Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 824 The Awakened Subspace Essence!

Like the cold void, but also like the depths of the spiritual world of the dark abyss.

A newborn star surrounded by eight colorful asteroids is slowly but steadily exuding incomparably brilliant light.

And with the arrival of Rorschach's consciousness.

Eight colorful asteroids seem to be more active.

In the end, the larger and more energetic black planet obtained the invisible permission.

Suddenly released waves of shadow power like a storm of crows to the outside world, quickly attacking in the direction of Rorschach!
The slightly dazed Rorschach instinctively wanted to stop it, but found that the endless power of shadows was constantly pouring into the depths of his consciousness!
In the next second, Rorschach, who seemed to have immediately acquired a certain power essence, subconsciously uttered a deep and melodious crisp crow cry!

"Quack quack—"

At the same time, strands of dark shadows rose silently between Rorschach's huge body on the surface of the physical universe planet!

He suddenly opened those black eyes like a pitch-black abyss, and a more terrifying power of shadow erupted from his body!


At the same time, as the entire Yax was being slowly dragged into the Garden of Nurgle by the mighty power of the evil god of chaos.

Countless living trees, flowers and green swamps began to appear in the surrounding ground in a vague and illusory state.

Mortarion, who was silent with a scythe in hand, looked down at Guilliman, who was kneeling on the ground, happily.

There seemed to be a touch of bloody flush from victory on its pale face wearing a breathing mask.

"My dear primarch brother, we are about to enter the Garden of Nurgle, and the veil of the physical universe and the warp has been torn."

"Once you really die, this world will fall into it completely, and become a rotten gem that belongs to a loving father!"

"Although you and 22 have worked hard to destroy my Nurgle magic net, you haven't done enough!"

"Guilliman, I can tell you clearly that when your death comes, one world after another in Ultramar will gradually enter the embrace of the loving father through the galaxy where the plague star is located!"

"Brother, I really hope you can see the Garden of Nurgle, it is beautiful, full of endless vitality and potential, there are trees there, the variety is beyond your imagination!"

"The garden of a loving father is not as barren as you imagine, at least it will not be like the dead silence under the light of salty corpses! It is not at all like the material world of the physical universe, full of struggles with inevitable rules, there is nothing Things are truly final, but full of rebirth and death, death and rebirth, and so on and on and on!"

"Everything in the garden gives the most precious gift to others. Nothing, however small its existence, is neglected by others. Everything there shares in the gift of the loving Father!"

"There is no pain, because there is no pain, and suffering is readily accepted by everything!"

"Tell me, brother, what dread is this compared to the death hell our dear father has brought upon the galaxy?"

At this moment, Mortarion spoke slowly to the extremely painful Guilliman like a priest preaching a sermon.

"Robert, I hope you can see it with your own eyes, you don't have to struggle, you don't have to suffer, because as long as you go to the loving father, you will know that He will solve all problems for you, and He will take away the pain for you forever!"

Mortarion's muffled words hung in the air around him like a cycle of profane curses.

However, when Mortarion wanted to continue to persuade the persevering Guilliman to give up his last resistance and embrace his loving father completely.

It vaguely sensed something changed in its perception, and it quickly flapped the pair of broken and huge scale wings, and suddenly changed the direction it was facing!
"22, what have you become?!"

At this moment, even Mortarion, who had become a demon prince, was a little shocked by Rorschach's current appearance!

I saw not far above the surface of the swamp.

A pitch-black raven-headed monster with a height of several meters is lazily displaying the pair of shadow wings behind the spine!
Except for the two huge sharp claws hanging down beside him, it is the most eye-catching.

Psionic feathers that seemed to be made of pitch-black shadows rippled and squirmed back and forth everywhere on the opponent's body.

If you stare for a long time, you will even have a strange illusion of dizziness!
"Mortarion, are you ready to die?"

Rorschach, who was in a much calmer and stronger state than before, tilted the black crow's head slightly.

A low voice like a life-threatening spell came out of the long, narrow and hard beak.

In the next second, Mortarion, who subconsciously clenched his scythe and remained silent, replied.

With strands of dark shadows quietly dissipating in the stale air.

Rorschach, who had completely disappeared from the opponent's field of vision out of thin air, had already arrived behind Mortarion's huge body in an instant!

One of his huge claws snapped at the base of one of Mortarion's massive scale wings.

The huge feet wrapped in a lot of black shadows quickly kicked the opponent's broad back!

There was a scream from under Mortarion's breathing mask.

While its entire huge body swooped forward, a huge scaled wing was torn off by Rorschach's sharp claws!
Immediately afterwards, before Mortarion, who was in midair, made any reaction.

Rorschach, who once again turned into a dark shadow, appeared next to Mortarion as if teleported!


In the next second, a thick arm completely wrapped in a rotten armor shell separated from Mortarion's huge body in an instant, and Rorschach, who was in the form of a crow's head, picked it up in his sharp claws!
Feeling the extreme pain, Mortarion quickly waved the sickle in the other palm, and circles of extremely terrifying green poisonous mist surrounded the sharp edge!

"Quack quack—"

However, at this moment, Rorschach faintly uttered a low crow cry from the huge bird's beak.

In an instant, the entire huge body was transformed into a terrifying crow storm formed by the power of countless shadows.

He completely wrapped Mortarion inside without fear!

In an instant, one attack after another of sharp claws and the phantom crows kept tearing at the rotten armor and stinky flesh on Mortarion's body.

And quickly cut the opponent into a tall skeleton with only some flesh and blood and complete internal organs left!
However, for Mortarion in the past, the physical recovery ability was a means of relying on and making a comeback, but it became a fatal source of more pain for him!

Whenever Mortarion's broken body was successfully restored.

The extremely fresh, stinky flesh and blood will be torn clean again by Rorschach's sharp claws and the crows!

Not even so much that Rorschach is killing each other.

It would be better to say that he is cutting the traitor Primarch into pieces in order to relieve the hatred in his heart!
thanks for your support!

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