Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 863 Strange and the King!


With the continuous rotation of precision instruments, there are subtle sounds.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is specially used to protect the space gems, was slashed hard by the cutting blade made of vibrating gold.

In the next second, Luo Xia with a solemn expression slowly raised a vibrating gold palm.

He carefully pinched the space gem emitting a faint blue light on the two fingertips.

Afterwards, without the slightest hesitation, Rorschach aimed the space gem firmly at the infinite power gauntlet on the other huge palm, and gently placed it on top of the mind gem!

Chi Chi Chi!
In an instant, strands of azure blue light reflected from Luo Xia's huge body one after another.

He subconsciously took a deep breath.

Even the depths of the reopened eyes faintly revealed a blue energy radiance!
"My lord Primarch, how do you feel about this?"

At this moment, Reditus, who had been suspended in mid-air, slightly lowered his flight altitude.

The other party with red eyes flashing curiously asked Rorschach who was carefully feeling the space gem.

"Well, it feels good, at least I don't feel any too much burden on the whole body, and I can clearly perceive the existence of every space structure, and even just a thought, I can send myself to any place in the universe. A corner."

Rorschach, who narrowed his eyes, shared his feelings with Reditus.

After Reditus asked some more questions about Infinity Stones.

Rorschach, who had just put on the brand-new vibrating gold power armor, also gave detailed answers one by one.


Not long after, Rorschach clenched the infinite power gauntlet into a fist, and then turned it slightly.

His entire huge body was instantly wrapped up by a blue portal.

And wait until Luo Xia slowly stepped out of the portal.

Fulgrim and AI Stark who were standing in place, as well as Thor and Strange with dignified expressions, also showed their figures.

"Strange, how is the treatment going? Can Karma Taj's magic extract the ether particles from Jane Foster's body?"

Rorschach nodded slightly to everyone.

He then asked the frowning Doctor Strange.

"Although the mages on Karma Taj should be the first group of humans on the native Terra to come into contact with the infinite gems, the mages have never seen this reality gem processed into ether particles by the dark elves, and we don't even know it. Knowing exactly how the Infinity Stones are reworked and forged..."

"Because many of my magics don't work on this, Wang has returned to Karma Taj to check for more ancient books and materials. He should be able to bring us some good news."

Strange's voice just fell.

Sol, with his arms around his thick arms, stepped forward, and he said to Rorschach:

"Rorschach, the ether particles are consuming a lot of Jane's vitality. If you don't extract them as soon as possible, I'm afraid she won't live long!"

"Don't be impatient, brother, let's use panacea to cover Jane's consumed vitality for the time being. Our material reserves are enough. If it doesn't work, we can also temporarily store Jane in the stasis force field and fight for us." Give more time."

Rorschach raised a vibrating gold palm.

He calmed Thor's restless mood that was always tense.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Xia stared at the crowd and said lightly:

"At present, our task is to turn this unexpected incident into a good thing as much as possible. After all, we have obtained another infinite gem."

"And it is also unexpected that the third Infinity Gem will appear in this situation, that is to say, apart from the Time Gem controlled by Kama Taj, there are already four Infinity Gemstones on the local Terra. .”

"Although I really want to collect all the infinite gems at one time, I also have to say that this is not a good sign. If this news leaks into the universe, I am afraid it will attract many terrifying enemies one after another. I think Mad Titan Thanos would be the biggest threat of all."

Rorschach's voice just fell.

Fulgrim, who was standing aside, also said:
"Although we have established early warning devices on the edge of the solar system and launched a large number of unmanned exploration spacecraft into deep space, we do not have a suitable intelligence network and know almost nothing about all the information in the local universe. It is recommended to send an advance fleet immediately, let an Astartes company lead some mortal agents to establish a base in the depths of the universe, and collect more intelligence information for the native Terra.”

At this moment, for Fulgrim's proposal.

Rorschach, who squinted his eyes, nodded his head slightly and said:

"This is indeed a big problem. I will let the Raven Guard Dalian take charge of this matter in the future, and Assassin's intelligence agents will cooperate with Astartes' actions."


Just when AI Stark also planned to join this topic and made some important suggestions to Rorschach and others.

With a ring of sparks flying around, the portal quickly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The chubby Wang slowly stepped out of the portal.

The other party first greeted everyone present, and then said to the wide-eyed Strange and the others:
"According to what I found from the ancient information preserved by Master Ancient One, the reality gems processed into ether particles were once powerful artifacts of the Dark Elf Empire. They once plunged the entire universe into an extremely long dark age. With the help of the terrifying power of the Reality Gem."

"That is to say, if we want to extract ether particles, then the dark elves who are most familiar with ether particles are the best candidates, but now there is no trace of any dark elves in the entire universe. To some extent, it has been completely killed by the original Asgardians."

"Of course, as the Asgardians who successfully wiped out the dark elves and even sealed the Reality Gem, they are also the candidates who are most familiar with ether particles. Sol, maybe you Asgardians can provide us with some Important help."

The king's voice just fell.

Sol, who frowned tightly, took a deep breath, and said in a low voice:
"Now God King Odin is not inside Asgard at all. I don't think anyone but him can forcibly extract the Infinity Stones with great power, and I can't contact Heimdall who is in charge of the Rainbow Bridge, even if I can bring Jane Return to Asgard... Wait, my mother! Queen Frigga also participated in the extermination war against the dark elves!"

"She even told me a lot of ancient stories about the dark elves. She will definitely be able to completely rid Jane of the threat to life brought by ether particles!"

"It seems that we have to go back to Asgard!"

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