Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 798 Young Wolf Lord, Ragnar Blackmane!

Chapter 798 Young Wolf Lord, Ragnar Blackmane!
The entire Primarch fleet continued to blindly jump into subspace towards the direction of the limit star field.

And the interior of the flagship has gradually entered a more and more busy state of preparation.


Following the opening of a subspace portal in the ceremony hall.

Horrifying subspace creatures rushed out of the subspace portal like moths flying towards the flames, as if encountering bright lights in the deep sea.

In the next second, an Astartes combat team armed with melee weapons and bolt guns and propping up vibrating gold shields rushed forward.

They launched a crazy attack on a large number of subspace creatures like a steel city wall.

The frequent opening of the portals in the home world and the fleet has attracted many warp creatures.

If these things are not disposed of as soon as possible, more Chaos Demons will also be attracted.

Wait until the subspace creatures that appeared were almost killed by the Astartes.

With the signal from the White Shark Librarians responsible for maintaining the portal.

dong dong dong-

Each of them was tall and tall, maintaining around [-] meters, and the shark recruits wearing iron-gray painted power armor on their robust bodies slowly emerged on the metal floor.

They are the recruits of the Astartes, made from mortal berserkers, through enhanced surgery on the home world!

To some extent, in addition to being much taller than the veterans in terms of body size, these man-eating shark recruits also had even more astonishing battle statistics on paper.

Because the White Shark recruits have already mastered the active berserk skill comparable to the blessing of Khorne.

Although the white shark itself has greyblindness, it is a genetic defect that can only be triggered passively in a desperate situation.

At this moment, the giant shark company commander Tiberus stepped forward driving the ancient Terminator armor.

The other party stared at the white shark recruit in front of him with great satisfaction.

He immediately started a speech ceremony welcoming the recruits.

It didn't take long for the White Shark Dalian Company, which received a large number of new recruits, to successfully fill the vacancy of the previous Astartes, and expanded from four companies to eight full companies.

After Kahuranji, the head of the White Shark think tank, calculated the safety limit for opening the subspace portal.

Another summoning plan to receive local support was also quickly scheduled.


The interior of the flagship's private palace.

Rorschach and Fulgrim had just finished an exchange with St. Jerry the Warrat.

Although the Primarchs are instinctively disgusted with aliens.

But St. Jerry's performance can be said to be perfect.

In the end, Rorschach recognized the existence of the other party as the original body and granted a series of permissions.

"Brother, I think there is no problem with the Deadpool Legion for the time being. St. Jerry has promised to keep an eye on Deadpool to prevent them from making more moths for us."

Rorschach breathed a sigh of relief as he stared at the crooked figure carrying the emperor's statue and slowly left the palace.

He said to Fulgrim not far away without looking back.

"And from the situation of the Deadpool Legion, maybe the Emperor is more active in the home world than we thought."

Fulgrim, with long white hair scattered, stared down at the projection device in front of him.

He casually replied to Rorschach:
"Little brother, the Human Devouring Shark Dalian Company has successfully received new recruits. The number of companies has reached eight full-staffed companies. The Blood Crow Dalian Company has the least number of recruits, and only about one company has been recruited. According to the company priest who came together , First, there are too few suitable soldiers, and second, the local magic talent interferes with the strengthening operation, resulting in a high degree of failure, and they are trying to solve this problem."

"How many people have come to Lamenter Dalian?"

Rorschach turned his gaze and asked.

And Fulgrim with his arms around his shoulders said without thinking:
"According to the statistics of Iron Man David, the number of the local Weepers Dalian has reached nine companies. This time, four companies have been mobilized. If you think the number is not enough, Iron Man David said that you can continue to mobilize some. "

The voice just fell.

Rorschach shook his head slightly.

He said thoughtfully:

"Forget it, there is no need to transfer for the time being. The mainland is not a safe place. It is safer to keep the company of the Wailers."

dong dong dong-

At this moment, before Rorschach and Fulgrim continued their discussion.

With the sound of slightly hurried footsteps.

Iron Man David, with blue lights flashing in his eyes, quickly entered the palace.

It first bowed in the direction of Rorschach, and then said:
"My lord, you need to meet yourself, a Dalian from the Space Wolves has been transferred to the fleet through the home world!"

Rorschach nodded heavily after hearing the words.

He said calmly:

"Master Bjorn has not forgotten this matter, come on, Fulgrim, let's meet the wolf cubs together."

So, accompanied by Iron Man David.

Rorschach and Fulgrim, who drove the vibrating gold power armor, quickly stepped out of the private palace and walked towards the ceremony hall.

Not long after, Rorschach and the others re-arrived at the ceremony hall and saw at a glance more than 300 space wolves standing on the metal floor and scanning the unfamiliar scene back and forth.

At this moment, a tall figure with a huge white wolf fur wrapped around its thick shoulder armor knelt down on one knee towards Rorschach who had just appeared without any hesitation.

"Blackmane Dalian Wolf Master Ragnar Blackmane, led three hundred Space Wolves veterans to meet Primarch!"

As soon as the words fell, the young wolf master with black hair couldn't help but widen his eyes.

While Rorschach was quickly sizing up the opponent, it was obvious that the young wolf lord was also secretly sizing up the Primarch.

"Young wolf lord Ragnar? Old man Bjorn is really willing to... get up, wild wolf brothers, how many times have I said, don't kneel when you see me as a primarch!"

Rorschach, who grinned with a hint of a smile, immediately shouted to the Space Wolves in front of him.

And the Space Wolves, whose atmosphere was obviously more harmonious than before, also got up one after another.

They quickly approached in front of Rorschach, waiting for the Primarch to be received one by one.

"My lord Primarch, is this lord also..."

At this moment, Young Wolf Lord Ragnar stared at Fulgrim who was standing aside smiling.

He asked Rorschach in front of him with a puzzled expression.

"That's right, he is the Imperial Phoenix Fulgrim. Maybe you have heard of his name and more ancient stories, but now, he has been re-accepted by the Emperor and returned to the Human Empire."

Rorschach, who squinted his eyes, briefly introduced the existence of Fulgrim to the young wolf lord Ragnar.

The specific situation was due to the involvement of Raising Demon Fulgrim.

So Rorschach didn't reveal it in front of many wild wolves.

 thanks for your support!
it's too hot! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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