Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 817 The Emperor's Will of the Plague War!

Chapter 817 Plague War·The Emperor's Will!
The upper deck of the Tyrant-class cruiser The Monster.

Under the scattered light of the deserted passageway.

The huge Rorschach is slowly driving the vibrating gold power armor forward.

He had just inspired the special stealth talent dubbed the 'transparent man', and passed by a patrol team from the silver skull and the shark.

Not long after, Rorschach, who was not slow in walking, finally arrived at a medical site.

Except for some Astartes who are undergoing mechanical prosthetic replantation surgery, or who want to apply for a panacea to restore their residual limbs.

Rorschach saw at a glance that it was under Jessica's careful watch.

A black-haired girl carefully nibbling on a protein energy bar.

In fact, if the opponent is just a will container selected by the emperor.

Rorschach, who is becoming more and more dehumanized now, doesn't care much, and will only mourn for the other party's sacrifice for a few seconds at most.

But only the black-haired girl in front of her has a pair of purple eyes.

A pair of familiar eyes that Rorschach would never forget.

However, Rorschach, who stood in place for a long time, did not drive the Zhenjin power armor forward.

He stared at the nameless girl who was talking with Jessica for the last time, and then turned and left the place without hesitation.

About ten minutes later, it was located in an ancient ceremony hall on the flagship of the Water Monster.

Raising his head slightly, Rorschach stared at the gigantic statue of the emperor that was more than ten meters high in front of him.

"I have a guess now. I want to tell you. If you don't want to hear it, then don't show me."

"Her soul, I mean Zhuoya's soul, has become the most convenient tool in your hands, right? Or her soul has already been split into countless fragments, which you stuffed into separate parts. The bodies of many people have become a large number of psionic puppets that can be remotely controlled at the same time?"

At this moment, Rorschach's deep words slowly echoed in the empty and silent ceremony hall.

In the next second, the huge statue of the emperor in front of Rorschach seemed to be endowed with a short-lived activity.

Wisps of psychic flames emerged out of thin air, and quickly wrapped around the emperor's sword carefully carved by mortal craftsmen!

"You see, when I usually pray to you, you don't respond, but once I have some uncontrollable thoughts or signs, you will come in time..."

"Don't worry, old man, I'm not as fragile as you imagined, and I'm not those giant babies who can't even do a rebellion. Since I said it in front of you, it's to prevent the chaotic future from looking for loopholes in my thinking. "

At this moment, Rorschach, without any emotional ups and downs in his face, stared at the statue of the Emperor who had just manifested.

He said in a calm tone.

However, it may be that the emotions that have been suppressed for a long time in the heart have temporarily broken through the shackles of reason.

Rorschach suddenly opened his eyes wide and raised a vibrating gold palm. He pointed at the statue of the emperor with anger and shouted:

"I understand your predicament very well, and I also understand the difficulties faced by the human empire. Whenever I see the human people who are tortured by those aliens and even chaos to the point of death, I deeply understand that even if I am not a Primarch, You can't ignore it either!"

"I have to admit that this may be a kind of essence in my soul, and it is also the reason why you unintentionally chose me to become the Primarch."

"But the most unbearable thing for me is that it's fine if you repeatedly squeeze us Primarchs. Is my whole body divided into three parts by you? Isn't it enough for you? Why do you bother to treat a human girl who has not even started her life?" Don't let it go?"

"She believes in you and loves you so much, but did she end up like this? Have you ever thought about the difference between you and the Chaos God?"

At this moment, Rorschach's roar exploded like thunder in the entire ceremony hall.

If anyone could hear what he was saying now.

I'm afraid he will instantly think that Rorschach is on the verge of starting a rebellion!

However, the wisps of psychic flames that were still burning slowly on the statue of the emperor did not produce any fluctuations.

It seemed that the Emperor was unmoved by Rorschach's slight rebellion.

"Hehe... I've just been addicted to you. You probably think that I can't leave those friends who gather around me, as well as countless genetic descendants and mortal warriors who trust me."

Rorschach took a deep breath, as if venting the grievances in his heart.

He sneered like a self-deprecating sneer, and then violently drove the vibrating gold power armor to leave in front of the emperor's statue.


At this moment, a large number of psychic flames wrapped around the statue of the emperor seemed to brighten up instantly.

Wisps of psychic flames quickly passed through the air, and quickly surrounded Luo Xia's huge body!

"Huh? Old man, you..."

The next second, Rorschach, who had just braked the magnetic boots, was startled.

Immediately afterwards, his soul consciousness seemed to break free from the shackles of his huge body, and quickly soared towards the depths of the cold void!


I don't know how long it has been.

The dimly conscious Rorschach seemed to feel that endless prayer scriptures were blooming repeatedly in his ears.

Throughout the galaxy, the tragic wars and countless mortal deaths that were happening every moment passed his blurred vision.

He seemed to have seen with his own eyes the inside of an unnamed Hive City that was being attacked by the Death Guard.

The Astartes of the Salamanders Chapter are at war with the Chaos Astartes.

And in a remote corner of the hive capital battlefield.

A ignorant little human girl was murdered most cruelly because she mistook the Death Guard with similar armor and painting for the Salamander Angel sent by the Emperor.

The dimly conscious Rorschach wanted to immediately reach out to stop it.

But he found that the great power he could mobilize seemed to be bound by more invisible rules, and he couldn't move much at all!
Therefore, Rorschach could only watch helplessly as the little human girl changed from a living mortal child into a sad soul that was crying non-stop, slowly drifting along the nothingness branch of the sea of ​​souls towards the direction of the golden throne.

At the same time, countless tragic situations similar to those of the little human girl were repeated in front of Luo Xia's eyes.

The mortal warrior, humming the folk songs of his hometown, dragged his heavily wounded body and died together with the besieging green-skinned orcs.

Armed with shatter weapons, the Astartes of the Unnamed Chapter were devoured by the tidal tide of Tyranids.

After the rogue trader who was driving a huge ship found that he could not escape the chasing and intercepting of the chaotic fleet.

The opponent resolutely turned the bow of the ship, and led countless mortal crews to launch a suicide-style charge towards the Chaos fleet.

At this moment, the dimly conscious Rorschach seemed to feel countless strong emotions stirring back and forth in the depths of his soul.

He wants to fight, he wants to roar, he wants to kill, he wants to cry.

He wanted to do something for those human children who were suffering endlessly.

But he also found out even more desperately.

What he can do is still too little compared to countless human sacrifices.

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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