Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 876 Rorschach's War God Priesthood!

Chapter 876 Rorschach's War God Priesthood!
With Thanos holding the Cosmic Cube, he completely left the dilapidated Asgard continent.

This sudden encounter with a powerful enemy has officially come to an end.

Subsequently, a large number of automatic servo robots were dispatched to the ground by Iron Man David, and began to rescue the wounded as soon as possible and search for the bodies of the dead.

Up to now, even if you don't count the Asgardians who are no different from extermination.

The loss of the Human Alliance alone far exceeds that of a Chaos invasion or an expeditionary battle.

Of the thousands of Librarian Brothers from various Astartes Dalians, only less than 200 survived.

Among them, the Astartes company that suffered the most casualties is the Blood Ravens Dalian, and because of the tradition of fighting, their think tank units accounted for the largest number.

As for mortals, Doctor Strange and the heavy mage troops from Kama Taj suffered the lightest losses. Only one-third of them suffered from various backlash effects caused by spell failures.

And Pope Pietro secretly recruited many heroes of the state religion for many years, and it can be said that the loss was quite heavy.

Countless people who died in Asgard were devout disciples who were completely loyal to the Emperor and the Primarch.

But on the other hand, Rorschach, who doesn't care about this, also thinks that this greatly reduces the probability that the local state religion can produce more moths.

In the previous incident of Tony being corrupted, the state religion forces played some disgraceful roles in it.

It's just that because of the involvement of more things and the unity within the People's Federation, Luo Xia just brushed it off.

Scarlet Witch Wanda was seriously injured and lost her arm in the battle, so she can grow back with the panacea in the future, and Reditus can also provide the opponent with a choice of mechanical prosthetics.

However, according to the intelligence collected by Assassin's intelligence agents lurking inside the local state religion.

Wanda's mental aspect was somewhat stimulated, and she needed all-round observation and more vigilance.

As for the mutants, although they had noticed the intensity of the battle in advance, they brought Qin Grey, the host of the Phoenix Force.

However, the casualties of a large number of alpha-level mutants are still very heavy.

Many young mutants who could have joined Rorschach's legion and became the backbone were unfortunately killed here.

Although Magneto King Max didn't suffer much damage on the surface, his heart was full of holes.

Especially after he paid such an astonishing price of casualties in the face of the mutant race, he somewhat doubted whether his choice to join the human empire was a sober decision.

However, the mutants have long concealed the issue of the host of the Phoenix Force.

After discussing with Iron Man David and others, Rorschach did not hold the mutants accountable in any form.

After all, they have proved their loyalty with countless sacrifices on the battlefield.

Moreover, Rorschach's brother Fulgrim also accidentally became the new host of the Phoenix Force, so there is no need to continue to pursue responsibility.

Soon after, Thor, who had talked with the god-king Odin for a while, went to appease Queen Frigg and Jane Foster and other relatives.

And Rorschach, who had regained his human form, also came before God King Odin.

At this moment, the god king Odin, who couldn't see any emotion between his aging face, stood in a messy Odin treasure house, and his only remaining palm rubbed the sure-fire gun Gungnir from time to time.

"Hehe, Primarch boy, do you know that I was just scaring Thanos before? In fact, I may not be able to deal with the crazy Titan who is fully inspiring the Cosmic Cube."

God King Odin, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly turned his head and said to Rorschach.

And Luo Xia with a calm expression nodded slightly, and he said:
"I vaguely guessed it, because according to your style of doing things, you will not leave such a terrifying enemy to the future Sol to deal with, although I think that the future Sol and I will definitely be able to deal with Thanos who controls the Cosmic Cube."

"Hey, Primarch boy, it's a good thing to have confidence, and I also believe that you can do things that us old guys can't do, but don't forget, it's not just that there are five big guys standing behind you , Behind Thanos, there are also five equally matched opponents!"

At this moment, God King Odin, whose expression became dignified, continued in the direction of Rorschach:
"To some extent, this is no longer a low-level war that those of us can get involved in at will. Even those terrifying beings who use cosmic rules far beyond our imagination or constantly confront with magnificent forces cannot end directly, but The cosmic powerhouse who can be chosen by them will be one of your biggest enemies in the future!"

"There are very few things we old people can do for you now. All of you must try your best to unite in order to win a glimmer of life for humans or Asgardians in the future!"

"Before this, I have already talked to Sol, the Asgardians will become one of the subordinate races of the human race, and the most important Rainbow Bridge on the continent of Asgard will also be handed over to you Legion to keep it, whether it is as a transmission platform to sweep the depths of the universe or a star-destroying weapon as you like..."

"Boy Rorschach, I know what you want to say, but this is a decision I discussed with the Emperor himself before I came back, but I didn't expect Asgard to encounter this major change unexpectedly."

God King Odin's words caused Rorschach, who opened his mouth slightly, to swallow more words again.

Although Luo Xia, the heir of the emperor, sometimes seems not very filial.

But since the emperor has made corresponding arrangements, he can only accept it in its entirety.

At this moment, God King Odin, who frowned slightly, seemed to be in a state of thought.

But in the next second, he immediately said to Rorschach in front of him.

"The above is the general arrangement of official affairs. I can't stay in the real universe for a long time now. The situation faced by Gu Yi and the emperor is more difficult. I must rush back to help them."

"But before that, I have to give you some extra help on a personal level..."

"Boy Rorschach, do you know why the Asgardians are called gods by the Nine Realms? Not only because we are immortal species, nor because I led the Asgard army to conquer the Nine Realms, but because we are ancient The Aesir Protoss has a very special and powerful divine power, that is the priesthood of the gods of Asgard!"

"My priesthood is called 'Father', inherited from the first king of Asgard, my great-grandfather Buli, and Thor's priesthood is 'Thor', which is why he can continuously burst into thunder in battle. Because of your power, even Loki, who was killed by you back then, has the priesthood called 'Vulcan'."

"And now, I plan to bestow on you the powerful priesthood left by my former brother Tyr, to give you some important chips to deal with the future situation!"

"As for the name of this priesthood, you must have heard it before, that is..."


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(End of this chapter)

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