Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 802 Rorschach's Rogue Tactics!

Chapter 802 Rorschach's Rogue Tactics!
chi chi chi-

Dozens of huge space torpedoes swiftly passed through the icy void, and slammed into the depths of the thick bulkheads of chaotic ships.

The continuous violent explosions instantly tore apart the metal hulls made of fine gold, and completely turned them into piles of cosmic garbage stuck in the depths of the void.

After several jumping commando teams headed by Rorschach successfully wiped out a large number of death guards.

After successfully returning to the Primarch inside the flagship, he directly issued the order to destroy the Chaos ship.

After all, for the rotting ships of Nurgle's followers.

The current Primarch fleet has neither the extra time nor the ability to carry out lengthy large-scale purification rituals.

Rather than staying in the void to generate more chaos pollution, it would be better to sink the matter directly.

dong dong dong-

Not long after, Rorschach, who was wearing vibrating gold power armor on his huge body, slowly stepped out of the enclosed cabin specially used for purification and disinfection.

He walked towards the White Shark recruits who had also completed the disinfection and purification ceremony.

Rorschach gave a down-to-earth encouragement to everyone with a very kind attitude, and also remembered several Astartes recruits who died bravely with a heavy expression.

Afterwards, Rorschach, whose expression returned to indifference, quickly drove the vibrating power armor, and returned to the private palace belonging to the Primarch.

He caught sight of Fulgrim who was taking over some of the fleet affairs from Iron David.

Although the existence of Iron Man David has greatly enhanced the speed of affairs within the fleet.

But the arrival of Jessica and the Deadpool Legion also made the other party a little anxious.

Iron Man David couldn't imagine what kind of trouble Reditus and others would cause it without the suppression of his superiors.

Therefore, Rorschach had to approve Iron Man David's request to return to his native world.

"Fulgrim, our other traitorous brother, Mortarion, the Ascendant Primarch, has come alive."

"What we encountered this time is a small death guard under its legion."

"According to the incomplete information I have learned, a large number of Chaos ships of the Death Guard are spreading a kind of Chaos creation called Demon Death Knell, which can resurrect the dead, and perhaps have other uses in the Limit Star Field."

"If I'm not mistaken, the other party seems to be planning to give a big gift to our regent, Brother Guilliman."

At this moment, the squinting Rorschach told Fulgrim everything he knew to the raised head.

And Fulgrim, who was gradually frowning, listened quietly to Rorschach's words.

He dropped a lot of documents and files casually, and said in a deep voice in the direction of Rorschach:
"Little brother, what are your plans now?"

"Should we go to Macragge according to the original plan, gather a large number of Astartes battle groups, and prepare to launch an expedition against the Scourge Stars, or should we spend a while first to help Guilliman guard his Ultramar? "

But in the face of Fulgrim's inquiry.

Rorschach lowered his head and pondered for a while and said:
"These two things don't conflict, and can even go hand in hand with each other."

"Right now, in a sense, we are an additional aid team..."

"Well, I also vaguely remembered something. As a mortal, I also seemed to have participated in a stage of this war through the way of descending."

"Although I was just a mortal warrior at that time, and I didn't live long, I tried my best to make my own contribution."

"Now that we have a fleet with strong combat effectiveness, we naturally cannot let the initiative completely fall into the hands of Chaos."

"I want to see if I can destroy the main fleet of the Death Guard before the Legion fleet arrives in Macragge! I want them to have no complete ships available, and at the same time try to weaken the chaotic network created by the demon death knell !"

"In this way, we can not only restore some losses to Guilliman's territory, but also reduce more resistance for our subsequent expedition plans!"

Rorschach's sonorous and forceful words echoed in the surrounding air.

Fulgrim, who slowly drove the Zijin power armor to his feet, fully agreed with Rorschach's ideas after thinking for a moment.

Next, the two carried out the preset and refinement of the battle plan on the spot, hoping to reduce more casualties and losses in the subsequent naval battle of Tiaobang.

It didn't take long before orders were issued quickly.

Both the mortal crew and the Astartes within the entire Primarch fleet have entered a state of war in advance.

While the fleet continued to penetrate into the Limit Star Field, it also quickly launched the most familiar support operation.

According to Rorschach's plan, a large number of psykers took the risk of losing control and received a series of psychic help signals through the choppy subspace.

After the target location was determined, the Astartes from different Dalian boarded the fastest Cobra-class destroyer to start the operation.

And once they find out, or come into contact with the small fleet sent by the death guards.

Then the entire Primarch Fleet will immediately launch an extremely risky warp jump to reach the interior of the battlefield to destroy the Chaos ships.

And with the help of this rogue tactic of bullying the small.

The entire Primarch fleet successfully intercepted many demonic death knell's launch plans, and also sank one Chaos ship after another of the Death Guard Legion.

Of course, the true traces of the Primarch Fleet also inevitably entered the vicious sight of Primarch Mortarion.

The other party will definitely send a gift in return for this little brother who impressed him!

chi chi chi-

Inside a strike cruiser belonging to the Death Guard.

The huge body is covered with purple and gold power armor.

Fulgrim, who also wore a gorgeous purple-gold helmet on his head, was repeatedly swinging the sonic sword in his huge palm.

One after another of supersonic piercing slashes wrapped in terrifying screams flew out at a terrifying speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Horrible wounds that were deep enough to reach the bone were constantly hacked on the swollen bodies of the death knell messengers!
Ding Ding Ding!
At this moment, the chaotic sound from a large number of Nurgle bells was temporarily suppressed by the sound waves whistling back and forth.

It also caused those silver skulls who were kneeling and gritting their teeth to persevere to burst out with more powerful fighting power.

They drew out the melee weapons they carried with them one after another, and opened up the vibrating gold shields.

Then, without hesitation, he got up and launched a combat charge towards the death knell messengers ahead!
In the next second, power swords that quickly aroused the azure blue disintegration force field slashed into the swollen helmets of the Death Knell messengers, and completely shattered the Nurgle bells on them!

In fact, if Fulgrim hadn't chosen to join this gang-hopping operation on a whim.

Then half of the company's silver skulls may capsize in the gutter, and unfortunately become the ghosts of the devil's voice in the hands of a large number of death knell messengers!

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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