Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 860 Missing Jane Foster!

On the training field inside the experimental area.

A huge black giant wearing only a pair of gray underpants was standing there.

Countless precision instruments specially used for testing surrounded the opponent firmly.

And Rorschach with his arms around his thick arms and Professor Hulk Banner with a dignified expression were standing at the observation position not far away.

Da da da--

In the next second, fully armed automatic servo robots came to the training ground carrying various weapons and equipment.

Under the command of Professor Banner, they quickly carried out various test plans against the giant Ravenguard Craig in front of them.


A series of scorching lasers that could melt flesh and blood bounced off the giant Raven Guard's exposed skin one after another, only causing red scars that were rapidly dissipating.

Immediately afterwards, the automatic servo robots set up bolt guns one by one, and launched a continuous bombardment towards the huge black giant!

boom boom-

However, after the countless explosions and flames completely subsided, the black giant who was still standing there seemed unharmed, only a trace of black shadows rippling back and forth from the skin!

"Master Primarch, at present I have asked Reditus to combine the various advantages of the Terminator power armor and its miniature knight Titan, and redesign a new type of power armor suitable for the Giant Raven Guard. The only requirement is to be able to Overrides the normal and transformed forms of the Giant Ravenguard."

"And as you can see, those of us giants born through gamma radiation are the best on the local Terra in terms of physical defense ability. No, their pitch-black complexions are hard to make a bigger change."

Professor Banner took a deep breath and stared at the huge black giant that had finished the test and returned to its normal state, but it still showed its jet-black skin as a whole.

The other party looked at Rorschach beside him with a slightly embarrassed expression.

After squinting his eyes, Rorschach nodded his head to the giant Crow Guard Craig, and said:
"These little things are harmless, you may not have seen them before, but among my Primarch Brothers, Vulkan, the Lord of Fire Dragons, is a dark-skinned and honest giant. Being as black as ink, the Salamanders, who are more kind to mortals, are nicknamed the 'Black Uncle' for this reason."

"By the way, Banner, if you start mass-producing Giant Crow Guards from now on, how much output can you bring me?"

At this moment, facing Rorschach's inquiry.

Professor Banner, who lowered his head and pondered for a while, said cautiously:
"Because there are relatively few suitable physical superpowers and mutants, and it takes a long time to undergo multiple physical enhancements, and more transformation operations require me to personally participate, so the exact figure I can give you at present is the annual output There are about 500 to [-] people, if the number is more, I am afraid that it will cause large-scale injuries and even death quotas."

"Well, let's maintain the current production first. There is still some time before I leave the mainland. At that time, I will lead a small group of giant crow guards to join the more intense battlefield, and conduct field tests on actual combat and even chaos and corruption. , I hope these heirs can satisfy me."

"If the Giant Crowguard plan goes well, then they will be the super Astartes that will replace or even surpass the original Astartes in the future!"

Rorschach, who shook his head slightly, said slowly to Professor Banner.

And Professor Banner's praise and expectations for the Primarch are also full of more energy.


Heart of Europe.

One by one wearing dark gold power armor.

Asgard warriors with Asgard magic patterns engraved on every metal shell are staring up at the blue sky.

Not long after, there were continuous bursts of low-pitched thunder.

A tall figure wrapped in wisps of thunder all over his body landed heavily in front of everyone, splashing a little dust above the ground.

"Brothers, why are you calling me back so anxiously? Is it itchy again?"

The carefree Sol shouted to the Asgard warriors in front of him.

In the face of Saul's ridicule.

An Asgard warrior who was obviously a centurion stepped up, and he said to Sol with a solemn expression:

"Master Saul, Ms. Jane disappeared not long ago!"

"What did you say?!"

At this moment, Sol, who had a kind expression on his face, opened his eyes wide in an instant.

Wisps of extremely terrifying thunder burst out from his tall body in an instant, and forced the surrounding Asgard warriors to back up!
You know, Thor today has just personally experienced the tragic event of Stark's loss of his lover.

Before he came here, he was accompanying AI Stark to investigate all the superpowers and magic products that can resurrect mortals on the local Terra.

That's why when he learned that his girlfriend Jane was missing, he was so shocked.

"Master Saul, since you left this place, we have been secretly protecting Ms. Jane. The other party went alone to the place where abnormal phenomena occurred in the space and even the magnetic field to carry out research work."

"Originally, everything was safe and sound, but not long ago, there seemed to be some kind of special transformation phenomenon in the surrounding space, which caused Ms. Jian to disappear!"

The Asgard centurion quickly dropped to one knee.

The other party said loudly to Sol, who was surrounded by terrifying lightning.

And Saul after experiencing the initial panic.

He took a deep breath and gradually calmed down.

"Brother, get up, although Jane is a mortal in the atrium, she is very smart, and she is not so easy to die in the face of various dangers. I not only gave her a panacea, but also a single-person defensive shield as a love gift. And never left."

Thor, whose thunder light was gradually extinguished all over his body, muttered to himself.

In the next second, he suddenly raised his head and roared towards the sky:

"Heimdall! I need you to give me some guidance. Your eyes can see everything in the Nine Realms!"

However, Thor's voice just fell.

Heimdall, who could usually reply to Sol in an instant, never made any movement.

After waiting for a while.

Sol, who stood still, couldn't help frowning.

"Could it be that Heimdall left his post without authorization? Is this impossible? Forget it, it's more important to save people... Tony, I need your help!"

Thor raised his thick arms quickly.

He shouted to a silver bracelet on his wrist.


The next moment, a set of vibrating mechanical armor with only an illusory projection head above the neck immediately passed through the teleportation barrier and arrived in front of Sol and others!
"Here I come, brother!"

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