Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 805 Nurgle's Magic Web!

boom boom-

The roar of engines from countless Thunderhawk transport planes began to spread over the sky of ancient cities.

Dalian of the Shark Shark, Dalian of the Silver Skull, Dalian of the Space Wolves, and other legions of Dalian quickly launched their descent towards the capital world, Anderman.

More mortal auxiliaries also arrived on the ground on transport ships one after another.

At the beginning, he joined the front-line positions of the local defense forces under the command of the second company commander Bodan.

Immediately afterwards, under the personal leadership of Rorschach, the shark Dalian boarded dozens of Rand speeders of the origin battle group.

They took the lead in launching a surprise attack into the depths of the area where the tide of corpses was spreading.

And Fulgrim also led the silver skull and the space wolf, and launched a push towards the inside of the corpse wave from another direction.

In fact, with the number of Astartes and mortal warriors today.

Sooner or later, the sprawling corpse tide area above the capital world will be emptied.

Therefore, the main goal of Rorschach and Fulgrim is to find the devil's death knell hidden by the Chaos Warband, and completely cut off the tentacles of the Chaos network left by Mortarion.


The whirlwind missiles that suddenly rose into the sky exploded in the depths of the densely packed corpses, and countless Nurgle walking corpses with broken limbs were blown away.

At the same time, on board the fast-moving Rand speeders.

The heavy bolters controlled by the tall shark Astartes also burst out with dense firepower like a torrential rain, constantly tearing at the huge corpse wave team within the scope of the helmet's eyepiece.


Perhaps it is because the cleaning efficiency of the descendants of the sharks is still a bit slow.

Rorschach, who had a huge body sitting inside a Land Speeder, waved his hand.

The buzzing metal ten rings flew across the air with dense purple light.

Then, these ten metal rings continued to revolve around the entire Rand speeder formation, launching a metal spiral storm like a meat grinder!

In an instant, a huge storm with a diameter of about [-] meters, whose edges were gradually stained with a large amount of green juice and bloody stumps stood impressively on the plain of the earth!

Tens of thousands of Nurgle's walking corpses were either quickly blown away by the terrifying wind, or completely stirred up by the ten metal rings into flesh and blood flying all over the sky!
And wait until the density of the surrounding corpse tide decreases slightly.

The formation of Land speed attack boats where everyone was in also quickly arrived at an unfamiliar area similar to hills and valleys.

"Taberus, you immediately lead people to rely on these Land speeder boats to temporarily establish a defensive position, and the others will check the weapons and equipment, and come with me!"

At this moment, Rorschach's huge body wearing vibrating gold power armor jumped from above the Land Speeder.

He immediately said in a low voice to Captain Tiberus who was sitting on another Rand speeder.

Afterwards, Rorschach raised his hand and summoned back the metal ten rings covered in slime and blood.

The blood sickle lingering in green light was already tightly held in a huge palm.

In the next second, the shark Astartes of several combat teams followed Rorschach's footsteps and galloped towards the depths of the valley ahead.

The place where Rorschach came now was the last signal sent by a combat team of the Origin Chapter before disappearing completely.

For normal Astartes, even the hordes of corpses around them are almost endless.

A well-coordinated battle team is enough to break out of the encirclement with melee weapons without any loss.

But since this combat team disappeared with unknown origin.

That would mean that the place either harbored a demonic Deathstroke, a creature of Chaos, or some other danger too great for the Astartes to deal with.

dong dong dong-

At this moment, Rorschach, whose skull helmet was turning back and forth, suddenly stopped the magnetic boots under his feet.

The more than 30 white sharks that had been following behind him also quickly stopped their progress.

They swiftly propped up their vibrating gold shields, and raised the bolt guns in their palms to alert the surroundings.

"These should be ceramic steel fragments on the power armor, and judging from the traces of dried up putrid slime around it, this combat team may have unfortunately encountered a warm embrace from a Nurgle beast..."

Slowly driving the vibration gold power armor, Rorschach thought silently as he leaned over to check the traces on the ground.

After that, he immediately raised his hand and ordered the sharks to start a large-scale investigation into the depths of the surrounding valleys.

"Master Primarch, three kilometers away, at the direction of twelve o'clock, we have successfully discovered a group of fresh traces left by a group of Nurgle beasts!"

Not long after, the information from the communication channel made Rorschach quickly drive the vibrating gold power armor and run forward.

And when he arrived at the bottom of a rocky rock wall above the ground.

The sharks, who kept firing their bolt guns, had engaged in a fierce exchange of fire with seven huge Nurgle beasts rushing out of the depths of the cave!
"Stand back! Let me do it!"

At this moment, Rorschach, whose magnetic boots under his feet suddenly cast Shadow Step, suddenly turned into a jet-black shadow.

He swiftly passed over the heads of many descendants of the man-eating sharks.

The entire huge body fell heavily on the head of a huge Nurgle beast!
Chi Chi Chi!
In the next second, the blood sickle surrounded by green light slashed inside the swollen body of this Nurgle beast, and the sharp edge cut the opponent in two with great ease!
Before the Nurgle Beast in front of him let out a more painful roar.

Rorschach, who stomped heavily on the ground with a magnetic boot, appeared behind the swollen body of another Nurgle beast, and vigorously swung the blood sickle in his palm!

After about a few minutes, this group of Nurgle beasts who wiped out a combat team of the Origin Chapter all became Rorschach's scythe souls.

While the surrounding sharks were quickly checking the situation on the battlefield.

Rorschach who shook the blood scythe vigorously also drove the vibrating gold power armor and walked towards the depths of the cave.

Immediately afterwards, he saw at a glance the devil's death knell that was about five meters high, shaped like a large clock, and was constantly emitting wisps of chaotic aura!
"Sure enough, it's hidden here... How many demon knells are I about to destroy? No. 20, eight? Or No. 30?"

At this moment, Rorschach, who subconsciously clenched the blood sickle, stepped forward.

However, at the moment when he casually raised the blood sickle, intending to directly destroy this devil's death knell.

But he suddenly stopped the attack between his thick arms.

"If I didn't guess, there should be a connection between these chaotic creations. Can I use it to sense the location of other chaotic creations? In this way, it can save a lot of search time for the fleet... ..."

After a little hesitation, Rorschach cautiously stretched out a vibrating golden palm towards the devil's death knell that was close at hand.

"Emperor bless!"

In an instant, wisps of chaotic psionic fluctuations were continuously entangled between his five fingers.

Rorschach's eyepiece went black for an instant.

His consciousness seems to have clearly perceived a huge network of psionic energy throughout the entire Ultramar star area, and it is this chaotic network composed of countless chaotic creations that is playing a role in resurrecting a large number of dead and constantly transferring Nurgle The powerful role of the magic army!

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