"

Perturabo, whose huge metal body did not move, sneered at Rorschach's shadow clone.

But Rorschach didn't have much time to pay attention to the other party's sarcasm.

He is concentrating on using all his thoughts to study the duration of the shadow clone.

blah blah blah!

At this moment, Rorschach quickly took out the Reality Gem with dark red luster from the storage space.

He threw the Reality Gem into the hypercube maze without hesitation, and completely wrapped the entire Reality Gem with the shadow clone that was about to collapse!

"The Mind Stone can only be used as an energy weapon in the Warhammer universe, and the Reality Stone cannot even be used as an energy weapon without the cooperation of other gems."

"But now, the Reality Gem can actually show a little power under the package of a lot of shadow power, allowing me to completely maintain the shadow clone. How is this possible? What is the principle of accidentally triggering this mechanism?"

Rorschach, who was gradually getting excited, immediately remotely controlled the shadow clone located inside the hypercube maze and slowly raised his hands.

He made a special discriminatory gesture towards Bobby Pertura who was not far away.

At this moment, although Perturabo was emotionally stable, he didn't run away on the spot.

But the expression on the other party's metal face became significantly uglier.

"Rorschach, are you trying to find fault with me and fight? I don't think your shadow clone will last long!"

Perturabo, who had a bad complexion, stared at the shadow clone whose body and face gradually became clear, and roared in an extremely low voice.

But Rorschach, who was in a good mood, did not choose to fight with Perturabo.

While looking around at the shadow limbs that constantly showed a black luster, he said to the other party:
"Perturabo, I know that you rubbed a few iron ring robots with the metal scraps in the hypercube maze and some active metal hands on the body, but believe me, even if you defeat my shadow clone, you still can't get out Yes, this is the super prison used by the Necrons to hold the Star God fragments."

"If you stay here honestly and occasionally reflect on what you have done in the past, I can still come and chat with you from time to time. If you insist on being a human being, you will walk around like a metal beast that has lost its mind Destruction, if you want to escape from the inside of the maze, then I really don't bother to talk to you."

At this moment, Rorschach's words caused Perturabo, whose cold eyes flickered back and forth, to temporarily extinguish the desire to stand up and fight.

The opponent slowly wriggled and separated three iron ring robots from the huge metal body, and stood on the nearby metal floor one after another.

"Hehe, I didn't expect a few robots without any weapons and equipment to threaten you... Rorschach, your shadow clone seems to have succeeded in the experiment, are you planning to leave the maze now?"

Hearing Perturabo's low, slightly weak words.

Rorschach's shadow clone slowly shook his head.

"We loyal Primarchs are hardworking, far less selfish and egotistical than you traitors. Many times, we have to shoulder the difficult responsibilities entrusted to us by the Emperor, which is why you gang participated in the rebellion Something the guys here will never understand."

"Remember to reflect, see you next time!"

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