Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 845 Intelligent AI Stark!

Some time has passed since the establishment of the People's Federation.

Inside the foundry on Second Son Island.

Reditus, suspended in mid-air, is directing a large number of autonomous servo robots to carry out basic work.

It had just been summoned back from the Mars base by Rorschach.

The purpose is to verify whether the consciousness memory storing Stark's consciousness can be activated and used.

But in Luo Xia's indifferent sight.

A silver metal giant with green lines all over its body is also assisting the yelling Reditus in the final inspection of a set of vibration gold mechanical armor.

The opponent was the Colossus who was successfully rescued from the brink of death by Reditus.

It's just that the current Colossus can be regarded as the Silly Mechanic Monk under the command of Reditus.

The metal body that combined living metal and necromancer technology greatly consumed his emotions and humanity, and the other party, who did not want to return to the mutant country, voluntarily stayed in the foundry.

"Dear Primarch, the preparations are ready, but I need to explain to you in advance that because my research on consciousness memory is not thorough enough, I cannot guarantee that Stark's consciousness can be awakened [-]%."

Reditus, who was controlling the anti-gravity engine, quickly came to Rorschach.

It honestly said to the Primarch who folded his arms.

"This is just an attempt. You can proceed boldly. If you don't succeed, Mister Fantastic Reed and Dum will continue to study."

Rorschach said to Reditus calmly.

Red light flickered a few times in the eye sockets of Reditus, who had been affirmed by Lord Primarch.

It quickly turned its direction, and kept shouting at the Colossus who turned his gaze:

"Stupid big man! Start the consciousness memory immediately and start data transmission to the inside of the mechanical armor!"

Reditus' words did not finish.

The heavy-headed Colossus activated the consciousness memory that had already been installed without any hesitation.

A large amount of complex data that cannot be analyzed is continuously sent to the set of vibration gold mechanical armor!

At the same time, both Rorschach and Reditus who were present subconsciously focused their attention on the past, waiting for the end of all procedures.


Not long after, the green lights showing that all the data has been implanted sounded one after another.

But the vibrating gold mechanical armor lying on the casting platform remained silent.

There was a fleeting sense of loss in the depths of Luo Xia's eyes.

But he still said lightly to Reditus who was suspended in midair:

"Reditus, it seems that this attempt has failed. Let's wait for Reed and Doom to study it in depth. You can go about your own business."

"Master Primarch, this is just a failure, we can..."

Reditus, who was not willing to give up at this point, said in a deep voice in the direction of Rorschach.


However, at this time, there was a low hum from inside the vibration gold mechanical armor that had not made any sound at first.

It also instantly attracted the attention of Rorschach, Reditus and the others!

In the next second, with the random movements of the Zhenjin Mechanical Armor's hands and feet.

Right at the neck of the battle armor, a blurred face condensed by the projection device appeared in everyone's field of vision!

"Tsk tsk, this is really a novel experience. My way of thinking seems to have completely become a digital life, but my creative ability has not lost much... Hey, old man, you have the heart to turn me into an artificial Smart, I have to work hard for you, right?"

At this moment, a deep voice full of mechanical echoes slowly rang through Rorschach's ears.

Rorschach, who subconsciously narrowed his eyes, took a deep breath.

He said to the brand new life that was slowly supporting the Zhenjin Mechanical Armor:
"Welcome back, Tony."


The news that Tony, who unfortunately died, returned to his soul with a digital life is only known to some high-level personnel of the Human Federation.

And Saul, who is dealing with the follow-up affairs of the Vengeance Tribunal, is one of them.

The current Tribunal of Vengeance will be completely merged into the Tribunal system.

It officially became a branch of the Round Table Council, rather than an independent hero organization.

A large number of superheroes who originally left and quit the court of revenge due to various factors will become the reserve force of the judges, which can be regarded as a future life that solves these unstable factors.

Soon after, Thor, who was in a hurry, came to the Twin Islands base again.

He had a brief meeting with Tony, who was adjusting to his new life, and celebrated Tony's return with Rorschach and others.

However, just when Saul was about to leave.

Rorschach, who had nothing to deal with for the time being, raised his hand to stop him.

He had an in-depth conversation with Sol and Tony, and then took out three throne coins from the storage page.

In fact, as Rorschach has been fearful of irreparable harm to these old friends.

He has been deliberately preventing everyone from having a lot of access to things about other universes.

But Tony's incident also taught Rorschach another lesson.

The incomparably evil Chaos Gods will not spare anyone because of this, but will be more dangerous because of their relationship with the Primarch.

Therefore, Rorschach also decided to allow everyone to have more contact opportunities with the Emperor and learn everything about the Warhammer universe.

Even if they couldn't join those tragic wars in the first place, they could still keep their own souls within the Emperor's gaze and gain a blessing.

"Brother, are you saying that this thing allows us to go to another universe for training? My digital life can also participate? This is completely unscientific!"

At this moment, Stark, with a clearer face, pinched the throne coin with his metal palm, and complained to Rorschach in front of him.

And Sol, who closed one eye slightly, also took the throne coin in front of his eyes, trying to see through the mystery.

"Tony, maybe this also involves the power of faith and other mysterious powers. You, a mortal, can be forgiven if you don't understand it. In short, I believe what Rorschach said. Let's go to a new world to open our eyes. "

Saul's voice just fell.

Stark, who couldn't help shrugging his shoulders, nodded at the projected virtual head towards Rorschach.

Rorschach, who squinted his eyes, took a deep breath, and said to the two old friends with a solemn expression:
"Since you all agree, let's start this experience together, but let me explain in advance, maybe the time and place of our arrival are different from each other, although you will not die in the true sense, but you still need extra for chaos." Be careful, if you are really unfortunate to encounter some kind of desperate situation, it may be the best choice to pray to the Emperor immediately."

"Uh... will the Emperor appear on the spot?"

Saul asked back grinningly.

"It's not impossible, but most of the time, we die with dignity."

Rorschach, who pinched the throne coin with two fingers, replied lightly.

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