Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 820 King vs. King, General vs. General!

Chapter 820 King vs. King, General vs. General!
About tens of kilometers away.

A huge mushroom cloud filled with gasified substances is slowly rising.

The broken ground that had been bombarded into a lava lake by the spirit-killing missile seemed to reflect slightly in the dim light.

And with Guilliman's words of invitation to fight.

Wisps of more filthy thick smoke and unknown poisonous gas began to circle around the two Primarchs, and were finally blown away by the invisible gust of wind!
In the next second, a pair of huge pale scale wings flapped continuously.

A huge figure wrapped in green toxins that corrodes everything from top to bottom slowly descended from the sky!
"Hehe, hello, brothers."

Mortarion's eerie laughter echoed in the ears of Rorschach and Guilliman.

"You dare to accept my invitation to a duel. I don't know if it's because of your arrogance or your confidence!"

"You guys don't know anything about the death traps that serve you. Even if Guilliman uses his little brain to come up with a way to break the situation, you will still die in my hands today!"

From Mortarian's respirator that covered most of his face, a billowing poisonous mist like thick smoke spewed out.

Guilliman, who had no fear of the vicious words of the traitor brother, immediately stepped forward with the Armor of Destiny.

On the Emperor's Sword held tightly in his huge palm, the golden flame that was burning between the blades seemed to be a little more surging!
"We found you, brother, you have been firmly dragged here by the two of us, you can no longer command your legion to act recklessly!"

"Now, the situation on the court is two-on-one. Even if we play wheel battle with you, you won't be able to resist for long, right?"

At this moment, Guilliman's indifferent words echoed in the surrounding stale air.

And Rorschach, who took a deep breath, also quickly drove the vibrating gold power armor with a faint golden light.

He subconsciously grasped the blood sickle in his palm, and walked forward!

"Hehe, Guilliman, and my disgusting little brother, do you think I'm not prepared for this? As I said, today's plague star is the tomb of the two of you!"

Mortarion's deep laughter echoed in the ears of Rorschach and Guilliman again.

And following the other party's words and the sickle suddenly lifted up in the palm of his hand, there was silence.

dong dong dong-

The seven giants, like mountains of rotten meat, were holding rotten great swords entwined with deadly plagues, revealing terrifying figures.

They either let out a low grin, or maintained a friendly attitude, and quickly came behind Mortarion!
However, at this time, Guilliman, who had already calculated that Mortarion would have more help, quickly sent out a secret communication code.

After just a few breaths, a large group of think tank units from various war regiments, as well as the spirit clan ally Natasai and others quickly revealed eye-catching figures in the distance!

In the next second, waves of psionic power boosts from think tank units suddenly spanned a long distance and landed on the huge bodies of Guilliman and Rorschach.

Natase, the Eldar ally holding a scepter, ordered many think tank units to send more psionic energy between its slender bodies.

In an instant, a huge energy field filled with runes everywhere turned the arena where the three Primarchs were located completely upside down!
"Only by them? A trick by a bunch of hateful wizards?"

"Guilliman, are you ready? Since Fulgrim could easily defeat you, now it's my turn!"

"Ah, and my dear little brother! In the past, you could escape punishment by descending into a clone. Now that your real body is here, where else can you escape?"

"Oh...I really love this job that kills you!"

At this moment, Mortarion, whose huge scaled wings kept flapping, suddenly waved the sickle in his palm that was wrapped in a large amount of poisonous mist.

It said sarcastically to Guilliman and Rorschach in front of it.

"Escape? Mortarion, I have no intention of running away! I'm going to screw your head off and kick it like a ball!"

At this moment, Luo Xia, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

His voice just fell.

Rorschach, who suddenly waved the blood scythe, and Guilliman beside him launched a battle charge in the direction of Mortarion with a kind of tacit understanding between the Primarch brothers!


In an instant, the Emperor's Sword burning with golden flames in Guilliman's palm silently intersected with the scythe wrapped in terrifying poison mist.

The continuous collision produced spiritual flames and stenchy poisonous mist blooming everywhere!

And when the blood scythe in Rorschach's palm was also wrapped in a burning golden flame, and the sharp blade slashed at Mortarion.

dong dong dong-

The seven corrupt great swords from the seven Nurgle Great Demons stretched forward together, and then firmly parried Rorschach's powerful attack!
At the same time, Guilliman and Mortarion, who were wrestling with each other with the melee weapons in their palms, seemed to be nodding slightly to each other.

They immediately took a few steps backwards.

Immediately afterwards, the two primarchs who had been brothers reactivated their power armors, continued to wave the weapons in their palms, and launched terrifying and terrifying confrontations at each other again and again!

At this moment, bursts of crisp metal collision sounds mixed with low-pitched sounds suddenly resounded all around.

The ten metal rings controlled by Rorschach quickly revolved around his huge body with purple energy, forming a metal spiral storm and temporarily isolating the fierce siege of the seven Nurgle Great Demons!

Afterwards, Luo Xia danced the blood sickle in his palm back and forth into green lightning bolts.

Desperately launched a more intense attack on one of the big demons of Nurgle.

If he wants to break the siege plan of the Nurgle demons, he must turn it into a one-on-one duel!
Ding Ding Ding!
In just a dozen seconds, the corrupt greatsword held tightly by the other party in a giant rotten hand forcibly collided with the blood sickle dozens of times.

In the end, the great sword of corruption was slashed open by the sharp edge of the blood sickle and half of the palm of Nurgle!
At the same time, Rorschach, who wanted to end this Nurgle as soon as possible, stretched out Zhenjin's palm out of thin air.

Several vortex grenades from the storage page quickly appeared in his palm!
Before this Nurgle who was targeted alone let out an extremely angry low roar to Rorschach in front of him.

A vortex grenade that exploded in mid-air instantly inspired a terrifying vortex like a miniature black hole.

Completely forcibly sucked the Great Demon Nurgle who planned to launch the Roshan Charge into the depths of the vortex!
However, at this time, Rorschach, who had just killed a Nurgle, re-launched an attack on other Nurgles.

Guilliman, who was having a passionate confrontation with Mortarion, was suddenly swept over his huge body by the terrifying poisonous mist erupting from the silence of the sickle!
The Son of Vengeance staggered back a few steps.

That blue-gold Armor of Destiny quickly activated the built-in body defense device, quickly repairing and purifying the damaged parts between Guilliman's huge body!
 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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