Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 858 The release of the muscle strengthening organ Angron!

[This simulation is over, and the time spent is unknown. 】

[The reserved options for this simulation are as follows. 】

[[-]. Two-Handed Chainsaw Axe——Widowmaker (Prime Body)]

[Note: "This is a Primarch-level weapon carefully forged by a large number of forging craftsmen within the World Eaters Legion. Every piece of metal ore is a precious material obtained by loyal heirs from countless conquered empire worlds .”]

[Note: "This powerful weapon, which is so large that only the Primarch can use it, was one of Angron's main weapons during the Great Crusade. Unfortunately, it was completely destroyed by Leman Russ in an angry state. Angron had to Replace it with the more powerful dual-wielding chain saw axes 'Blood Father' and 'Blood Son'."]

[Mark: "'I was born in blood, I grew up in darkness, but unfortunately I did not die in freedom...'" Angron, whose butcher's nails were buzzing, slowly got up from a large number of skulls, countless demon troops of Khorne Bowing its head behind its huge winged body."]

[[-]. Implantable medical universal tool - Nuceria's silver vine tentacles STC standard construction template (Golden Age/Dark Technology Age)]

[Note: "This is a standard construction template for the standard silver vine tentacles. You can use various conventional minerals to independently manufacture a large number of silver vine tentacles with extremely wide durability."]

[Note: "The rapid fall of the golden age of human beings has completely reduced Nuceria, which was once a holy place for medical treatment and recuperation, to a wild world of barbarians. Countless medical materials and precious technological creations passed down from generation to generation have been destroyed by ruthless time. , was originally an implanted medical universal tool used by benevolent medical personnel to perform various precision operations on the human body, but it has also become a massacre weapon given to the pro-guards by ignorant and cruel high-level riders.”]

[Note: "According to some ancient scientific and technological records buried in the deepest part of the Mechanic Order of Mars that no one knows, even the Butcher's Nail used by the high-ranking riders of Nuceria to torture Angron may be It is a powerful technological creation used to treat psykers out of control, not a horrible torture tool that even the emperor can't do anything about."]

[Mark: "'Trust me, dear friends, only careful care can prevent the spread of genetic mutation diseases!' Miss Nightingale, who stretched out dozens of silver vine tentacles from her back, vowed, if not Surrounding her is already covered with limbs and arms belonging to countless patients, perhaps the stunned space policemen will believe the other party's nonsense."]

[[-]. Muscle strengthening organ - Angron's release (primitive body)]

[Note: "This is a muscle-strengthening organ re-cultivated using the organ cells of Angron who has not yet ascended to magic. It is small and exquisite, and its shape is similar to a table tennis ball. It can regulate muscle growth hormone for a long time and stimulate the growth and development of human body muscles. speed."】

[Note: "It seems to have been strengthened and blessed by the emperor."]

[Note: "Its existence will gradually increase your physical strength, which is not weak, to the upper limit of the original body, and even completely surpass the level of the original body with the slow growth of age. Due to the silent blessing of Angron's remnant soul, As a result, you have acquired the special ability to absorb the pain and extreme emotions of others, you only need to master it proficiently, and you don’t need to explore it alone.”]

[Note: "'I think when a person is in anger for a long time, he gets used to it, and it becomes comfortable, like using old leather or a blanket, and finally anger becomes so familiar, So much so that people can no longer remember other feelings...Little brother, learning to control anger and all negative emotions may be the only way out for us Primarchs." The remnant Angron with a huge body sitting cross-legged on the red sand land The soul murmurs to the air."]

[Mark: "..." An icy sun in the depths of the subspace didn't make any movement, and the current emperor doesn't seem to want to talk to you. 】

[The number of throne coins consumed in this simulation is three. 】

[Currently holding throne coins: 21 pieces. 】

The simulation ended successfully.

Rorschach also slowly opened his eyes.

But in the next second, bursts of phantom pain from the depths of his brain made him subconsciously raise his hand to hold his forehead.


After Rorschach confirmed that there was no such thing as the Butcher's Nail above his head, he subconsciously exhaled.

Rorschach briefly checked the three rewards after the simulation was completed.

He is very satisfied with the silver vine tentacles STC and the arrival of another strengthening operation.

"Brothers, how do you feel about this experience?"

At this moment, Rorschach quickly withdrew his mind and focused on Sol and AI Stark.

"Well, I have to say that this is a special experience that can be called a miracle. The emperor's mighty power is unimaginable, and it also gave me more ideas about the data code and extensive uses of super artificial intelligence..."

AI Stark said in the direction of Rorschach.

The voice of the other party did not fall.

He complained to the silent Saul again:

"I said, Saul, why did you turn into a bad person after you came? Rorschach and I have been tormented by you."

However, the words of AI Stark made Saul shake his head slightly.

He said slowly to Luo Xia and the others:

"In fact, no matter what you have experienced, it has nothing to do with me, because I did not come down with you. I went to a more distant timeline and established a solid relationship with a humanoid group called space dwarves. friendship, and even accidentally helped them survive a genocidal crisis."

"Huh? The high-ranking rider is not you. It seems that they have the same name... As for the space dwarves, I have only heard of their names, but I haven't seen them in detail. What's going on with them?"

Rorschach, who opened his eyes wide, was slightly taken aback.

He was completely relieved of what he had experienced.

Rorschach then asked Saul about the space dwarves.

It is said that the Supreme Council of Terra had some intersections with the upper echelons of the space dwarves, and to a certain extent, both of them were allies of the same language and species.

But as the regent of the dark side, Rorschach's perspective on things cannot be so simple.

Sol sorted out his thoughts a little bit, and shared some of the things he knew and what he saw and heard with Rorschach and AI Stark.

The space dwarves' political system is made up of various alliances.

And each alliance is composed of large and small dwarf clans and tribes.

Each tribe also has an ancestral core called 'Wortan', which is secretly guarded by countless dwarves, and they even use this to guide all development of the entire tribe.

But according to Sol's knowledge and understanding.

The so-called ancestral core 'Wotan' is actually an ancient super artificial intelligence, which is almost the same as today's AI Stark.

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