Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 843 Rorschach's Terra: Human Destiny Unity!

Gunpowder smoke and flames are everywhere on the Gotham battlefield.

Countless buildings collapsed and were damaged, making sparse falling sounds from time to time.

A large number of people have been completely evacuated by the follow-up defense forces, but it did not cause too many casualties.

And in the center of the battlefield where the scene is more tragic.

Ares, the god of war, whose tough bones were broken in every part of his body, was firmly suppressed on the ground by Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, unable to move even a single finger!

After Sol, who let out a slow gasp from his mouth, barely raised his head.

He saw at a glance that Fulgrim, who was eating the flesh and blood of Rogers, threw the unconscious opponent to the Astartes of the White Shark.

And Fulgrim, who had just obtained intelligence information from the flesh and blood of heretics, quickly mobilized the surrounding sharks.

He intends to directly attack the enemy's lair and completely wipe out this rebel organization 'Dark Avengers'.


At this moment, along with the azure blue light of a teleportation barrier, it was reflected in everyone's line of sight.

Rorschach, who was wearing vibrating gold power armor on his huge body, instantly revealed his figure.

"Master Primarch—"

The next moment, countless mortal warriors and Astartes quickly bowed in the direction of the Primarch's arrival.

Thor and Fulgrim also moved quickly, walking towards Rorschach.

"Brother Rorschach, how is Tony?"

Sol, who was more concerned about Stark's situation, asked first.

And Rorschach, who frowned slightly, shook his head with the skull helmet receding slightly.

He said calmly:

"Tony is a mortal after all. His body has been corrupted so badly that he can no longer be saved. However, this time, I have completely squeezed out the transformation spirit of Tzeentch, who came from the blessing of chaos. I am [-]% sure. As long as it is within the scope of the local world, the infinite gems are the deadly nemesis of the Chaos Demons!"

At this moment, Rorschach's words about Tony made Saul's face become sad at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the two people would always quarrel over some things on weekdays, they were always comrades-in-arms with tacit cooperation and brothers and friends with deep friendship.

"Brother Fulgrim, I have found the whereabouts of Norman Osborn from the memory of the changeling. I believe that he is the real murderer who assassinated Pepper. I will send you the exact location he hid immediately. You can directly lead Tiberus and the others to kill the grass and roots, I don’t want to see the existence of this group of people again!”

With an indifferent expression, Rorschach gave orders to Fulgrim.

And Fulgrim, who also learned some intelligence information from Rogers' flesh and blood, did not refuse.

He quickly turned around and greeted the sharks who were still patrolling the battlefield, preparing for the next battle.

At the same time, Rorschach seemed to be aware of Thor's sadness.

He drove the vibration gold power armor forward, and took out a consciousness memory from the storage page with his backhand.

"Saul, do you really think that I would give up Tony's life so easily? Even from a more utilitarian point of view, his existence is very important to the development of the Legion."

"I used the Mind Gem to fuse part of Tony's consciousness that hadn't been corrupted by chaos with a backup of his thinking memory left before. I can't be sure if I can successfully resurrect Tony in another life form, but a dead horse Live horse medicine is better than leaving nothing behind."

Rorschach's voice just fell.

The expression on Sol's face quickly changed from sadness and doubt to excitement and relief.

He laughed loudly and thumped Rorschach's vibrating gold shoulder armor vigorously.

It also made Rorschach, who took a deep breath, subconsciously reveal a fleeting smile.


Over time.

The heretical organization, which already lacked high-end combat effectiveness, persisted for several hours, and after paying the price of a large number of casualties.

The secret base located under the Arctic ice cap was forcibly broken into by the shark company led by Fulgrim.

Inside the corridor with flickering lights.

Under the baptism of heavy firepower of the Terminator veterans, a large number of hated giant leather cases forcibly activated by the enemy quickly became pieces of flesh and blood flying all over the sky.

Sudden insidious moves can indeed catch the Astartes by surprise.

But when they have complete control over the mannerisms and fighting styles of their foes, few Astartes capsize in the gutter.

ka ka ka-

Not long after, Fulgrim, whose combat power against ordinary enemies was comparable to that of a real Primarch, held the sonic wave sword, and with extremely agility and flexibility, he completely split the lord of pioneering technology, the big-headed monster Mordoke, in half.

Osborn, who had already been besieged deep in the base by a large number of man-eating sharks Astartes, seemed to have fallen into a state of madness, and had to start a battle of trapped beasts.

Unfortunately, all the opponent's struggles were in vain.

All the counterattacks were nothing worth mentioning in front of Fulgrim and the sharks who had experienced many battles.

In the end, Osborn's entire head was chopped off by Fulgrim on the spot.

He was going to make it into a silver skull, and then give it to his brother to play with.

And with the complete destruction of the rebellious heresy and the rapid disappearance of the blessing of chaos.

Now, everyone's attention is focused on the unification speech that will be delivered by the Terra Star Wars Legion.

And Rorschach, who was in the Twin Islands base, also began to have a headache about what kind of political system to build to better rule Terra.

In all fairness, he didn't want to replicate the political system of the human empire.

It was an ancient and rigid feudal system.

And the current native Terra is a pure white paper, which he can write at will.

If he chooses to build a one-to-one replica of the human empire.

Then the native Terra can easily become a place like the Second Empire or the Third Empire, which is really unlucky.

Therefore, with the joint efforts of the management book presented by King Regent Guilliman, a large number of Ultramarines, and local staff.

A political foundation based on the Emperor's philosophy of protecting humanity, supplemented by the guidance of Primarch Rorschach.

At the same time, the political structure including the administrative systems of the five major regions was gradually sorted out by everyone.

In the end, Rorschach had a long talk with Fulgrim, who had wiped out countless planets and witnessed a large number of political systems.

He determined that the native Terra will embark on the space journey belonging to mankind in the external form of the "Unity of Human Destiny".

And the only leader who is referred to as the "People's Federation" is Rorschach, who is now the regent of the dark side of the empire.

The administrative body at the next level is the Round Table Council.

Iron Man David and Fulgrim are the Speaker and Deputy Speaker respectively.

The Defense Force and Navy, the Astartes Company, which had just been renamed the Star Militia Army, and the mortal general representatives of the five major war zones also occupied a seat in the council.

thanks for your support!
Some plots have been deleted and changed to speed up the unification process. It is more comfortable to write Warhammer.

The follow-up local plots were basically compressed, and some major events were changed into stories in Warhammer, which can be regarded as a curve to save the country, haha

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