Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 870 Mad Titan, Thanos arrives!

Chapter 870 Mad Titan, Thanos arrives!
In an instant, Rorschach, who was teaming up with Sol to beat Nurgle disciple Malekith, suddenly stopped the magnetic boots under his feet.

He even let the heavily injured dark elf fall heavily on the ground like garbage.

At this moment, Rorschach's extremely keen beast instinct made him instantly perceive a terrifying oppression that was enough to make the hair stand on end!
Rorschach's icy gaze immediately turned back and forth, scanning the surrounding scenes.

Then he saw at a glance the huge purple figure that was walking towards them several kilometers away!
"Sol, stop playing! The enemy is coming!"

Taking a deep breath, Rorschach growled at Thor who was not far away without looking back.

In the next second, he quickly turned the infinite power glove on Zhenjin's palm.

Re-activated the soul gem inlaid on the back of the hand, and quickly contacted the high-level people of the People's Federation in the local Terra!

"David, immediately summon all the high-end combat forces that can be contacted on the local Terra to Asgard, notify Wanda and Pietro, notify Magneto and mutants, and the mages on Karma Taj!"

"In addition, directly mobilize two-thirds of the Astartes think tanks in the major companies of the Astartes to support me. I want to extract their psionic energy. Remember that as long as the pure think tank units, the rest of the Astartes companies If you come, you will die in vain!"

"Let all the mortal troops and armor formations in the five major regions prepare for battle, let Reditus activate all the intelligent control legions and knight armor formations in advance, and order all the fleets in the Moon Starport to prepare to set sail! If Asgard is above If this sniper battle fails, then the local Terra will be the place for the next battle, and tell all human compatriots, if you don’t want to wipe out the clan, then there is no retreat in this battle!"

"Finally, if all of us are killed in Asgard, your core team left on the native Terra will immediately withdraw to Macragge... I think someone will come to avenge me, the Primarch !"

"Tony, if the ether particles have been successfully extracted, then send them to me immediately, if not, then speed up... I'm afraid that in a few seconds at night, all of us will die!"

At this moment, Rorschach, who was controlling the Mind Stone, completed a series of remote transmissions of commands in just a few seconds.

In his heart, he was even prepared to fight and die in Asgard with many brothers.

After all, the terrifying name of the Mad Titan Thanos has been known enough in both previous and present lives.

Even today's Rorschach can be said to hold three infinite gems, plus powerful combat methods such as the liberation of subspace essence.

But he didn't dare to say that he would be able to easily face the arrival of the Mad Titan!

At this moment, Rorschach, who took another deep breath, and Sol, who subconsciously clenched Thor's Hammer Mjolnir, looked at each other.

After the two nodded their heads towards each other.

With extremely dignified steps, he walked slowly towards the oncoming Thanos!
"Ah, let me see who you are... the heirs of Odin? There is also a Chaos God's Chosen One?"

"I remember that your name is Rorschach? Don't be so surprised. Although you have degenerated into an accomplice and lackey of foreign invaders, you are still a part of this universe. The gods of creation have noticed Your coming..."

At this moment, the expression on the purple face looked extremely gentle, and Thanos, who could even be said to have no violent intentions, said in the direction of Sol and Rorschach.

The opponent still maintained a calm posture with his hands behind his back.

There was no reaction to the guard and hostility of the two strong men in front of him.

"Thanos, you are not welcome in Asgard! Go back to your territory!"

Sol, who was frowning tightly, was not as calm as Rorschach beside him.

He yelled at the other party in a stern and restrained manner:

"If my father, God King Odin, wasn't here, how dare you come here so presumptuously!"

However, for Saul's sarcastic words with a gun and a stick.

Thanos, who was slowly stopping in place, admitted it very generously.

"Hehe, you are right, son of Odin, if God King Odin is here, I will definitely turn around and leave, because there is absolutely no need for me to fight desperately with an Asgardian God King who is about to die of old age, especially This is the time when this old man can indeed cause some damage to me."

"But child, as you said, God King Odin is not here, and even the famous supreme mage Gu Yi is far away from the solar system. A series of unexpected changes in the depths of the dimensional space are enough for them to have a headache. I don't think they will come back in a short time!"

"So now, how are you going to deal with me? Are you going to kill me with just a few infinite gems?"

Thanos, who was still carrying his thick arms, looked down at Thor and Rorschach not far away with a look of contempt with interest.

The Mad Titan at this moment is like an old cat looking at two little mice that haven't grown up yet.


The other party's voice just fell.

Rorschach, who was accumulating a large amount of shadow power in his body, did not get angry.

The corner of Thor's eyes twitched slightly, and Thor suddenly raised Thor's Hammer Mjolnir upwards.

Wisps of incomparably bright lightning rays instantly enveloped his tall body!


Sol, who suddenly exhaled and opened his voice, followed his usual fighting habits.

He threw Mjolnir, which was tightly held in his palm, towards the front of Thanos' huge body!

"Ha ha……"

However, at the next moment, Thanos who was standing there shook his head slightly.

A hint of disappointment appeared vaguely on its purple face.

Immediately afterwards, a huge hand behind his back lifted instantly, and unexpectedly grabbed the Thor's Hammer with a terrifying speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye!
"This is Mjolnir, the legendary Hammer of Thor? A powerful weapon forged by God King Odin with the core of a dying star? The forging technology seems to be okay, but it would be a pity to destroy it..."

At this moment, Thanos, who was muttering to himself, completely ignored a large number of bright lightning that fell on the huge body.

He tightly grasped the huge palm of Thor's Hammer Mjölnir and gave it a sudden squeeze.

A series of clearly visible fine cracks appeared on Mjolnir's metal surface!

"Do not--"

Seeing that Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer, who had accompanied him for countless years, was about to be destroyed by the other party.

Thor, who was still eager to fight just now, rarely showed panic.

But he has absolutely no way to stop Thanos' behavior.

He could only watch helplessly as Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer, completely shattered into pieces of metal wreckage that had lost its energy and radiance!

And after wave after wave of bright thunder light containing infinite magical energy swept away towards the surroundings.

Thanos, who shouldered his thick arms again, still stared at Sol and Rorschach in front of him with a contemptuous look.

"Children, if you have any other options now, why don't you take them all at once, I want to see them too."

 thanks for your support!

  Father Nurgle: Is this you? (points to photo).

  Thanos glanced at the photo: This doesn't look like me, it's not me!This is Darkseid!Only it likes to wear X on its back!

(End of this chapter)

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