Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 867 Tragic Adjutant, Algrim's Death!

Chapter 867 Tragic Adjutant, Algrim's Death!


Thor, who was surrounded by countless dazzling lightning lights all over his body, suddenly raised Mjölnir, Thor's Hammer in his palm.

In the next second, Thor's Hammer, which continuously burst out terrifying thunder and lightning, crashed down with a thunderous force, and landed abruptly on the head of the last cursed warrior!


After the entire head of the cursed warrior was completely shattered into countless flesh and blood wrecks like a ripe fruit.

Sol, with a ferocious expression, took a deep breath, barely relaxing from the tense battle.

At the same time, Rorschach, who was holding the blood sickle in his palm, also drove the vibrating gold power armor to come closer.

He immediately told Thor about the specific situation that the dark elves had attacked.

And Rorschach also subconsciously analyzed that the plague of living corpses raging on Asgard is probably also the vicious handwriting of these guys.

And Thor, who had gradually recovered from his exhausted energy, almost decided on the spot to have a space jump gang battle with Rorschach, and completely wipe out these damned dark elves!
boom boom-

At the same time, on the ground battlefield inside Asgard.

Numerous gunpowder smoke filled the air between the buildings.

Wailers armed with heavy firepower weapons such as assault guns and heavy explosive bombs, and a large number of Ao monster machine guards arranged in neat formations are the metal city walls.

Basically wearing Terminator power armor, they walked slowly but firmly and launched continuous firepower coverage towards a large number of stumbling Asgardian corpses.

Judging from the current situation, often the standard bolt gun needs a whole clip of bolts to completely cause fatal damage to the Asgardians.

Only some assault teams carrying special armor-piercing ammunition can fully display the Astartes' precise shooting ability, and knock down those living corpses who are obviously more active.


At this moment, the scanning system vaguely sensed that something was rapidly approaching the surrounding AI Stark, and quickly came to Jane Foster, who was carefully observing the battlefield situation.

It did not hesitate to control the Vibrating Metal Mechanical Armor that exploded outwards, and Ms. Jian, who was unable to react in time, was completely covered inside the armor structure.


The next moment, a dozen Weepers Astartes who were standing nearby on sentry missions were instantly blown away by a huge force!

And when a shuttle-shaped stealth hover vehicle appeared from midair.

The seven elite cursed fighters, who were obviously taller and stronger in appearance, once again appeared on the battlefield!
Boom boom boom!
It is not necessary to get a call for help or a command from the AI ​​Stark.

The more responsive Astartes immediately drew chainswords or power weapons that dangled from the armor's waist.

They turned their direction abruptly, and launched fierce fighting charges in the direction of the elite curse fighters time and time again!

AI Stark, also at the suggestion of Jane Foster, released a series of extremely bright and huge shock beams from the front of the armor from time to time, trying to help the Astartes end the battle!

However, the vitality of these elite curse fighters is a bit too strong.

Even if he was pierced by a power weapon or even a chainsaw sword, as long as his head was not smashed on the spot or he was hit by a critical attack such as being cut off in the middle.

They can even withstand the baptism of a large amount of firepower, and the explosion flames of countless armor-piercing explosive shells will forcibly tear each Astartes into bloody wreckage pieces!

At this moment, AI Stark, who vaguely sensed that something was wrong on the battlefield, wanted to take Jane Foster off the ground and fly to a safer place.

Its digital life doesn't care whether the mechanical armor is damaged or not, but Jane Foster is still a mortal and cannot bear greater risks at all.


An elite cursed warrior who couldn't help letting out a roar from his mouth violently knocked out a dozen Astartes again.

It rushed out of the encirclement circle formed by a large number of wailers, and then stomped on the ground vigorously, covering a distance of several hundred meters with just one big jump, and the huge body that was wrapped in the whistling wind also slammed into the air before it was fully lifted. AI Stark's body!


In an instant, AI Stark and Jane Foster inside the armor almost instantly flew towards the top of the nearby buildings!
"Sol! Rorschach! Come and support me, the vitality of these cursed warriors is too strong, and my offensive methods can't kill them for a while!"

At this moment, while AI Stark was trying to adjust the landing posture of the Zhenjin Mechanical Armor to prevent Jane Foster inside from being hurt, it sent a signal for help to the high-end combat power on the battlefield!


However, at this time, with a burst of colorful rainbow bridge transmission light bloomed in the air.

An Asgardian giant wearing a horned helmet and golden armor on his tall body suddenly appeared.

The other party stepped forward without any hesitation.

A huge sword held tightly in the palm of his hand also slashed heavily at the elite cursed warrior who was going to pursue him!
"Odin's loyal dog... Heimdall, the guardian god, I remember you, you are the most damned Asgardian!"

At this moment, Algrim, who had completely transformed into a cursed warrior, recognized the opponent's true identity at a glance.

It was so angry that it even temporarily gave up on taking back the ether particles.

The whole person immediately launched a more fierce and fierce attack on Heimdall in front of him!

And Heimdall, who didn't change his face, also swung the huge sword with extremely exquisite skills, and repeatedly collided with Algrim's two iron fists, continuously bursting out waves of terrifying shock waves visible to the naked eye!


As the elite cursed warriors not far away were successively killed by the Wailer Astartes at the cost of more than [-] people, three of them were forcibly killed.

Thor, holding Thor's hammer Mjolnir, descended from the sky wrapped in terrifying lightning.

Immediately, with the fire support of a large number of Astartes, he kept strangling the remaining three elite curse fighters!
At the same time, a blue portal quietly appeared behind Algrim's huge body.

Rorschach's two magnetic boots just touched the broken ground.

The blood sickle in the palms of his hands was quickly danced.

And almost in the blink of an eye, Algrim, who was facing away from him, was completely cut from the middle, completely divided into two!
And Heimdall, who took the opportunity to seize the opportunity to attack, also stepped forward suddenly, and heavily inserted the giant sword tightly held in his palm into the depths of Algrim's skull!

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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